Training YOLOX Models for Real-Time Object Detection in PyTorch
- Introduction
- Getting Started with the Code
- Setting Up Your Python Environment
- Importing the Required Dependencies
- Setting Up the Project
- Loading and Exploring the Dataset
- Selecting a Model
- Preparing the Data
- Fine-tuning the Model
- Making Predictions with the Model
- Conclusion
Welcome to this hands-on guide to training real-time object detection models in PyTorch. Object detectors can identify and locate multiple objects within images and videos, allowing you to quantify them and track their location. The YOLOX model we’ll use is fast and accurate, making it well-suited for real-time applications.
In this tutorial, we create a hand gesture detector that identifies and locates various hand gestures within images. Real-time gesture detection has many applications ranging from human-computer interaction and sign-language interpretation to augmented reality and interactive gaming experiences.
After completing the tutorial, you will have a real-time gesture detector, plus a blueprint for training YOLOX models on other object detection tasks. You can then deploy models trained with this tutorial’s code in real-time applications. For an example, check out the demo video below from a project made with the Unity game engine.
This tutorial is suitable for anyone with rudimentary PyTorch experience. If you are new to PyTorch and want to start with a beginner-focused project, check out my tutorial on fine-tuning image classifiers.
Getting Started with the Code
The tutorial code is available as a Jupyter Notebook, which you can run locally or in a cloud-based environment like Google Colab. I have dedicated tutorials for those new to these platforms or who need guidance setting up:
Platform | Jupyter Notebook | Utility File |
Google Colab | Open In Colab | |
Linux | GitHub Repository | |
Windows | GitHub Repository | |
The code in this tutorial targets Linux platforms, but most of it should also work on macOS and Windows.
However, Python multiprocessing works differently on those platforms, requiring some changes to leverage multi-processing for the DataLoader
I’ve made a dedicated version of the tutorial code to run on Windows. The included changes should also work on macOS, but I don’t have a Mac to verify.
I’ve added a notebook for training models on the COCO dataset to this tutorial’s GitHub repository. You can modify it to train models on other datasets that follow the COCO annotation format.
Setting Up Your Python Environment
Before diving into the code, we’ll cover the steps to create a local Python environment and install the necessary dependencies. The dedicated Colab Notebook includes the code to install the required dependencies in Google Colab.
Creating a Python Environment
First, we’ll create a Python environment using Conda/Mamba. Open a terminal with Conda/Mamba installed and run the following commands:
# Create a new Python 3.10 environment
conda create --name pytorch-env python=3.10 -y
# Activate the environment
conda activate pytorch-env
# Create a new Python 3.10 environment
mamba create --name pytorch-env python=3.10 -y
# Activate the environment
mamba activate pytorch-env
Installing PyTorch
Next, we’ll install PyTorch. Run the appropriate command for your hardware and operating system.
# Install PyTorch with CUDA
pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url
# MPS (Metal Performance Shaders) acceleration is available on MacOS 12.3+
pip install torch torchvision torchaudio
# Install PyTorch for CPU only
pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url
# Install PyTorch for CPU only
pip install torch torchvision torchaudio
Installing Additional Libraries
We also need to install some additional libraries for our project.
Package | Description |
jupyter |
An open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text. (link) |
matplotlib |
This package provides a comprehensive collection of visualization tools to create high-quality plots, charts, and graphs for data exploration and presentation. (link) |
pandas |
This package provides fast, powerful, and flexible data analysis and manipulation tools. (link) |
pillow |
The Python Imaging Library adds image processing capabilities. (link) |
torchtnt |
A library for PyTorch training tools and utilities. (link) |
tqdm |
A Python library that provides fast, extensible progress bars for loops and other iterable objects in Python. (link) |
tabulate |
Pretty-print tabular data in Python. (link) |
pyarrow |
This library provides a Python API for functionality provided by the Arrow C++ libraries, along with tools for Arrow integration and interoperability with pandas. (link) |
fastparquet |
A python implementation of the parquet format, used implicitly by Pandas. (link) |
distinctipy |
A lightweight python package providing functions to generate colours that are visually distinct from one another. (link) |
Run the following commands to install these additional libraries:
# Install additional dependencies
pip install distinctipy jupyter matplotlib pandas pillow torchtnt==0.2.0 tqdm
# Install extra dependencies for pandas
pip install tabulate pyarrow fastparquet
Installing Utility Packages
Walking through the code for the YOLOX model and the code for computing loss values during training would make this tutorial unreasonably long. Therefore, I included that code in a dedicated pip package. A link to the documentation is available in the table below.
We’ll also install some additional packages I made to help us handle images, interact with PyTorch, and work with Pandas DataFrames. These utility packages provide shortcuts for routine tasks and keep our code clean and readable.
Package | Description |
cjm_pandas_utils |
Some utility functions for working with Pandas. (link) |
cjm_pil_utils |
Some PIL utility functions I frequently use. (link) |
cjm_psl_utils |
Some utility functions using the Python Standard Library. (link) |
cjm_pytorch_utils |
Some utility functions for working with PyTorch. (link) |
cjm_torchvision_tfms |
Some custom Torchvision tranforms. (link) |
cjm_yolox_pytorch |
A PyTorch implementation of the YOLOX object detection model based on OpenMMLab’s implementation in the mmdetection library. (link) |
Run the following commands to install the utility packages:
# Install YOLOX utility package
pip install cjm_yolox_pytorch
# Install additional utility packages
pip install cjm_pandas_utils cjm_pil_utils cjm_psl_utils cjm_pytorch_utils cjm_torchvision_tfms
Importing the Required Dependencies
With our environment set up, let’s dive into the code. First, we will import the necessary Python packages into our Jupyter Notebook.
# Import Python Standard Library dependencies
import datetime
from functools import partial
from glob import glob
import json
import math
import multiprocessing
import os
from pathlib import Path
import random
# Import utility functions
from cjm_psl_utils.core import download_file, file_extract
from cjm_pil_utils.core import resize_img, get_img_files, stack_imgs
from cjm_pytorch_utils.core import tensor_to_pil, get_torch_device, set_seed, denorm_img_tensor
from cjm_pandas_utils.core import markdown_to_pandas, convert_to_numeric, convert_to_string
from cjm_torchvision_tfms.core import ResizeMax, PadSquare, CustomRandomIoUCrop, CustomRandomAugment
# Import YOLOX package
from cjm_yolox_pytorch.model import build_model, MODEL_CFGS, NORM_STATS
from cjm_yolox_pytorch.utils import generate_output_grids
from cjm_yolox_pytorch.loss import YOLOXLoss
from cjm_yolox_pytorch.inference import YOLOXInferenceWrapper
# Import the distinctipy module
from distinctipy import distinctipy
# Import matplotlib for creating plots
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Import numpy
import numpy as np
# Import the pandas package
import pandas as pd
# Do not truncate the contents of cells and display all rows and columns
'max_colwidth', None, 'display.max_rows', None, 'display.max_columns', None)
# Import PIL for image manipulation
from PIL import Image
# Import PyTorch dependencies
import torch
from torch.amp import autocast
from torch.cuda.amp import GradScaler
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from import Dataset, DataLoader
from torchtnt.utils import get_module_summary
# Import torchvision dependencies
import torchvision
torchvision.disable_beta_transforms_warning()from torchvision.tv_tensors import BoundingBoxes
from torchvision.utils import draw_bounding_boxes
import torchvision.transforms.v2 as transforms
from torchvision.transforms.v2 import functional as TF
# Import tqdm for progress bar
from import tqdm
Setting Up the Project
In this section, we set up some basics for our project, such as initializing random number generators, setting the PyTorch device to run the model, and preparing the folders for our project and datasets.
Setting a Random Number Seed
First, we set the seed for generating random numbers using the set_seed
function from the cjm_pytorch_utils
# Set the seed for generating random numbers in PyTorch, NumPy, and Python's random module.
= 1234
seed set_seed(seed)
Setting the Device and Data Type
Next, we determine the device to use for training and set the data type of our tensors using the get_torch_device
function from the cjm_pytorch_utils
= get_torch_device()
device = torch.float32
dtype device, dtype
('cuda', torch.float32)
Setting the Directory Paths
We can then set up a directory for our project to store our results and other related files. The following code creates the folder in the current directory (./
). Update the path if that is not suitable for you.
