Notes on Why Greatness Cannot Be Planned

My notes from the book Why Greatness Cannot Be Planned: The Myth of the Objective by Kenneth O. Stanley and Joel Lehman.

Christian Mills


February 23, 2024

Questioning Objectives


The book challenges the traditional focus on objectives in society, proposing that true greatness and discovery often come from less structured and objective-driven approaches. Through various examples, including historical innovations and cultural developments like rock and roll, the authors argue that a preoccupation with objectives may limit potential achievements. They suggest that exploration without specific goals can lead to significant discoveries and advancements, advocating a shift from objective-driven action to open-ended exploration.

Key Concepts

  • Dominance of Objectives: Objectives are deeply ingrained in our culture, guiding personal and societal actions, from early education to professional and personal life.
  • Limitations of Objectives: While objectives can provide direction and a sense of security, they often constrain creativity, exploration, and the potential for major breakthroughs or serendipitous discoveries.
  • The Paradox of Achievement: Ambitious achievements become less likely when they are made objectives. The path to significant discoveries or innovations often involves navigating through unexpected “stepping stones” that may not be directly related to the ultimate goal.
  • Stepping Stones: Achievements are seen as a process of discovery, involving navigating through a vast space of possibilities to find valuable outcomes. The journey to finding these outcomes often requires exploring unexpected paths that are not directly aligned with initial objectives.
  • Open-Ended Exploration: The authors advocate for pursuing exploration and creativity without predefined objectives, highlighting that some of the greatest achievements and discoveries come from such an approach.
  • Critique of Objective Culture: The book critiques the prevalent culture of setting and pursuing objectives, arguing that it limits human potential and creativity. The authors call for a reassessment of how society and individuals approach achievement and success.

Theoretical Insights

  • Search Space Concept: The notion that creativity and achievement are akin to searching through a vast room of possibilities, where understanding and exploring this space can lead to novel discoveries.
  • Creativity as a Search: Creativity is framed as searching for valuable outcomes within a vast set of possibilities, with the process being more about exploration than following a linear path toward a specific objective.
  • Unpredictability of Stepping Stones: The paths to significant achievements often involve stepping stones that are unpredictable and may seem unrelated to the ultimate goal, challenging the effectiveness of setting specific objectives.
  • Objective Paradox: Ambitious objectives can actually become obstacles to the achievements they seek to attain, suggesting that an open-ended exploration without specific goals may be more effective in reaching genuine innovation.


  • Embrace Exploration: Encourage a shift from objective-driven pursuits to open-ended exploration, allowing for greater creativity and the potential for serendipitous discoveries.
  • Redefine Achievement: Challenge the traditional notion that achievements must be goal-oriented, and recognize the value of the journey and exploration in itself.
  • Cultivate Serendipity: Recognize and embrace the role of serendipity in discovery and innovation, rather than relying solely on predefined objectives.
  • Foster Interdisciplinary Connections: Encourage cross-disciplinary pursuits and the exploration of seemingly unrelated fields, as they can lead to unexpected and valuable discoveries.
  • Reassess Personal Goals: Individuals are encouraged to reassess their personal and professional objectives, considering the potential benefits of a more open-ended approach to pursuing their interests and passions.

Additional Insights

  • Historical Perspectives: The book provides historical examples where significant achievements or discoveries were the result of exploration without clear objectives, such as the development of computers and the genre of rock and roll.
  • AI and Objectives: The authors discuss the role of objectives in the field of artificial intelligence, suggesting that even in highly technical fields, an open-ended exploration could be more beneficial than rigid objective-driven approaches.
  • Personal Liberation: Beyond societal and professional implications, the book advocates for a personal liberation from the constraints of objectives, suggesting that this can lead to a more fulfilling and creative life.

Victory For The Aimless


Chapter 2 argues that many of life’s greatest successes do not follow a pre-planned path but are the result of serendipity and openness to unexpected opportunities. It presents numerous examples of individuals who found success in fields unrelated to their original plans or objectives, including Johnny Depp, John Grisham, J.K. Rowling, and Colonel Sanders among others. The text emphasizes the importance of flexibility and being receptive to unforeseen possibilities, highlighting that a willingness to deviate from one’s initial objectives can lead to remarkable outcomes.

