Notes on Procedural World Generation of Ubisoft’s Far Cry 5

In this presentation from 2018, Etienne Carrier details the procedural pipeline developed for Far Cry 5 using Houdini and Houdini Engine, focusing on its objectives, tools, user workflow, underlying mechanics, and lessons learned during development.

Christian Mills


December 9, 2021

Introduction and Challenges

  • Etienne Carrier, Technical Artist at Ubisoft Montreal (3 years), presents the procedural pipeline developed for Far Cry 5.
  • Challenge: Terrain undergoing constant changes during the project’s 2.5-year development.
    • Manual content placement (e.g., forests) becomes incoherent with each terrain iteration.
    • Repainting content manually after each terrain change is tedious and difficult to maintain consistency across a large world with multiple users.
    • Locking terrain early is unrealistic as iterations are crucial for game quality.

Objectives of the Procedural Pipeline

  • Develop a macro management tool to:
    • Fill the world with natural-looking content.
    • Ensure content consistency with terrain topology, adapting to changes (e.g., forest distribution remaining coherent despite terrain adjustments).
  • Automation:
    • Utilize Houdini, Houdini Engine, and nightly builds on build machines to fully refresh the world daily.
    • Build machines process different map sections, ensuring up-to-date world data each morning.
  • Deterministic Generation:
    • Ensure the generation yields identical results with the same inputs, regardless of the build machine used.
    • This is crucial for seamless map junctions and nav mesh generation.
  • User-Friendliness:
    • Provide in-editor tools for on-demand procedural generation alongside the nightly builds.

Procedural Tools Developed

  • Expanded beyond the initial mandate of biome distribution to include:
    • Freshwater Tools: Generate lakes, rivers, streams, and waterfalls.
    • Fence and Power Line Tools: Create fences and power lines along splines.
    • Cliff Generation: Generates cliffs on steep terrain.
    • Biome Tool: Spawns vegetation throughout the world.
    • Fog Density Map Generation: Creates a 2D map based on terrain topology and content placement to influence the fog shader.
    • Wall Map Terrain Generation: Generates a low-detail terrain representation for the world map, including miniature trees.

User Workflow: Filling an Empty Map

  1. Terraforming:
    • Initial world machine pass followed by artist-driven terraforming using in-editor tools.
  2. Freshwater Network:
    • Artists lay down a network of curves and splines to define rivers and other water bodies.
    • Procedural generation creates the water surface, waterside assets, and terrain texturing based on spline parameters (e.g., width).
  3. Cliff Generation:
    • Tool automatically generates cliffs based on terrain slope, with minimal user input.
    • Includes features like exclusion masks for finer control.
    • Often handled by nightly builds, relieving artists from frequent manual generation.
  4. Vegetation (Biome Painter):
    • Artists paint sub-biomes (e.g., forest) using a painter tool.
    • Main biomes automatically distribute vegetation (grass, trees) based on terrain data and sub-biome information.
    • Recipes react to water proximity, altitude, and cliff erosion lines, spawning appropriate assets.
  5. Customization:
    • Artists can override the natural distribution by clearing areas with grass sub-biome and adding elements like roads (using splines).
    • Road generation clears vegetation and adds roads, requiring some manual asset placement (houses, vehicles).
    • Biome painting can be further refined to create features like driveways using terrain textures.
    • Forest sub-biome can be repainted to add trees around specific locations.
  6. Non-Destructive Workflow:
    • Terrain can be adjusted at any time, requiring a refresh of affected procedural tools (e.g., cliffs, biomes).
    • System maintains coherence and updates content placement automatically.
  7. Fence and Power Line Placement:
    • Fences are generated along splines with fence type specified as an attribute.
    • Power lines connect electric poles placed at spline control points.
    • System supports multiple power line types and automatically handles snapping and transformer placement.
    • Biome tool automatically clears vegetation obstructing power lines.