We also need a place to store our datasets and a location to download the zip file containing the dataset. Readers following the tutorial on their local machine should select locations with read and write access to store archive files and datasets. For a cloud service like Google Colab, you can set it to the current directory.
# The name for the project
= f"pytorch-yolox-object-detector"
# The path for the project folder
= Path(f"./{project_name}/")
# Create the project directory if it does not already exist
=True, exist_ok=True)
# Define path to store datasets
= Path("/mnt/980_1TB_2/Datasets/")
dataset_dir # Create the dataset directory if it does not exist
=True, exist_ok=True)
# Define path to store archive files
= dataset_dir/'../Archive'
archive_dir # Create the archive directory if it does not exist
=True, exist_ok=True)
pd.Series({"Project Directory:": project_dir,
"Dataset Directory:": dataset_dir,
"Archive Directory:": archive_dir
='columns') }).to_frame().style.hide(axis
Project Directory: | pytorch-yolox-object-detector |
Dataset Directory: | /mnt/980_1TB_2/Datasets |
Archive Directory: | /mnt/980_1TB_2/Datasets/../Archive |
Double-check the project and dataset directories exist in the specified paths and that you can add files to them before continuing. At this point, our project is set up and ready to go. In the next section, we will download and explore the dataset.
Loading and Exploring the Dataset
Now that we set up the project, we can start working with our dataset. The dataset is a downscaled subset of HaGRID (HAnd Gesture Recognition Image Dataset), which contains 18 distinct hand gestures and an additional no_gesture
class for idle hands.
I made four subsets of different sizes available on Hugging Face Hub. The most compact subset of the dataset is approximately 1 GB, with 31,833 samples. You will need about 2 GB to store the archive file and extracted dataset.
We will download and access the dataset directly rather than through Hugging Face’s Datasets library.
Setting the Dataset Path
We first need to construct the name for the chosen Hugging Face Hub dataset and define where to download and extract the dataset.
# Set the name of the dataset
= 'hagrid-sample-30k-384p'
dataset_name # dataset_name = 'hagrid-sample-120k-384p'
# dataset_name = 'hagrid-sample-250k-384p'
# dataset_name = 'hagrid-sample-500k-384p'
# Construct the HuggingFace Hub dataset name by combining the username and dataset name
= f'cj-mills/{dataset_name}'
# Create the path to the zip file that contains the dataset
= Path(f'{archive_dir}/{dataset_name}.zip')
# Create the path to the directory where the dataset will be extracted
= Path(f'{dataset_dir}/{dataset_name}')
pd.Series({"HuggingFace Dataset:": hf_dataset,
"Archive Path:": archive_path,
"Dataset Path:": dataset_path
='columns') }).to_frame().style.hide(axis
HuggingFace Dataset: | cj-mills/hagrid-sample-30k-384p |
Archive Path: | /mnt/980_1TB_2/Datasets/../Archive/ |
Dataset Path: | /mnt/980_1TB_2/Datasets/hagrid-sample-30k-384p |
Downloading the Dataset
We can now download the dataset archive file and extract the dataset using the download_file
and file_extract
functions from the cjm_psl_utils
package. We can delete the archive afterward to save space.
# Construct the HuggingFace Hub dataset URL
= f"{hf_dataset}/resolve/main/{dataset_name}.zip"
dataset_url print(f"HuggingFace Dataset URL: {dataset_url}")
# Set whether to delete the archive file after extracting the dataset
= True
# Download the dataset if not present
if dataset_path.is_dir():
print("Dataset folder already exists")
print("Downloading dataset...")
download_file(dataset_url, archive_dir)
print("Extracting dataset...")
=archive_path, dest=dataset_dir)
# Delete the archive if specified
if delete_archive: archive_path.unlink()
Getting the Image and Annotation Folders
The dataset has two folders containing the sample images and annotation files. The image folder organizes samples for each gesture class into separate subfolders. Each image subfolder has a corresponding JSON annotation file.
# Create a list of the items in the 'dataset_path' directory
= [item for item in dataset_path.iterdir() if item.is_dir()]
# Get the path of the 'ann_train_val' directory
= dataset_path/'ann_train_val'
# Remove the 'ann_train_val' directory from the list of items
# Get the path of the remaining directory, which is assumed to be the image directory
= dir_content[0]
# Print the paths of the annotation and image directories
print(f"Annotation Directory: {annotation_dir}")
print(f"Image Directory: {img_dir}")
# Get a list of files in the 'annotation_dir' directory
= list(annotation_dir.glob('*.json'))
# Get a list of folders in the 'img_dir' directory
= [folder for folder in img_dir.iterdir() if folder.is_dir()]
# Display the names of the folders using a Pandas DataFrame
"Image Folder": [ for folder in img_folder_paths],
pd.DataFrame({"Annotation File":[ for file in annotation_file_paths]})
Annotation Directory: /mnt/980_1TB_2/Datasets/hagrid-sample-30k-384p/ann_train_val
Image Directory: /mnt/980_1TB_2/Datasets/hagrid-sample-30k-384p/hagrid_30k
Image Folder | Annotation File | |
0 | train_val_call | call.json |
1 | train_val_dislike | dislike.json |
2 | train_val_fist | fist.json |
3 | train_val_four | four.json |
4 | train_val_like | like.json |
5 | train_val_mute | mute.json |
6 | train_val_ok | ok.json |
7 | train_val_one | one.json |
8 | train_val_palm | palm.json |
9 | train_val_peace | peace.json |
10 | train_val_peace_inverted | peace_inverted.json |
11 | train_val_rock | rock.json |
12 | train_val_stop | stop.json |
13 | train_val_stop_inverted | stop_inverted.json |
14 | train_val_three | three.json |
15 | train_val_three2 | three2.json |
16 | train_val_two_up | two_up.json |
17 | train_val_two_up_inverted | two_up_inverted.json |
Get Image File Paths
Each image file has a unique name that we can use to locate the corresponding annotation data. Let’s make a dictionary that maps image names to file paths. The dictionary will allow us to retrieve the file path for a given image more efficiently.
# Get all image files in the 'img_dir' directory
= {
img_dict file.stem : file # Create a dictionary that maps file names to file paths
for folder in img_folder_paths # Iterate through each image folder
for file in get_img_files(folder) # Get a list of image files in each image folder
# Print the number of image files
print(f"Number of Images: {len(img_dict)}")
# Display the first five entries from the dictionary using a Pandas DataFrame
='index').head() pd.DataFrame.from_dict(img_dict, orient
Number of Images: 31833
0 | |
00005c9c-3548-4a8f-9d0b-2dd4aff37fc9 | /mnt/980_1TB_2/Datasets/hagrid-sample-30k-384p/hagrid_30k/train_val_call/00005c9c-3548-4a8f-9d0b-2dd4aff37fc9.jpg |
0020a3db-82d8-47aa-8642-2715d4744db5 | /mnt/980_1TB_2/Datasets/hagrid-sample-30k-384p/hagrid_30k/train_val_call/0020a3db-82d8-47aa-8642-2715d4744db5.jpg |
004ac93f-0f7c-49a4-aadc-737e0ad4273c | /mnt/980_1TB_2/Datasets/hagrid-sample-30k-384p/hagrid_30k/train_val_call/004ac93f-0f7c-49a4-aadc-737e0ad4273c.jpg |
006cac69-d3f0-47f9-aac9-38702d038ef1 | /mnt/980_1TB_2/Datasets/hagrid-sample-30k-384p/hagrid_30k/train_val_call/006cac69-d3f0-47f9-aac9-38702d038ef1.jpg |
00973fac-440e-4a56-b60c-2a06d5fb155d | /mnt/980_1TB_2/Datasets/hagrid-sample-30k-384p/hagrid_30k/train_val_call/00973fac-440e-4a56-b60c-2a06d5fb155d.jpg |
Get Bounding Box Annotations
Next, we read the contents of the JSON annotation files into a Pandas DataFrame so we can easily query the annotations. Reading each JSON file can be slow, so I added a parquet file with a premade annotation DataFrame.