Key Concepts

  • Serendipity in Success: Many successful careers and achievements arise from unplanned, unexpected opportunities rather than strict adherence to an initial plan.
  • Openness to Opportunity: Being open and flexible to change can be more crucial to finding happiness and success than rigorous planning.
  • Stepping Stones to Success: Initial goals or careers often end up serving as stepping stones to different, sometimes unrelated, successes.
  • The Limitations of Objective Thinking: The narrative challenges the conventional wisdom of setting realistic, objective goals, suggesting instead that aimlessness can lead to greatness.

Noteworthy Facts

  • Impact of Serendipity: Nearly two thirds of adults attribute part of their career choice to serendipity.
  • Academic Backing: The chapter references studies and surveys that support the notion that unplanned experiences significantly influence career paths and personal growth.
  • Historical Examples: It provides historical accounts of figures like Raymond Chandler and Colonel Sanders, who only found their iconic careers at a later stage in life through incidental circumstances.

Practical Implications

  • Career Guidance: Suggests that career counseling and guidance might benefit from incorporating an understanding of serendipity and the value of openness to various experiences.
  • Education Systems: Educational systems and methods could be reevaluated to foster a greater sense of exploration and discovery, rather than overly focusing on specific objectives.
  • Personal Development: Individuals seeking fulfillment and success may consider valuing flexibility and openness over stringent adherence to predefined goals.

Additional Insights

  • Paradox of Objectives: The chapter delves into the paradox that sometimes, not directly pursuing an ambitious objective (like love or happiness) can paradoxically lead to attaining it.
  • Cultural Instances of Serendipity: It also touches on the broader cultural recognition of the power of serendipity, even if it’s not always termed as such, in stories of love and in various hobbies that evolve into careers.


  • Embrace Openness: Encourage individuals to remain open to new experiences and be willing to diverge from their original paths in pursuit of happiness and success.
  • Valuing Serendipity: Suggest societal and cultural shifts towards valuing serendipity and the unexpected in personal development and career planning.
  • Non-Objective Exploration: Advocate for exploration without a fixed objective in various areas of life, from education to career, to foster greater potential for discovery and fulfillment.

The Art Of Breeding Art


Chapter 3 discusses the concept that setting specific objectives might hinder rather than help achieve groundbreaking outcomes, as evidenced by the development and results of Picbreeder, a platform that allows users to “breed” pictures, leading to unexpected artistic creations. The principle learned from Picbreeder’s success is that open-minded exploration, rather than a strict focus on objectives, often leads to the most significant discoveries. This insight is suggested to be applicable beyond Picbreeder, impacting various aspects of life and efforts to achieve goals.

Key Concepts

  • Questioning Objectives: The authors challenge the common practice of setting objectives, suggesting that it may be counterproductive.
  • Picbreeder Platform: An experiment in artificial intelligence allowing users to breed artistic images through a process similar to animal breeding, but with pictures.
  • Genetic Art: A concept based on artificial “DNA” for pictures, inspired by Richard Dawkins’ work, that enables the breeding of images to produce unique artworks.
  • Serendipity in Discovery: The most successful outcomes on Picbreeder come from unexpected, serendipitous discoveries rather than from pursuing specific objectives.

Noteworthy Facts

  • Origin of Genetic Art: Inspired by Richard Dawkins’ The Blind Watchmaker, genetic art involves creating images based on artificial DNA.
  • Impact of Objectives: Evidence from Picbreeder suggests that setting objectives can be an obstacle to creativity and discovery.
  • Role of Serendipity: Key discoveries on Picbreeder, such as the creation of a car image from an alien face, resulted from unplanned, serendipitous mutations rather than targeted objectives.

Practical Implications

  • Designing AI Systems: The insights from Picbreeder can influence how artificial intelligence systems are designed, emphasizing exploration over objective-driven approaches.
  • Creativity Process: The principle that objectives might hinder discovery can apply to artistic creation, research, and development, suggesting a more exploratory and open-minded approach instead.