Under the Hood: Houdini Engine and Data Exchange

  • Houdini Engine within Dunia enables seamless data exchange between Houdini and the engine.
  • Inputs from Dunia to Houdini (via Python script):
    • World information (name, size).
    • File paths for assets and data.
    • Terrain sector information (area to generate).
    • Splines and shapes with metadata on geometry attributes (e.g., fence type on a fence spline).
  • Inputs from Disk (file paths provided by Dunia):
    • Height maps.
    • Biome painter data.
    • SPNG and 2D terrain masks.
    • Houdini geometry from previously generated tools.
  • Primary Input: The terrain itself, as generation is linked to specific terrain areas (sectors).
  • Terrain Subdivision:
    • Sectors are the smallest unit (64x64 meters), defining the minimum area for procedural generation.
  • Baking Procedural Data:
    • Users select a generation area:
      • All (everything loaded in the editor).
      • Local map section or sectors (under the camera).
      • Frustum (sectors visible from the camera).
  • Outputs from Houdini to Dunia:
    • Entity point cloud (vegetation, rocks, collectibles, decals, VFX, etc.).
    • Terrain textures.
    • Terrain height maps.
    • 2D terrain data (RGB or grayscale).
    • Procedurally generated geometry.
    • Terrain logic zones (IDs for post-processing and fog presets).
  • Data Transfer: Outputs are saved as buffers in a specific format for efficient loading by the editor, avoiding large memory transfers.
  • Tool Interconnectivity:
    • Procedural generation is sequential (freshwater, cliffs, biomes, etc.).
    • Tools export data to influence subsequent tools (e.g., freshwater generates a water mask used by the biome tool).

Cliff Tool: Detailed Breakdown

Previous Tech and Motivation

  • Far Cry 4 and Primal had no dedicated cliff tech, relying on terrain and placed rocks.
  • Worlds were designed to minimize large cliff surfaces due to visual limitations and the cost of manual rock placement.
  • Far Cry 5 featured larger and more prominent cliffs, necessitating a new approach.

Cliff Tool Inputs and Geometry

  • Terrain slope is the primary input.
  • Surfaces below a defined slope threshold are deleted, creating the cliff input geometry.
  • Cliffs serve as a visual cue for impassable terrain.
  • Remeshing is applied to eliminate stretched quads on slopes, resulting in uniform triangles.


  • Geological stratification (horizontal lines in sedimentary rock) is simulated.
  • Tool slices the input geometry into strata chunks with random thickness.
  • Each strata receives a unique ID for color variation (debug view).
  • Strata angle is controlled by user-painted RGB input on the terrain, with four presets available in the editor.
  • Noise is used to split the cliff surface into two groups, each stratified with a different seed to break up perfect lines and create more natural patterns.

Geometry Generation and Export

  • Strata are extruded with varying thickness and displaced using displacement maps.
  • Triangle count reduction is applied for optimization.
  • Geometry is split into individual meshes per sector (64x64 meters) for improved loading and streaming.

Terrain Shading and Data Transfer

  • Cliffs are shaded using the terrain shader, inheriting textures from the terrain below.
  • To avoid texture mismatch, cliff textures are transferred to the terrain beneath the extruded cliff mesh.
  • Cliff mask and strata attributes are raycast onto the terrain.
  • Strata attribute generates a color layer for macro tint variation, even when cliff mesh is unloaded at a distance.
  • Cliff mask is extended using a flow simulation to create an erosion effect, retaining the original strata color.
  • Crumbled rock entities are scattered on the erosion area and exported as a point cloud.
  • Terrain texture IDs are generated from the erosion mask, using noise to blend two cliff textures for tiling variation.

Vegetation on Cliff Ledges

  • Upward-facing polygons on cliffs are identified as potential vegetation areas.
  • Raycasting checks for clearance above the surface.
  • Trees and other vegetation are spawned on viable cliff ledges.

Cliff Tool Exported Data

  • Cliff geometry with collision information.
  • Point cloud for rocks and ledge vegetation.
  • Terrain texture IDs.
  • Cliff color layer for the terrain.
  • Cliff mask.

Biome Tool: Populating the World with Life

Initial Steps

  • Terrain is generated from the height map.
  • Abiotic data (physical features) is calculated:
    • Occlusion.
    • Flow map.
    • Slope.
    • Curvature.
    • Illumination.
    • Altitude, latitude, longitude.
    • Wind vector map.
  • These attributes form the basis for biome recipes.
  • 2D data from Dunia is imported:
    • Biome painting (user input).
    • Procedural data from previous tools (freshwater, roads, fences, power lines, cliff masks).

Main Biomes and Sub-Biomes

  • Main biomes cover most of the world (75-85%).
  • They automatically determine sub-biome distribution (e.g., forest vs. grassland) based on abiotic terrain data, creating natural macro-level patterns.
  • Main biomes also handle specific rules:
    • Replacing forest with grassland where power lines are present.

Sub-Biome Recipes

  • Sub-biomes are processed sequentially.
  • Each recipe contains ingredients (trees, saplings, bushes, grass).
  • Core of each recipe is the generate-terrain-entities HDA (Houdini Digital Asset), responsible for:
    • Vegetation scattering.
    • Terrain attribute modification.
    • Defining viability for each species.