# Set the file path for the annotations DataFrame
= dataset_path/'annotations_df.parquet'
if annotation_df_pq_path.is_file():
# Load the annotations DataFrame if present
= pd.read_parquet(annotation_df_pq_path)
annotation_df else:
# Create a generator that yields Pandas DataFrames containing the data from each JSON file
= (pd.read_json(f).transpose() for f in tqdm(annotation_file_paths))
# Concatenate the DataFrames into a single DataFrame
= pd.concat(cls_dataframes, ignore_index=False)
# Keep only the rows that correspond to the filenames in the 'img_dict' dictionary
= annotation_df.loc[list(img_dict.keys())]
# Save the annotations DataFrame to disk
# Print the first 5 rows of the DataFrame
bboxes | labels | leading_hand | leading_conf | user_id | |
00005c9c-3548-4a8f-9d0b-2dd4aff37fc9 | [[0.23925175, 0.28595301, 0.25055143, 0.20777627]] | call | right | 1.0 | 5a389ffe1bed6660a59f4586c7d8fe2770785e5bf79b09334aa951f6f119c024 |
0020a3db-82d8-47aa-8642-2715d4744db5 | [[0.5801012999999999, 0.53265105, 0.14562138, 0.12286348]] | call | left | 1.0 | 0d6da2c87ef8eabeda2dcfee2dc5b5035e878137a91b149c754a59804f3dce32 |
004ac93f-0f7c-49a4-aadc-737e0ad4273c | [[0.46294793, 0.26419774, 0.13834939000000002, 0.10784189]] | call | right | 1.0 | d50f05d9d6ca9771938cec766c3d621ff863612f9665b0e4d991c086ec04acc9 |
006cac69-d3f0-47f9-aac9-38702d038ef1 | [[0.38799208, 0.44643898, 0.27068787, 0.18277858]] | call | right | 1.0 | 998f6ad69140b3a59cb9823ba680cce62bf2ba678058c2fc497dbbb8b22b29fe |
00973fac-440e-4a56-b60c-2a06d5fb155d | [[0.40980118, 0.38144198, 0.08338464, 0.06229785], [0.6122035100000001, 0.6780825500000001, 0.04700606, 0.07640522]] | [call, no_gesture] | right | 1.0 | 4bb3ee1748be58e05bd1193939735e57bb3c0ca59a7ee38901744d6b9e94632e |
Note that one of the samples contains a no_gesture
label to identify an idle hand in the image.
Inspecting the Class Distribution
Now that we have the annotation data, we can get the unique class names and inspect the distribution of samples among the gesture classes.
Get image classes
# Get the number of samples for each object class
= annotation_df['labels'].explode().value_counts()
# Get a list of unique labels in the 'annotation_df' DataFrame
= class_counts.index.tolist()
# Display the labels and the corresponding number of samples using a Pandas DataFrame
count | |
labels | |
no_gesture | 7052 |
two_up | 1855 |
mute | 1811 |
four | 1805 |
stop_inverted | 1803 |
dislike | 1783 |
one | 1778 |
palm | 1770 |
peace | 1769 |
two_up_inverted | 1765 |
call | 1763 |
three | 1751 |
ok | 1750 |
stop | 1748 |
peace_inverted | 1742 |
three2 | 1737 |
rock | 1736 |
fist | 1734 |
like | 1732 |
Visualize the class distribution
# Plot the distribution
class_counts.plot(kind'Class distribution')
plt.xlabel(range(len(class_counts.index)), class_counts.index, rotation=75) # Set the x-axis tick labels
Each class, excluding no_gesture
, has roughly the same number of samples. There are approximately four times as many no_gesture
samples because of the immense variety of non-matching hand positions.
Visualizing Bounding Box Annotations
Lastly, we will visualize the bounding box for one of the sample images to demonstrate how to interpret the annotations.
Generate a color map
While not required, assigning a unique color to bounding boxes for each object class enhances visual distinction, allowing for easier identification of different objects in the scene. We can use the distinctipy
package to generate a visually distinct colormap.
# Generate a list of colors with a length equal to the number of labels
= distinctipy.get_colors(len(class_names))
# Make a copy of the color map in integer format
= [tuple(int(c*255) for c in color) for color in colors]
# Generate a color swatch to visualize the color map
Download a font file
The draw_bounding_boxes
function included with torchvision uses a pretty small font size. We can increase the font size if we use a custom font. Font files are available on sites like Google Fonts, or we can use one included with the operating system.
# Set the name of the font file
= 'KFOlCnqEu92Fr1MmEU9vAw.ttf'
# Download the font file
f"{font_file}", "./") download_file(
Define the bounding box annotation function
Let’s make a partial function using draw_bounding_boxes
since we’ll use the same box thickness and font each time we visualize bounding boxes.
= partial(draw_bounding_boxes, fill=False, width=2, font=font_file, font_size=25) draw_bboxes
Selecting a Sample Image
We can use the unique ID for an image in the image dictionary to get the image’s file path and the associated annotations from the annotation DataFrame.
Load the sample image
# Get the file ID of the first image file
= list(img_dict.keys())[0]
# Open the associated image file as a RGB image
# Print the dimensions of the image
print(f"Image Dims: {sample_img.size}")
# Show the image
Image Dims: (384, 512)
Inspect the corresponding annotation data
# Get the row from the 'annotation_df' DataFrame corresponding to the 'file_id'
00005c9c-3548-4a8f-9d0b-2dd4aff37fc9 | |
bboxes | [[0.23925175, 0.28595301, 0.25055143, 0.20777627]] |
labels | call |
leading_hand | right |
leading_conf | 1.0 |
user_id | 5a389ffe1bed6660a59f4586c7d8fe2770785e5bf79b09334aa951f6f119c024 |
The bounding box annotations are in the format [top-left X, top-left Y, width, height]
. The HaGRID dataset also normalizes bounding box annotations for this dataset to the range [0,1]
based on the image dimensions. Therefore, we need to scale the top-left X
and width
values by the image width and the top-left Y
and height
values by the image height.
Annotate sample image
The draw_bounding_boxes
function expects bounding box annotations in [top-left X, top-left Y, bottom-right X, bottom-right Y]
format, so we’ll use the box_convert
function included with torchvision to convert the bounding box annotations from [x,y,w,h]
to [x,y,x,y]
# Extract the labels and bounding box annotations for the sample image
= annotation_df.loc[file_id]['labels']
labels = annotation_df.loc[file_id]['bboxes']
# Calculate the bounding boxes in the image size scale
= sample_img.size
width, height = [[x*width, y*height, w*width, h*height] for x, y, w, h in bboxes]
# Annotate the sample image with labels and bounding boxes
= draw_bboxes(
annotated_tensor =transforms.PILToTensor()(sample_img),
image=torchvision.ops.box_convert(torch.Tensor(bboxes), 'xywh', 'xyxy'),
labels=[int_colors[i] for i in [class_names.index(label) for label in labels]]
We have loaded the dataset, inspected its class distribution, and visualized the bounding box annotations for a sample image. In the next section, we will select and load our model.
Selecting a Model
I provide five predefined model configurations of different sizes in the cjm_yolox_pytorch
package. Each predefined config comes with a model checkpoint trained on the COCO (Common Objects in Context) dataset.
Exploring Available Models
deepen_factor | widen_factor | neck_in_channels | neck_out_channels | neck_num_csp_blocks | head_in_channels | head_feat_channels | |
yolox_tiny | 0.33 | 0.375 | [96, 192, 384] | 96 | 1 | 96 | 96 |
yolox_s | 0.33 | 0.5 | [128, 256, 512] | 128 | 1 | 128 | 128 |
yolox_m | 0.67 | 0.75 | [192, 384, 768] | 192 | 2 | 192 | 192 |
yolox_l | 1.0 | 1.0 | [256, 512, 1024] | 256 | 3 | 256 | 256 |
yolox_x | 1.33 | 1.25 | [320, 640, 1280] | 320 | 4 | 320 | 320 |
We’ll go with the yolox_tiny
configuration as it is the most efficient and sufficiently accurate on this dataset.