Supporting Evidence

  • Picbreeder Success Stories: Several instances on Picbreeder, such as the unplanned evolution of a car image from an alien face, illustrate the power of serendipity over objectives.
  • Research Validation: Studies cited by the authors, including their own work published in academic conferences, validate the deleterious effects of a priori objectives on evolution and representation.


  • Encouraging Exploration: In fields ranging from AI development to creative arts, fostering an environment that prioritizes exploration and open-mindedness over strict objectives could lead to more significant breakthroughs.
  • Reevaluating Objectives: Individuals and organizations could benefit from reevaluating how objectives are set and pursued, considering the potential limitations they impose on discovery and innovation.

The False Compass


  • Chapter 4 discusses the limitations of objective-driven approaches in achieving greatness or innovation, illustrating this through metaphors like the stepping stones across a misty lake and the Chinese finger trap. It argues that focusing too closely on a specific objective can lead to deception, diverting us from potential paths to unexpected discoveries.
  • The concept of non-objective searching, or collecting stepping stones without a specific end objective, is presented as an alternative approach to discovery and innovation, exemplified by natural evolution, human innovation, and systems like Picbreeder.
  • The text challenges the conventional wisdom that clear, ambitious objectives are essential for success, suggesting instead that significant achievements often result from indirect, unanticipated paths.

Key Concepts

  • Stepping Stones: Represent the waypoints in any large, uncharted search space, critical in the path to discovery or achievement.
  • Objective Function: A measure of progress towards a goal, which can be misleading if improvement in the measure doesn’t actually bring one closer to the objective.
  • Deception: The problem arising when the path to an objective includes steps that do not appear to bring one closer to, or even seem to diverge from, the ultimate goal.
  • Non-Objective Systems of Discovery: Systems like Picbreeder, natural evolution, and human innovation, which operate without a final objective and instead focus on collecting useful or innovative “stepping stones” without a specific end goal in mind.

Noteworthy Facts

  • The human brain, created by natural evolution, consists of approx. 100 trillion neural connections.
  • Evolutionary stepping stones to human-level intelligence included developments such as multicellularity and bilateral symmetry, which do not resemble the end result.
  • Many of humanity’s greatest achievements, like flight or the discovery of electricity, were not the explicit objectives of their inventors’ initial endeavors.

Practical Implications

  • In pursuing ambitious goals, whether in personal, academic, or professional realms, a non-objective approach (focusing on collecting and exploring stepping stones) might lead to greater innovation and unexpected success.
  • Instead of setting a direct path towards an ambitious objective, it could be more productive to embrace uncertainty and remain open to paths that initially do not seem to lead directly to the goal.


  • Embrace a stepping-stone approach to discovery and innovation, focusing on exploring and collecting a wide range of experiences, skills, and knowledge without always having a clear, final objective in mind.
  • Regularly reassess and question the relevance of conventional objective functions and the direction they are guiding you towards, to avoid the traps of deception.
  • Foster environments, whether in education, business, or technology development, that encourage non-linear paths and value the exploration of diverse and unexpected stepping stones.

The Interesting And The Novel


Chapter 5 discusses the limitations of setting specific objectives for innovation and progress, arguing that such focus can inhibit discovery by overlooking unexpected or non-linear paths to success. Instead, it promotes the concept of seeking novelty without a predefined goal, highlighting how this approach can lead to serendipitous discoveries and advance knowledge in ways that strictly goal-oriented strategies cannot. Through examples like Picbreeder and algorithmic explorations, the text underscores the power of novelty search in driving innovation and reflecting on the natural world’s complexity through non-objective search processes.

Key Concepts

  • Novelty Over Objectives: Emphasizes the importance of seeking newness rather than strictly adhering to predefined goals.
  • Stepping Stones: The chapter introduces the concept of identifying and valuing stepping stones - interim discoveries or achievements that may lead to unforeseen outcomes, not necessarily tied to an initial objective.
  • Interestingness as a Guide: Proposes that what is interesting or novel can be more valuable in the long run than what is strictly useful or goal-oriented at the start.
  • Non-objective Search Processes: Contrasts objective-driven search with non-objective or novelty-driven search, showing how the latter can lead to unexpected and often more fruitful outcomes.