Loading the YOLOX-Tiny Model
We can initialize a yolox_tiny
model with the pretrained weights and the appropriate number of output classes using the build_model
function included with the cjm_yolox_pytorch
# Select the YOLOX model configuration
= 'yolox_tiny'
model_type # model_type = 'yolox_s'
# model_type = 'yolox_m'
# model_type = 'yolox_l'
# model_type = 'yolox_x'
# Set whether to initialize the model with pretrained weights
= True
# Create a YOLOX model with the number of output classes equal to the number of class names
= build_model(model_type, len(class_names), pretrained=pretrained).to(device=device, dtype=dtype)
# Add attributes to store the device and model name for later reference
= device
model.device = model_type
# Get stride values for processing output
= model.bbox_head.strides strides
Get Normalization Statistics
Next, we need the normalization stats used during the pretraining process.
# Retrieve normalization statistics (mean and std) specific to the pretrained checkpoints
= [*NORM_STATS[model_type].values()] if pretrained else ([0.5]*3, [1.0]*3)
# Print the mean and standard deviation
0 | 1 | 2 | |
0 | 0.5 | 0.5 | 0.5 |
1 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
Summarizing the Model
Before moving on, let’s generate a summary of our model to get an overview of its performance characteristics. We can use this to gauge the difference in computational requirements between the model configs.
# Define the input to the model
= torch.randn(1, 3, 256, 256).to(device)
backbone_inp with torch.no_grad(): neck_inp = model.backbone(backbone_inp)
with torch.no_grad(): head_inp = model.neck(neck_inp)
# Get a summary of the model as a Pandas DataFrame
= markdown_to_pandas(f"{get_module_summary(model.backbone, [backbone_inp])}").iloc[0]
backbone_summary = markdown_to_pandas(f"{get_module_summary(model.neck, [neck_inp])}").iloc[0]
neck_summary = markdown_to_pandas(f"{get_module_summary(model.bbox_head, [head_inp])}").iloc[0]
head_summary = pd.concat([backbone_summary, neck_summary, head_summary], axis=1).transpose()
= summary_df['# Parameters'].apply(convert_to_numeric)
parameters_df = summary_df['# Trainable Parameters'].apply(convert_to_numeric)
trainable_parameters = summary_df['Size (bytes)'].apply(convert_to_numeric)
size_df = summary_df['Forward FLOPs'].apply(convert_to_numeric)
# compute sums and add a new row
= {'Type': f'{model_type}',
total_row '# Parameters': convert_to_string(parameters_df.sum()),
'# Trainable Parameters': convert_to_string(trainable_parameters.sum()),
'Size (bytes)': convert_to_string(size_df.sum()),
'Forward FLOPs': convert_to_string(forward_flops_df.sum()),
'In size': backbone_summary['In size'],
'Out size': head_summary['Out size']}
= pd.concat([pd.DataFrame([total_row]), summary_df], ignore_index=True)
# Remove extra columns
'In size', 'Out size', 'Contains Uninitialized Parameters?'], axis=1) summary_df.drop([
Type | # Parameters | # Trainable Parameters | Size (bytes) | Forward FLOPs | |
0 | yolox_tiny | 5.1 M | 5.1 M | 20.2 M | 1.206 G |
1 | CSPDarknet | 2.4 M | 2.4 M | 9.5 M | 500 M |
2 | YOLOXPAFPN | 1.7 M | 1.7 M | 6.7 M | 257 M |
3 | YOLOXHead | 1.0 M | 1.0 M | 4.0 M | 449 M |
The above table shows the summary for the entire yolox_tiny
model and the model’s backbone, neck, and head individually. The model has approximately 5.1
million trainable parameters. It takes up 20.2
Megabytes of space and performs around 1.2
billion floating point operations for a single 256x256
RGB image.
For reference, the yolox_x
model has about 99
million trainable parameters, takes up over 395
MB, and performs around 22.5
billion floating point operations for the same input.
That completes the model selection and setup. In the next section, we will prepare our dataset for training.
Preparing the Data
The data preparation involves several steps, such as applying data augmentation techniques, setting up the train-validation split for the dataset, resizing and padding the images, defining the training dataset class, and initializing DataLoaders to feed data to the model.
Training-Validation Split
Let’s begin by defining the training-validation split. We’ll randomly select 90% of the available samples for the training set and use the remaining 10% for the validation set.
# Get the list of image IDs
= list(img_dict.keys())
# Shuffle the image IDs
# Define the percentage of the images that should be used for training
= 0.9
train_pct = 0.1
# Calculate the index at which to split the subset of image paths into training and validation sets
= int(len(img_keys)*train_pct)
train_split = int(len(img_keys)*(train_pct+val_pct))
# Split the subset of image paths into training and validation sets
= img_keys[:train_split]
train_keys = img_keys[train_split:]
# Print the number of images in the training and validation sets
pd.Series({"Training Samples:": len(train_keys),
"Validation Samples:": len(val_keys)
='columns') }).to_frame().style.hide(axis
Training Samples: | 28649 |
Validation Samples: | 3184 |
Data Augmentation
Next, we can define what data augmentations to apply to images during training. I created a few custom image transforms to help streamline the code.
The first mimics the TrivialAugmentWide transform available through torchvision, but supports bounding box annotations. The second extends torchvision’s RandomIoUCrop
transform to give the user more control over how much it crops into bounding box areas. The third resizes images based on their largest dimension rather than their smallest. The fourth applies square padding and allows the padding to be applied equally on both sides or randomly split between the two sides.
All four are available through the cjm-torchvision-tfms
Set training image size
First, we’ll set the size to use for training. The ResizeMax
transform will resize images so that the longest dimension equals this value while preserving the aspect ratio. The PadSquare
transform will then pad the other side to make all the input squares. The input width and height must be multiples of the max stride value.
# Show a list of potential input resolutions
print([max(strides)*i for i in range(7,21)])
# Set training image size to a multiple of the max stride value
= 384 train_sz
[224, 256, 288, 320, 352, 384, 416, 448, 480, 512, 544, 576, 608, 640]
Initialize the transforms
Now we can initialize the transform objects. We will set the fill color for the transforms to black.
# Set the fill color as black
= (0,0,0)
# Create a CustomRandomAugment object
= CustomRandomAugment()
# Create a RandomIoUCrop object
= CustomRandomIoUCrop(min_scale=0.3,
iou_crop =1.0,
max_aspect_ratio=[0.0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1.0],
)= fill
# Create a `ResizeMax` object
= ResizeMax(max_sz=train_sz)
# Create a `PadSquare` object
= PadSquare(shift=True, fill=fill) pad_square
Test the transforms
We’ll pass input through the CustomRandomIoUCrop
transform first and then through CustomRandomAugment
, ResizeMax
, and PadSquare
. We can pass the result through a final resize operation to ensure both sides match the train_sz
# Prepare bounding box targets
= {'boxes': BoundingBoxes(torchvision.ops.box_convert(torch.Tensor(bboxes), 'xywh', 'xyxy'),
targets format='xyxy',
canvas_size'labels': labels}
# Crop the image
= iou_crop(sample_img, targets)
cropped_img, targets
# Augment the image
= random_aug_tfm(cropped_img, targets)
augmented_img, targets
# Resize the image
= resize_max(augmented_img, targets)
resized_img, targets
# Pad the image
= pad_square(resized_img, targets)
padded_img, targets
# Ensure the padded image is the target size
= transforms.Resize([train_sz] * 2, antialias=True)
resize = resize(padded_img, targets)
resized_padded_img, targets
# Annotate the augmented image with updated labels and bounding boxes
= draw_bboxes(
annotated_tensor =transforms.PILToTensor()(resized_padded_img),
labels=[int_colors[i] for i in [class_names.index(label) for label in labels]]
# Display the annotated image
pd.Series({"Source Image:": sample_img.size,
"Cropped Image:": cropped_img.size,
"Resized Image:": resized_img.size,
"Padded Image:": padded_img.size,
"Resized Padded Image:": resized_padded_img.size,
='columns') }).to_frame().style.hide(axis
Source Image: | (384, 512) |
Cropped Image: | (294, 228) |
Resized Image: | (382, 297) |
Padded Image: | (382, 382) |
Resized Padded Image: | (384, 384) |
Training Dataset Class
Now we can define a custom dataset class to load images, extract the bounding box annotation, and apply the image transforms during training.
class HagridDataset(Dataset):
This class represents a PyTorch Dataset for a collection of images and their annotations.