  • New Year’s resolutions often fail, with only 12% of people achieving their stated goals.
  • Traditional objectives can be limiting, as they may not account for unforeseen stepping stones that are critical for reaching new frontiers of discovery.
  • Algorithms can be designed to seek novelty without specific objectives, leading to potentially groundbreaking discoveries.

Practical Implications

  • Rethinking Goal Setting: Encourages individuals and organizations to evaluate the potential limitations of rigid goal setting and consider the benefits of open-ended exploration.
  • Innovation Strategies: Suggests that industries focused on innovation might benefit from incorporating novelty search in their research and development processes.
  • Educational Approaches: Proposes a shift in educational strategies to foster creativity and discovery, emphasizing exploration over rote achievement of predefined objectives.


  • Consider adopting novelty search principles in problem-solving and creative endeavors to unlock potential avenues of innovation that may not be apparent from the outset.
  • In goal setting, allow for flexibility and the pursuit of interesting or novel paths that may divert from original objectives but offer valuable discoveries.
  • Incorporate the assessment of past achievements as stepping stones in the pursuit of novelty, rather than focusing solely on the future goals.

Additional Insights

  • Historical Examples of Serendipitous Discoveries: The chapter highlights how many significant scientific discoveries were not the result of direct pursuit of a specific goal but rather emerged from curiosity-driven exploration.
  • Limitations of Novelty Search: While advocating for the benefits of novelty search, the text acknowledges its limitations and the fact that it’s not a panacea for all challenges in discovery and innovation.
  • The Role of Constraints: Discusses how the constraints of the physical world naturally limit the scope of novelty search, making it a practical approach despite initial appearances of aimlessness.

Long Live The Treasure Hunter


Chapter 6 delves into the limitations and potential of novelty search, a method that often yields better results when not directly pursuing specific objectives. Despite its potential, novelty search is not a universal solution, and combining it with objective-driven methods does not reliably overcome the issue of deception inherent in ambitious goals. The discussion transitions into exploring the broader implications of moving away from objective-based approaches to embrace a treasure-hunting mindset that values diversity and serendipitous discovery over direct goal pursuit.

Key Concepts

  • Novelty Search: A method that can sometimes outperform objective-driven searches by valuing diversity and exploration over direct goal pursuit.
  • Objective-Driven Search: The traditional method focused on achieving specific, pre-defined goals, which can sometimes be deceiving or limit discovery.


  • Novelty search illustrates the power of serendipitous discovery, showing that not directly seeking an objective can lead to unexpected and valuable outcomes.
  • The limitations of objective-driven search become evident in complex or deceptive environments where direct approaches towards goals can mislead or fail.
  • Embracing a treasure-hunting approach means discarding the notion of a unified objective in favor of exploring a diversity of possibilities and being open to serendipitous discoveries.

Noteworthy Facts

  • Novelty search has proven more successful in some experiments, such as with maze-navigating robots and biped walking, than traditional objective-driven methods.
  • Critical analysis and scientific experiments underline the limitations and potential deception inherent in exclusively objective-driven pursuits, demonstrating the value of novelty search.

Critical Analysis

  • Objective-driven searches are not always optimal, especially in complex situations where the pathway to success is not straightforward or is unknown at the outset.
  • The concept of objectives as a guiding compass is challenged, showing that a rigid focus can sometimes hinder discovery and innovation.

Practical Implications

  • For researchers and practitioners, understanding the limitations and potential of novelty search vs. objective-driven search can inspire new approaches to problem-solving and innovation.
  • This insight encourages a shift towards fostering environments where exploration, serendipity, and diversity of ideas are valued over single-minded pursuit of pre-defined goals.


  • In Research: Incorporate novelty search principles to explore a broader space of possibilities in scientific and technological research.
  • In Innovation: Adopt a treasure hunter’s mindset to encourage diversity and serendipity in the development of new ideas, products, and solutions.
  • In Organizational Strategy: Create environments that value exploration and diversity of thought, moving away from rigid objective-only focused approaches.

Additional Insights

  • The treasure hunter approach to discovery and innovation aligns closely with natural evolution, human innovation, and processes like Picbreeder, showcasing the potential for untapped discoveries when not solely driven by predefined objectives.
  • This approach could revolutionize various fields by fostering a culture that prioritizes exploration and the accumulation of a diverse set of ‘stepping stones’ over direct pursuit of specific targets.