The class is designed to load images along with their corresponding bounding box annotations and labels.
def __init__(self, img_keys, annotation_df, img_dict, class_to_idx, transforms=None):
Constructor for the HagridDataset class.
img_keys (list): List of unique identifiers for images.
annotation_df (DataFrame): DataFrame containing the image annotations.
img_dict (dict): Dictionary mapping image identifiers to image file paths.
class_to_idx (dict): Dictionary mapping class labels to indices.
transforms (callable, optional): Optional transform to be applied on a sample.
super(Dataset, self).__init__()
self._img_keys = img_keys # List of image keys
self._annotation_df = annotation_df # DataFrame containing annotations
self._img_dict = img_dict # Dictionary mapping image keys to image paths
self._class_to_idx = class_to_idx # Dictionary mapping class names to class indices
self._transforms = transforms # Image transforms to be applied
def __len__(self):
Returns the length of the dataset.
int: The number of items in the dataset.
return len(self._img_keys)
def __getitem__(self, index):
Fetch an item from the dataset at the specified index.
index (int): Index of the item to fetch from the dataset.
tuple: A tuple containing the image and its associated target (annotations).
# Retrieve the key for the image at the specified index
= self._img_keys[index]
img_key # Get the annotations for this image
= self._annotation_df.loc[img_key]
annotation # Load the image and its target (bounding boxes and labels)
= self._load_image_and_target(annotation)
image, target
# Apply the transformations, if any
if self._transforms:
= self._transforms(image, target)
image, target
return image, target
def _load_image_and_target(self, annotation):
Load an image and its target (bounding boxes and labels).
annotation (pandas.Series): The annotations for an image.
tuple: A tuple containing the image and a dictionary with 'boxes' and 'labels' keys.
# Retrieve the file path of the image
= self._img_dict[]
filepath # Read the image file
image # Calculate the bounding boxes in the image size scale
= np.array([bbox*(image.size*2) for bbox in annotation.bboxes])
# Convert bounding box coordinates from [xmin, ymin, width, height] to [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
= torchvision.ops.box_convert(torch.Tensor(bbox_list), 'xywh', 'xyxy')
bbox_tensor # Create a BoundingBoxes object with the bounding boxes
= BoundingBoxes(bbox_tensor, format='xyxy', canvas_size=image.size[::-1])
boxes # Convert the class labels to indices
= torch.Tensor([self._class_to_idx[label] for label in annotation.labels])
labels return image, {'boxes': boxes, 'labels': labels}
Image Transforms
We’ll add additional data augmentations with the IoU crop and random augment transforms to help the model generalize.
Transform | Description |
RandomZoomOut |
Randomly pad images, videos, bounding boxes and masks creating a zoom out effect. (link) |
# Compose transforms for data augmentation
= transforms.Compose(
data_aug_tfms =[
transforms.RandomChoice([=fill, side_range=(1.125, 1.5)),
iou_crop=[0.35, 0.65]),
], p
# Compose transforms to resize and pad input images
= transforms.Compose([
pad_square,* 2, antialias=True)
# Compose transforms to sanitize bounding boxes and normalize input data
= transforms.Compose([
transforms.ToDtype(torch.float32, scale
# Define the transformations for training and validation datasets
= transforms.Compose([
])= transforms.Compose([resize_pad_tfm, final_tfms]) valid_tfms
Always use the SanitizeBoundingBoxes
transform to clean up annotations after using data augmentations that alter bounding boxes (e.g., cropping, warping, etc.).
Initialize Datasets
Now we can create our training and validation dataset objects using the dataset splits and transforms.
# Create a mapping from class names to class indices
= {c: i for i, c in enumerate(class_names)}
# Instantiate the datasets using the defined transformations
= HagridDataset(train_keys, annotation_df, img_dict, class_to_idx, train_tfms)
train_dataset = HagridDataset(val_keys, annotation_df, img_dict, class_to_idx, valid_tfms)
# Print the number of samples in the training and validation datasets
pd.Series({'Training dataset size:': len(train_dataset),
'Validation dataset size:': len(valid_dataset)}
='columns') ).to_frame().style.hide(axis
Training dataset size: | 28649 |
Validation dataset size: | 3184 |
Inspect Samples
Let’s verify the dataset objects work properly by inspecting the first samples from the training and validation sets.
Inspect training set sample
= train_dataset[0]
= draw_bboxes(
annotated_tensor =(denorm_img_tensor(dataset_sample[0].cpu(), *norm_stats)*255).to(dtype=torch.uint8),
boxes=[class_names[int(i.item())] for i in dataset_sample[1]['labels']],
labels=[int_colors[int(i.item())] for i in dataset_sample[1]['labels']]
Inspect validation set sample
= valid_dataset[0]
= draw_bboxes(
annotated_tensor =(denorm_img_tensor(dataset_sample[0].cpu(), *norm_stats)*255).to(dtype=torch.uint8),
boxes=[class_names[int(i.item())] for i in dataset_sample[1]['labels']],
labels=[int_colors[int(i.item())] for i in dataset_sample[1]['labels']]
Initialize DataLoaders
The last step before training is to instantiate the DataLoaders for the training and validation sets. Try decreasing the bs
and prefetch_factor
values if you encounter memory limitations.
# Set the training batch size
= 32
# Set the number of worker processes for loading data.
= multiprocessing.cpu_count()
# Define parameters for DataLoader
= {
data_loader_params 'batch_size': bs, # Batch size for data loading
'num_workers': num_workers, # Number of subprocesses to use for data loading
'collate_fn': lambda batch: tuple(zip(*batch)),
'drop_last': True,
'pin_memory': 'cuda' in device,
'pin_memory_device': device if 'cuda' in device else ''
# Create DataLoader for training data. Data is shuffled for every epoch.
= DataLoader(train_dataset, **data_loader_params, shuffle=True)
# Create DataLoader for validation data. Shuffling is not necessary for validation data.
= DataLoader(valid_dataset, **data_loader_params)
# Print the number of batches in the training and validation DataLoaders
pd.Series({'Number of batches in train DataLoader:': len(train_dataloader),
'Number of batches in validation DataLoader:': len(valid_dataloader)}
='columns') ).to_frame().style.hide(axis
Number of batches in train DataLoader: | 895 |
Number of batches in validation DataLoader: | 99 |
That completes the data preparation. Now we can finally train our hand gesture detector.
Fine-tuning the Model
In this section, we will implement the training code and fine-tune our model.
Define the Training Loop
The following function performs a single pass through the training or validation set.
The model takes in a batch of images and returns a tuple containing three variables. The first variable stores the image classification predictions for each proposed bounding box, which we use to determine the object type for a given bounding box. The second holds the coordinates and dimensions for all potential bounding boxes. The third variable contains probability scores for each proposed detection, indicating the likelihood it is an object.
The model always makes the same number of predictions for a given image size. Given a 384x384
image, the model will make (384/8)*(384/8) + (384/16)*(384/16) + (384/32)*(384/32) = 3024
predictions. However, many of those predictions get filtered out when performing inference.