Unshackling Education


Chapter 7 discusses the detrimental effects of society’s obsession with objectives, particularly within the education system. It argues that focusing on measurable objectives, such as standardized test scores, not only fails to improve outcomes but can also lead to unintended negative consequences.

The text delves into various aspects of how objectives can mislead and hinder societal progress, emphasizing education as a case study. It challenges the reliance on standardized testing and the push towards uniform standards, advocating for a non-objective approach that embraces exploration, creativity, and diversity.

Key Concepts

  • Objective Obsession: The societal fixation on measurable goals and benchmarks, which often leads to deceptive practices and stifles creativity.
  • Campbell’s Law: A principle stating that the more an indicator is used for social decision-making, the more it will corrupt the processes it is intended to monitor.
  • Perverse Incentives: When measures designed to improve a situation end up causing negative, unintended consequences.

Noteworthy Facts

  • Standardized testing and the focus on measurable outcomes can distort true learning and development.
  • Objective-driven approaches in societal progress can be deceptive, preventing the discovery of superior results.
  • Examples of perverse incentives include breeding cobras for bounties in India, which increased the venomous snake population instead of decreasing it.

Critical Analysis

  • The reliance on objectives for societal progress, especially in education, is critiqued. The text presents evidence and arguments suggesting that objectives often lead to superficial or counterproductive outcomes.
  • The discussion on non-objective approaches to discovery and creativity presents an alternative to the traditional objective-driven mindset, particularly in education and innovation.

Recommendations for Education

  • Shift Away from Standardized Testing: Emphasize diverse and explorative learning over objective measures like test scores.
  • Encourage Teacher Autonomy: Grant teachers the freedom to innovate and tailor their teaching methods based on student needs, moving away from a one-size-fits-all curriculum.
  • Foster Diversity of Ideas: Avoid uniform standards that stifle creativity and exploration, allowing for a variety of educational practices and assessments.
  • Peer-Driven Assessment: Implement a system where teachers review each other’s methodologies and outcomes instead of relying on standardized tests, promoting a culture of sharing and improvement.

Additional Insights

  • The critique of objective-driven efforts extends beyond education to broader societal goals, including economic indicators like GDP.
  • The narrative suggests that focusing on stepping stones, explorative processes, and divergent thinking can lead to significant discoveries and advancements, contrary to traditional objective-focused approaches.

Future Perspectives

  • The discussion hints at the potential for innovative breakthroughs in education, society, and beyond if non-objective thinking and exploration are embraced more broadly.
  • There’s a call to reassess and possibly reframe societal goals and measures of success, moving away from purely objective benchmarks towards more nuanced and holistic approaches.

Unchaining Innovation


Chapter 8 delves into the impact of objective-driven pursuits on innovation across multiple domains, including science, business, and art. It highlights the historical drive for exploration and innovation, contrasting traditional exploration of the physical world with contemporary exploration in the realm of ideas. The narrative underscores the pitfalls of focusing solely on predefined objectives in the pursuit of scientific progress, arguing for a more open-ended approach that embraces uncertainty and the serendipitous discovery of stepping stones to advance knowledge and technology.

Key Concepts

  • The Myth of the Objective: The belief that defining clear, specific objectives is the best way to achieve progress and innovation.
  • Stepping Stones: Unpredictable discoveries or ideas that lead to significant progress, but whose value may not be immediately evident.
  • Non-objective Exploration: An approach that values curiosity-driven exploration without a predetermined goal, allowing for serendipity and unexpected discoveries.


  • Innovation and exploration have historically been driven by a blend of curiosity, the promise of rewards, and the acceptance of risks.
  • The pursuit of predefined objectives can hinder scientific innovation by limiting funding to projects with clear, consensus-driven goals, ignoring the potential of risky or unconventional ideas.
  • The most transformational discoveries often arise from unpredictable stepping stones rather than direct, objective-driven research.