During training, we must determine which of the model’s predictions to pair with the ground truth annotations from our dataset before calculating the loss. YOLOX uses an approach called SimOTA for this step. The YOLOXLoss class performs this assignment automatically when called.
def run_epoch(model, dataloader, optimizer, lr_scheduler, loss_func, device, scaler, epoch_id, is_training):
Function to run a single training or evaluation epoch.
model: A PyTorch model to train or evaluate.
dataloader: A PyTorch DataLoader providing the data.
optimizer: The optimizer to use for training the model.
loss_func: The loss function used for training.
device: The device (CPU or GPU) to run the model on.
scaler: Gradient scaler for mixed-precision training.
is_training: Boolean flag indicating whether the model is in training or evaluation mode.
The average loss for the epoch.
# Set the model to training mode if is_training is True, otherwise set it to evaluation mode
if is_training else model.eval()
= 0 # Initialize the total loss for this epoch
epoch_loss = tqdm(total=len(dataloader), desc="Train" if is_training else "Eval") # Initialize a progress bar
# Loop over the data
for batch_id, (inputs, targets) in enumerate(dataloader):
# Move inputs and targets to the specified device
= torch.stack(inputs).to(device)
inputs # Extract the ground truth bounding boxes and labels
= zip(*[(d['boxes'].to(device), d['labels'].to(device)) for d in targets])
gt_bboxes, gt_labels
# Forward pass with Automatic Mixed Precision (AMP) context manager
with autocast(torch.device(device).type):
= model(inputs)
cls_scores, bbox_preds, objectnesses
# Compute the loss
= loss_func(cls_scores, bbox_preds, objectnesses, gt_bboxes, gt_labels)
losses = sum([loss for loss in losses.values()]) # Sum up the losses
# If in training mode, backpropagate the error and update the weights
if is_training:
if scaler:
scaler.step(optimizer)= scaler.get_scale()
scaler.update()= scaler.get_scale()
new_scaler if new_scaler >= old_scaler:
# Update the total loss
= loss.item()
loss_item += loss_item
# Update the progress bar
= dict(loss=loss_item, avg_loss=epoch_loss/(batch_id+1))
progress_bar_dict if is_training:
# If loss is NaN or infinity, stop training
if is_training:
= f"Loss is NaN or infinite at epoch {epoch_id}, batch {batch_id}. Stopping training."
stop_training_message assert not math.isnan(loss_item) and math.isfinite(loss_item), stop_training_message
# Cleanup and close the progress bar
# Return the average loss for this epoch
return epoch_loss / (batch_id + 1)
Next, we define the train_loop
function, which executes the main training loop. It iterates over each epoch, runs through the training and validation sets, and saves the best model based on the validation loss.
def train_loop(model,
checkpoint_path, =False):
Main training loop.
model: A PyTorch model to train.
train_dataloader: A PyTorch DataLoader providing the training data.
valid_dataloader: A PyTorch DataLoader providing the validation data.
optimizer: The optimizer to use for training the model.
loss_func: The loss function used for training.
lr_scheduler: The learning rate scheduler.
device: The device (CPU or GPU) to run the model on.
epochs: The number of epochs to train for.
checkpoint_path: The path where to save the best model checkpoint.
use_scaler: Whether to scale graidents when using a CUDA device
# Initialize a gradient scaler for mixed-precision training if the device is a CUDA GPU
= torch.cuda.amp.GradScaler() if device.type == 'cuda' and use_scaler else None
scaler = float('inf') # Initialize the best validation loss
# Loop over the epochs
for epoch in tqdm(range(epochs), desc="Epochs"):
# Run a training epoch and get the training loss
= run_epoch(model, train_dataloader, optimizer, lr_scheduler, loss_func, device, scaler, epoch, is_training=True)
train_loss # Run an evaluation epoch and get the validation loss
with torch.no_grad():
= run_epoch(model, valid_dataloader, None, None, loss_func, device, scaler, epoch, is_training=False)
# If the validation loss is lower than the best validation loss seen so far, save the model checkpoint
if valid_loss < best_loss:
= valid_loss
best_loss, checkpoint_path)
# Save metadata about the training process
= {
training_metadata 'epoch': epoch,
'train_loss': train_loss,
'valid_loss': valid_loss,
'learning_rate': lr_scheduler.get_last_lr()[0],
}with open(Path(checkpoint_path.parent/'training_metadata.json'), 'w') as f:
json.dump(training_metadata, f)
# If the device is a GPU, empty the cache
if device.type != 'cpu':
getattr(torch, device.type).empty_cache()
Set the Model Checkpoint Path
Before we proceed with training, let’s generate a timestamp for the training session and create a directory to save the checkpoints during training.
# Generate timestamp for the training session (Year-Month-Day_Hour_Minute_Second)
# Create a directory to store the checkpoints if it does not already exist
= Path(project_dir/f"{timestamp}")
# Create the checkpoint directory if it does not already exist
=True, exist_ok=True)
# The model checkpoint path
= checkpoint_dir/f"{}.pth"
Let’s save a copy of the normalization stats and the colormap for the current dataset in the training folder for future use.
Save the Normalization Stats
# Convert tuples to dictionaries for easier JSON representation
= {"mean": norm_stats[0], "std_dev": norm_stats[1]}
# Export to JSON
with open(f"{checkpoint_dir}/norm_stats.json", "w") as f:
json.dump(norm_stats_dict, f)
# Print the name of the file that the normalization stats were written to
Save the Color Map
# Create a color map and write it to a JSON file
= {'items': [{'label': label, 'color': color} for label, color in zip(class_names, colors)]}
color_map with open(f"{checkpoint_dir}/{}-colormap.json", "w") as file:
# Print the name of the file that the color map was written to
Configure the Training Parameters
Now, we can configure the parameters for training. We must define the learning rate, the number of training epochs and instantiate the optimizer, learning rate scheduler, and a YOLOXLoss
# Learning rate for the model
= 7e-4
# Number of training epochs
= 10
# AdamW optimizer; includes weight decay for regularization
= torch.optim.AdamW(model.parameters(), lr=lr)
# Learning rate scheduler; adjusts the learning rate during training
= torch.optim.lr_scheduler.OneCycleLR(optimizer,
lr_scheduler =lr,
# Initialize the loss function for evaluating model predictions
= YOLOXLoss(num_classes=model.bbox_head.cls_out_channels,
yolox_loss =10.0,
bbox_loss_weight=False) use_l1
Train the Model
Finally, we can train the model using the train_loop
function. Training time will depend on the available hardware.
Training usually takes around 1 hour and 52 minutes on the free GPU tier of Google Colab.
checkpoint_path=True) use_scaler
Epochs: 100% |██████████| 10/10 [23:44<00:00, 143.24s/it]
Train: 100% |██████████| 895/895 [02:10<00:00, 9.06it/s, loss=6.65, avg_loss=11.7, lr=0.000194]
Eval: 100% |██████████| 99/99 [00:11<00:00, 12.44it/s, loss=6.48, avg_loss=6.21]
Train: 100% |██████████| 895/895 [02:11<00:00, 10.22it/s, loss=5.27, avg_loss=6.07, lr=0.00053]
Eval: 100% |██████████| 99/99 [00:11<00:00, 13.22it/s, loss=5.26, avg_loss=4.68]
Train: 100% |██████████| 895/895 [02:07<00:00, 10.44it/s, loss=5.53, avg_loss=5.25, lr=0.0007]
Eval: 100% |██████████| 99/99 [00:11<00:00, 12.95it/s, loss=4.5, avg_loss=4.1]
Train: 100% |██████████| 895/895 [02:09<00:00, 9.47it/s, loss=4.67, avg_loss=4.85, lr=0.000666]
Eval: 100% |██████████| 99/99 [00:12<00:00, 11.98it/s, loss=4.48, avg_loss=3.89]
Train: 100% |██████████| 895/895 [02:12<00:00, 9.84it/s, loss=4.11, avg_loss=4.5, lr=0.000569]
Eval: 100% |██████████| 99/99 [00:11<00:00, 12.70it/s, loss=3.99, avg_loss=3.54]
Train: 100% |██████████| 895/895 [02:09<00:00, 10.21it/s, loss=3.91, avg_loss=4.18, lr=0.000429]
Eval: 100% |██████████| 99/99 [00:12<00:00, 12.94it/s, loss=3.96, avg_loss=3.33]
Train: 100% |██████████| 895/895 [02:11<00:00, 9.38it/s, loss=3.64, avg_loss=3.82, lr=0.000273]
Eval: 100% |██████████| 99/99 [00:12<00:00, 11.29it/s, loss=3.77, avg_loss=3.1]
Train: 100% |██████████| 895/895 [02:10<00:00, 10.33it/s, loss=3.91, avg_loss=3.52, lr=0.000133]
Eval: 100% |██████████| 99/99 [00:11<00:00, 12.95it/s, loss=3.46, avg_loss=2.85]
Train: 100% |██████████| 895/895 [02:09<00:00, 10.51it/s, loss=2.96, avg_loss=3.25, lr=3.52e-5]
Eval: 100% |██████████| 99/99 [00:11<00:00, 12.68it/s, loss=3.25, avg_loss=2.74]
Train: 100% |██████████| 895/895 [02:14<00:00, 9.69it/s, loss=3.05, avg_loss=3.12, lr=4.96e-9]
Eval: 100% |██████████| 99/99 [00:12<00:00, 12.01it/s, loss=3.29, avg_loss=2.71]
At last, we have our hand gesture detector. To wrap up the tutorial, we can test our model by performing inference on individual images.
Making Predictions with the Model
In this final part of the tutorial, we will cover how to perform inference on individual images with our YOLOX model and filter the predictions.
Preparing the Model for Inference
Whenever we make predictions with the model, we must normalize the input data, scale the predicted bounding boxes, and calculate the associated confidence scores. Since these steps are always required, I included a wrapper class with the cjm_yolox_pytorch
Wrap the model with preprocessing and post-processing steps
# Convert the normalization stats to tensors
= torch.tensor(norm_stats[0]).view(1, 3, 1, 1)
mean_tensor = torch.tensor(norm_stats[1]).view(1, 3, 1, 1)
# Set the model to evaluation mode
# Wrap the model with preprocessing and post-processing steps
= YOLOXInferenceWrapper(model, mean_tensor, std_tensor).to(device=device) wrapped_model
With our model prepped with the preprocessing and post-processing steps, we only need to prepare some input data.
Preparing Input Data
Let’s start with a random image from the validation set. That way, we have some ground truth bounding boxes to compare against. Unlike during training, we won’t stick to square input dimensions for inference. However, we still need to ensure both input dimensions are multiples of the max stride value.
# Choose a random item from the validation set
= random.choice(val_keys)
file_id # file_id = '1bd84a50-12ce-43d2-a092-70aca798c8db'
# file_id = 'f493ef0a-465e-46ba-ab28-8ffd97d74c4a'
# file_id = '00973fac-440e-4a56-b60c-2a06d5fb155d'
# file_id = 'd83a4f5a-7712-4267-91d5-b7e18fff04f3'
# Retrieve the image file path associated with the file ID
= img_dict[file_id]
# Open the test file
# Resize the test image
= resize_img(test_img, target_sz=train_sz, divisor=1)
# Ensure the input dimensions are multiples of the max stride
= [dim - dim % max(strides) for dim in resized_img.size]
# Calculate the offsets from the resized image dimensions to the input dimensions
= (np.array(resized_img.size) - input_dims)/2
# Calculate the scale between the source image and the resized image
= min(test_img.size) / min(resized_img.size)
# Crop the resized image to the input dimensions
= resized_img.crop(box=[*offsets, *resized_img.size-offsets])
# Get the target labels and bounding boxes
= annotation_df.loc[file_id]['labels']
target_labels = annotation_df.loc[file_id]['bboxes']
# Scale bounding boxes according to image dimensions
= [bbox*(resized_img.size*2) for bbox in target_bboxes]
target_bboxes # Offset bounding boxes according to input dimensions
= np.array([bbox/min_img_scale-[*offsets, 0, 0] for bbox in target_bboxes])
# Create a tensor from the test image and annotate it
= draw_bboxes(
annotated_tensor =transforms.PILToTensor()(input_img),
image=torchvision.ops.box_convert(torch.Tensor(target_bboxes), 'xywh', 'xyxy'),
labels=[int_colors[i] for i in [class_names.index(label) for label in target_labels]]
# Display the annotated test image
= tensor_to_pil(annotated_tensor)
# Print the prediction data as a Pandas DataFrame for easy formatting
pd.Series({"Resized Image Size:": resized_img.size,
"Input Dims:": input_dims,
"Offsets:": offsets,
"Min Image Scale:": min_img_scale,
"Input Image Size:": input_img.size,
"Target BBoxes:": [f"{label}:{bbox}" for label, bbox in zip(target_labels, np.round(target_bboxes, decimals=3))]
='columns') }).to_frame().style.hide(axis
Resized Image Size: | (384, 511) |
Input Dims: | [384, 480] |
Offsets: | [ 0. 15.5] |
Min Image Scale: | 1.000000 |
Input Image Size: | (384, 480) |
Target BBoxes: | [‘palm:[208.828 180.933 117.177 151.437]’] |
Pass the input data to the model
Now we can convert the test image to a tensor and pass it to the wrapped model.
# Ensure the model and input data are on the same device
; transforms.Compose([transforms.ToImage(),
input_tensor =True)])(input_img)[None].to(device)
transforms.ToDtype(torch.float32, scale
# Make a prediction with the model
with torch.no_grad():
= wrapped_model(input_tensor)
torch.Size([1, 3780, 6])
With an input resolution of 384x480
, there are 3780
bounding box proposals. Each contains the top-left X and Y coordinates and dimensions for a bounding box, plus the class index and the associated confidence score. Most of these proposals are useless, so we’ll filter them out.
Filtering Model Output
We first use a threshold value to remove proposals the model is not confident about. Then, we can use the nms
function included with torchvision to remove overlapping bounding boxes using non-maximum suppression.
# Set the bounding box confidence threshold
= 0.35
# Move model output to the CPU
# Filter the proposals based on the confidence threshold
= model_output[:, : ,-1]
max_probs = max_probs > bbox_conf_thresh
mask = model_output[mask]
# Sort the proposals by probability in descending order
= proposals[proposals[..., -1].argsort(descending=True)]
# Set the non-max suppression threshold
= 0.45
# Filter bouning box proposals using NMS
= torchvision.ops.nms(
proposal_indices =torchvision.ops.box_convert(proposals[:, :-2], 'xywh', 'xyxy'),
boxes=proposals[:, -1],
)= proposals[proposal_indices]
# Convert the proposals to a Pandas DataFrame
= pd.DataFrame([
proposals_df 'x0': x0, 'y0': y0, 'width': w, 'height': h, 'label': label, 'prob': prob}
{for x0, y0, w, h, label, prob in proposals.numpy()
if len(proposals_df) > 0:
# Add the label names to the DataFrame
'label'] = proposals_df['label'].apply(lambda x: class_names[int(x)])
# Print the proposals Dataframe
x0 | y0 | width | height | label | prob | |
0 | 207.83989 | 181.730957 | 116.061073 | 146.640503 | palm | 0.959833 |
By the end, we have a single one
gesture proposal. All that’s left is to see how it compares to the ground-truth bounding box for this sample.