Noteworthy Facts

  • Magellan’s and Giovanni da Verrazzano’s expeditions, despite their significant risks and minimal immediate rewards, paved the way for future geographical and cultural explorations.
  • Scientific progress, such as internet-based communication, significantly transformed human life within a relatively short timeframe.


  • Funding Diverse Paths: Embrace a funding model that values divergent thinking and the exploration of unpredictable stepping stones, even at the risk of short-term failures.
  • Valuing Disagreement: Consider funding scientific projects that polarize expert opinions, as they may represent uncharted territories with the potential for breakthrough discoveries.
  • Beyond Objective Metrics: Move away from objective-driven metrics in evaluating the potential impact of scientific research, recognizing the role of serendipity and the unpredictability of stepping stones.

Additional Insights

  • The narratives of historical explorers and modern scientific endeavors underscore a universal truth: genuine progress often stems from venturing into the unknown, guided by curiosity rather than a rigid set of objectives.
  • The critique of objective-based thinking in scientific funding sheds light on broader societal and cultural dynamics that favor conformity and risk aversion, potentially at the expense of groundbreaking innovations.

Farewell To The Mirage


  • Chapter 9 argues against the traditional emphasis on objectives, suggesting that they can often hinder creativity, discovery, and true innovation.
  • Through examples across different domains, it’s shown that an objective-driven approach might limit potential by narrowing focus, whereas exploring without fixed objectives can lead to significant, unforeseen accomplishments.
  • It stresses the importance of interestingness and novelty as guiding principles in the pursuit of innovation rather than rigid objectives.
  • Real-life success stories, like the development of Minecraft and the release of the iPad, illustrate how moving beyond traditional goals can lead to groundbreaking results.

Key Concepts

  • Objective Myth: The belief that setting and pursuing fixed objectives is the best way to achieve success.
  • Stepping Stone Principle: The idea that one innovation or discovery leads to another, forming a chain of progression that cannot be planned in advance.
  • Treasure Hunter Approach: A metaphor for exploring and pursuing what feels interesting or novel without a predefined objective or goal.

Noteworthy Facts

  • Novelty searching, as demonstrated through algorithms in robotics, showed that not having a specific end-goal can lead to more sophisticated and unexpected outcomes.
  • Examples like Minecraft and the iPad demonstrate how groundbreaking ideas often stem from combining existing concepts in new ways, without following a strict objective.
  • Great achievements historically have often resulted from curiosity-driven exploration rather than objective-driven efforts.

Practical Implications

  • Encourages individuals and organizations to shift from an objective-centered approach to one that values exploration, interestingness, and novelty.
  • Suggests that success and innovation can be achieved by focusing on the current context and building upon it, rather than striving towards a distant, predefined goal.
  • Proposes that the best way to encourage creativity and discovery is to allow for divergent paths and to explore based on what feels interesting or promising.


  • Embrace exploration and curiosity in personal endeavors and organizational innovation strategies.
  • Cultivate an ability to perceive and pursue what is interesting or novel without being constrained by specific objectives.
  • Encourage diverse thinking and approaches in problem-solving to allow for a broader range of discoveries and innovations.
  • Invest in projects and ideas that, although may not have a clear objective, show promise of leading to new opportunities or developments.

Additional Insights

  • The concept of interestingness as a guiding principle suggests a more personalized and instinct-driven approach to innovation, which may align better with human creativity than rigid objectives.
  • The success of ventures like Minecraft and the iPad underlines the potential of innovation that arises from exploring combinations of existing ideas in new contexts, challenging the necessity of revolutionary technology for success.
  • The treasure hunter metaphor emphasizes the value of serendipity and the unforeseen connections between ideas, suggesting a more flexible and dynamic approach to progress.

Reinterpreting Natural Evolution


Chapter 10 explores the idea that the creative and diverse outcomes of processes like natural evolution are not the result of objective-driven pursuits but rather emerge from non-objective, exploratory mechanisms. The book challenges traditional views of goal-oriented progression in evolution, suggesting that the diversity and complexity of life arise from a process that accumulates novelties and explores different ways to achieve basic survival and reproduction, akin to non-objective searches observed in other domains.