Annotate image using bounding box proposals
# Extract x0, y0, width, height columns
= proposals[:,:-2]
# Extract label and prob columns as lists
= [class_names[int(idx)] for idx in proposals[:,4]]
pred_labels = proposals[:,5]
= draw_bboxes(
annotated_tensor =transforms.PILToTensor()(input_img),
image=torchvision.ops.box_convert(pred_bboxes, 'xywh', 'xyxy'),
boxes=[f"{label}\n{prob*100:.2f}%" for label, prob in zip(pred_labels, pred_probs)],
labels=[int_colors[class_names.index(i)] for i in pred_labels]
# Display the annotated test image with the predicted bounding boxes
display(stack_imgs([annotated_test_img, tensor_to_pil(annotated_tensor)]))
# Print the prediction data as a Pandas DataFrame for easy formatting
pd.Series({"Target BBoxes:": [f"{label}:{bbox}" for label, bbox in zip(target_labels, np.round(target_bboxes, decimals=3))],
"Predicted BBoxes:": [f"{label}:{bbox}" for label, bbox in zip(pred_labels, pred_bboxes.round(decimals=3).numpy())],
"Confidence Scores:": [f"{label}: {prob*100:.2f}%" for label, prob in zip(pred_labels, pred_probs)]
='columns') }).to_frame().style.hide(axis
Target BBoxes: | [‘palm:[208.828 180.933 117.177 151.437]’] |
Predicted BBoxes: | [‘palm:[207.84 181.731 116.061 146.64 ]’] |
Confidence Scores: | [‘palm: 95.98%’] |
The predicted bounding box is not a perfect match to the ground-truth values, but it’s pretty close. Now let’s test the model on a brand-new image.
Testing the Model on New Data
If we deploy the model in a real-world setting, we might want to scale predicted bounding boxes back up to a high-resolution source image. Below, we’ll show how to do this using an input image with a different aspect ratio than the source image. The test images are from the free stock photo site, Pexels.
= "pexels-2769554-man-doing-rock-and-roll-sign.jpg"
test_img_name # test_img_name = 'pexels-elina-volkova-16191659.jpg'
# test_img_name = 'pexels-joshua-roberts-12922530.jpg'
# test_img_name = 'pexels-luke-barky-2899727.jpg'
# test_img_name = 'pexels-ketut-subiyanto-4584599.jpg'
# test_img_name = 'pexels-nataliya-vaitkevich-5411990.jpg'
# test_img_name = 'pexels-darina-belonogova-7886753.jpg'
# test_img_name = 'pexels-katrin-bolovtsova-6706013.jpg'
# test_img_name = 'pexels-leo-vinicius-3714450.jpg'
# test_img_name = 'pexels-diva-plavalaguna-6937816.jpg'
= f"{test_img_name}"
'./', False)
test_img = test_img.size
# Crop test image so it's height is not a multiple of the max stride
= test_img.crop(box=[0, 1, test_img.width, test_img.height-1])
pd.Series({"Test Image Size:": original_size,
"Cropped Image Size:": test_img.size
='columns') }).to_frame().style.hide(axis
Test Image Size: | (640, 960) |
Cropped Image Size: | (640, 958) |
Since the input and source images have different aspect ratios, we’ll offset any predicted bounding box coordinates.
# Resize image without cropping to multiple of the max stride
= resize_img(test_img, target_sz=train_sz, divisor=1)
# Calculating the input dimensions that multiples of the max stride
= [dim - dim % max(strides) for dim in resized_img.size]
# Calculate the offsets from the resized image dimensions to the input dimensions
= (np.array(resized_img.size) - input_dims)/2
# Calculate the scale between the source image and the resized image
= min(test_img.size) / min(resized_img.size)
# Crop the resized image to the input dimensions
= resized_img.crop(box=[*offsets, *resized_img.size-offsets])
pd.Series({"Resized Image Size:": resized_img.size,
"Input Dims:": input_dims,
"Offsets:": offsets,
"Min Image Scale:": min_img_scale,
"Input Image Size:": input_img.size
='columns') }).to_frame().style.hide(axis
Resized Image Size: | (384, 574) |
Input Dims: | [384, 544] |
Offsets: | [ 0. 15.] |
Min Image Scale: | 1.666667 |
Input Image Size: | (384, 544) |
With our input image prepared, we can pass it through the model and perform the same filtering steps. But this time, we’ll offset the (x,y)
coordinates for the predicted bounding boxes and scale the dimensions to the source resolution.
= transforms.Compose([transforms.ToImage(),
input_tensor =True)])(input_img)[None].to(device)
transforms.ToDtype(torch.float32, scale
with torch.no_grad():
= wrapped_model(input_tensor).to('cpu')
# Filter the proposals based on the confidence threshold
= model_output[:, : ,-1]
max_probs = max_probs > bbox_conf_thresh
mask = model_output[mask]
# Sort the proposals by probability in descending order
= proposals[proposals[..., -1].argsort(descending=True)]
# Filter bouning box proposals using NMS
= torchvision.ops.nms(
proposal_indices =torchvision.ops.box_convert(proposals[:, :-2], 'xywh', 'xyxy'),
boxes=proposals[:, -1],
)= proposals[proposal_indices]
# Offset and scale the predicted bounding boxes
= (proposals[:,:4]+torch.Tensor([*offsets, 0, 0]))*min_img_scale
# Extract label and prob columns as lists
= [class_names[int(idx)] for idx in proposals[:,4]]
pred_labels = proposals[:,5]
= draw_bboxes(
annotated_tensor =transforms.PILToTensor()(test_img),
image=torchvision.ops.box_convert(torch.Tensor(pred_bboxes), 'xywh', 'xyxy'),
boxes=[f"{label}\n{prob*100:.2f}%" for label, prob in zip(pred_labels, pred_probs)],
labels=[int_colors[class_names.index(i)] for i in pred_labels]
# Print the prediction data as a Pandas Series for easy formatting
pd.Series({"Predicted BBoxes:": [f"{label}:{bbox}" for label, bbox in zip(pred_labels, pred_bboxes.round(decimals=3).numpy())],
"Confidence Scores:": [f"{label}: {prob*100:.2f}%" for label, prob in zip(pred_labels, pred_probs)]
='columns') }).to_frame().style.hide(axis
Predicted BBoxes: | [‘rock:[342.451 240.994 111.934 109.824]’, ‘no_gesture:[191.77 516.789 105.333 80.797]’] |
Confidence Scores: | [‘rock: 91.52%’, ‘no_gesture: 87.33%’] |

Predicted BBoxes: | [‘mute:[191.9 446.118 294.302 502.099]’] |
Confidence Scores: | [‘mute: 76.21%’] |

Predicted BBoxes: | [‘peace_inverted:[370.955 387.639 133.596 236.746]’] |
Confidence Scores: | [‘peace_inverted: 94.24%’] |

Predicted BBoxes: | [‘call:[294.758 209.666 90.34 70.097]’] |
Confidence Scores: | [‘call: 90.57%’] |

Predicted BBoxes: | [‘palm:[ 99.852 122.838 247.511 208.458]’] |
Confidence Scores: | [‘palm: 81.47%’] |

Predicted BBoxes: | [‘like:[188.877 318.4 102.481 151.627]’] |
Confidence Scores: | [‘like: 93.64%’] |

Predicted BBoxes: | [‘ok:[125.575 251.352 355.902 518.605]’] |
Confidence Scores: | [‘ok: 44.65%’] |

Predicted BBoxes: | [‘peace:[110.392 218.664 137.574 168.629]’] |
Confidence Scores: | [‘peace: 78.71%’] |

Predicted BBoxes: | [‘rock:[ 71.192 97.024 169.156 170.206]’] |
Confidence Scores: | [‘rock: 66.71%’] |
- Don’t forget to download the model checkpoint and class labels from the Colab Environment’s file browser. (tutorial link)
- Once you finish training and download the files, turn off hardware acceleration for the Colab Notebook to save GPU time. (tutorial link)
Congratulations on completing this tutorial for training real-time object detection models in PyTorch! By now, you have successfully built a hand gesture detector that can identify and locate various gestures within images. The skills and knowledge you’ve acquired here serve as a solid foundation for future object detection projects.
Recommended Tutorials
- Exporting YOLOX Models from PyTorch to ONNX: Learn how to export YOLOX models from PyTorch to ONNX and perform inference using ONNX Runtime.
- Exporting YOLOX Models from PyTorch to TensorFlow.js: Learn how to export YOLOX models from PyTorch to TensorFlow.js to leverage efficient object detection in web applications.
- Feel free to post questions or problems related to this tutorial in the comments below. I try to make time to address them on Thursdays and Fridays.
I’m Christian Mills, a deep learning consultant specializing in practical AI implementations. I help clients leverage cutting-edge AI technologies to solve real-world problems.
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