Key Concepts

  • Non-Objective Search: A mechanism that promotes exploration and discovery without predefined objectives, diverging from traditional goal-driven models.
  • Natural Evolution: Presented as an ultimate example of non-objective search, creating vast biodiversity through processes like genetic drift, mutation, natural selection, and exaptation without an overarching objective.
  • Darwin’s Discovery: Illuminates that slight imperfections in self-copying mechanisms (mutations) combined with natural selection drive the evolutionary process, countering the perception of intelligent design.
  • Fitness and Natural Selection: Clarified as not the sole drivers of evolution; competition exists but is only one of many forces, and not necessarily the one fostering the most creativity and diversity.
  • Perspectives on Evolution: Different interpretations of evolution’s mechanisms highlight debates within the field, such as the importance of natural selection versus other forces like genetic drift or the role of historical contingencies.
  • Minimal Criteria Search: A proposed model for understanding evolution, focusing on the accumulation of diverse forms of life that meet the basic criteria of surviving and reproducing rather than optimizing for specific objectives.

Noteworthy Facts

  • Life on Earth began with simple single-celled organisms, which still dominate in terms of numbers and biomass, despite the emergence of complex multicellular life.
  • The Cambrian explosion was a pivotal event in natural evolution, leading to the diversification of complex organisms over a relatively short geological period.


  • Re-evaluation of Objectives in Research and Exploration: Suggests shifting focus from objective-driven to non-objective searches in various fields, potentially leading to more diverse and creative outcomes.
  • Application of Non-Objective Models: Encourages the application of concepts like minimal criteria searches and novelty search with local competition in computational and robotic systems to mimic the diversification seen in natural evolution.

Additional Insights

  • The book posits an interesting parallel between natural evolution and human innovation processes, highlighting the commonality of serendipity and the accumulation of novelties over the pursuit of specific objectives.
  • It proposes reinterpreting natural evolution through the lens of non-objective search, offering an alternative perspective that centers on evolution’s creativity and accumulation of diversity rather than on competitiveness and objective fitness.

Objectives And The Quest For AI


Chapter 11 explores the impact of goal-oriented thinking in scientific discovery, particularly in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). It presents a critical examination of how the reliance on objectives and benchmarks can stifle innovation and overlook important insights or alternative research paths.

Through analysis and case studies, the text argues for a more open-ended approach to scientific inquiry and AI research, suggesting that unexpected discoveries and progress often result from exploratory processes rather than targeted searches for predetermined goals.

Key Concepts

  • Objective-Driven Thinking: A common approach in both society and science where progress is measured against specific, predefined goals.
  • Science and Innovation: Recognized for advancing human knowledge and capabilities, science’s progress is attributed to both structured and exploratory research.
  • AI Research Landscape: Highlighted as a field striving for the ambitious goal of creating highly intelligent machines, AI research is shaped by its community’s focus on objectives, benchmarks, and peer reviews.


  • Emphasizing “anything goes” in scientific inquiry can prevent the limiting effects of strictly adhering to traditional methods and objectives.
  • The structure of scientific communities, including specialization and cultural differences, significantly influences the progress and direction of research.
  • The practice of setting objectives can inadvertently narrow the scope of inquiry and innovation within the scientific community and specifically within AI research.


  • Promote Open-Ended Exploration: Encourage research approaches that allow for divergence from established goals to ensure a broader exploration of possibilities.
  • Rethink Peer Review and Publication Norms: Adjust the criteria for evaluating and sharing scientific work to value innovation and potential impact over adherence to benchmarks and performance metrics.
  • Cultivate Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Encourage collaboration across different scientific disciplines to foster new perspectives and breakthroughs that might not emerge within the confines of specialized communities.

Critical Analysis

  • The reliance on objectives and benchmarks in AI research may unknowingly limit the exploration of novel and potentially groundbreaking ideas.
  • The structural and cultural dynamics of scientific communities play critical roles in shaping research agendas and determining which paths of inquiry are pursued or neglected.
  • The evaluation processes, including peer review in scientific publication, may need reform to better reward innovative thinking and exploratory research efforts.

Additional Insights

  • As illustrated by the case study of AI, the challenge lies not in abandoning goals entirely but in recognizing and leveraging the unanticipated directions and opportunities that arise during the exploratory process.