Viability and Species Competition

  • Viability determines the likelihood of a species growing at a specific location, based on favored terrain attributes.
  • Species with the highest accumulated viability at a location “wins.”
  • Example:
    • Species A favors a specific occlusion range (power of 1).
    • Species B favors a specific flow map range (power of 2).
    • Species B will dominate where the flow map value is sufficiently high.
  • Viability radius determines the influence area of a species, preventing other species from growing too close.
  • Priority and priority radius allow finer control over species interaction:
    • Priority is evaluated first.
    • If priorities are equal, viability is considered.
    • Example: Trees (priority 10) can have a smaller priority radius, allowing bushes (priority 0) to grow closer while still preventing overlap with other trees.

Combining Terrain Attributes for Natural Patterns

  • Mixing various terrain attributes allows for complex vegetation patterns and fluctuating viability.
  • Example: Combining occlusion, altitude, flow map, and noise to create specific growth conditions.
  • Exclusion masks from previous tools (water, cliffs, roads) can be incorporated.

Controlling Asset Size

  • Asset size is linked to viability, allowing for natural size variation within a species.
  • Example: A conifer species can have multiple size variations (50m, 40m, 30m, etc.), each assigned to a specific viability range on the terrain.
  • This creates a tapering effect at forest edges, with smaller trees at the periphery.
  • Scaling percentage for each size prevents a staircase effect, allowing smooth transitions between sizes.
  • Random scale can be added for further variation.
  • Each size can have multiple variations (e.g., a dead tree variant), randomly selected with controllable weights.

Forest Canopy and Ecological Succession

  • Age parameter (signed distance field from viability data) influences size distribution, mimicking forest canopy and ecological succession.
  • It can be added, multiplied, or interpolated with viability to control its influence.
  • Age maximum distance controls the depth of the forest border tapering effect.
  • Age ramp can be used to profile the overall forest shape.

Scattering Density

  • Density ramp controls the scattering density based on size, age, or viability.
  • It prevents overlap issues with larger assets and manages performance by controlling asset numbers.
  • Terrain attributes (illumination, slope aspect) can be mixed into the density ramp for finer control (e.g., reduced density on poorly lit slopes).

Instance Tinting

  • Biomes with high color variation are achieved by tinting individual instances.
  • Gradient color ramps are driven by viability, age, or terrain data.
  • Example: Water signed distance field drives grass color variation near water bodies.

Instance Rotation

  • Asset rotation is primarily based on terrain slope, aligning the forward axis with the slope.
  • This allows for effects like grass leaning towards water due to the shore’s slope.
  • Other options include:
    • Flat horizontal alignment.
    • Wind vector map alignment (e.g., for wheatgrass).
    • Rotation jitter and offset on all axes for random variation.

Terrain Modification by Scattered Assets

  • Scattered assets can influence terrain properties.
  • Four types of terrain data can be modified:
    • Terrain deformation: Height map adjustment (e.g., raising terrain around tree trunks).
    • Terrain textures: Applying specific textures underneath assets (e.g., tree roots).
    • Terrain data output (mask): Generating masks for reuse by other species (e.g., spawning rocks around specific trees).
    • Terrain color: Blending colors with terrain textures (e.g., simulating terrain humidity).
  • Each data type has independent signed distance field settings for controlling the influence area.

Terrain Deformation

  • Masks generated from scattered assets can be combined with terrain data to control deformation.
  • Example: Preventing terrain deformation near roads using the road mask.
  • Displacement height deforms the terrain (e.g., raising it by 1 meter around trees).

Terrain Textures

  • Masks generated from scattered assets determine terrain texture application.
  • Example: Applying a “root” texture underneath trees.
  • Texture selection is dynamically fetched from the engine via Python script.
  • Mask scale controls the area of influence for each texture.

Terrain Data Output and Inter-Species Dependency

  • Terrain data attributes (masks) can be generated from scattered assets and reused by other species.
  • Example:
    • Ponderosa tree outputs a viability mask.
    • Forest rock species uses the Ponderosa viability mask to drive its spawning behavior, creating a dependency between the two.

Terrain Color and Humidity Simulation

  • Terrain tint is generated and mixed with organic terrain textures, similar to the cliff strata color.
  • This creates color variations (e.g., dry brown to lush green) without increasing the number of terrain textures.
  • Neutral gray color allows for both darkening and lightening of the terrain texture.
  • Terrain color and texture variations can transpire through grass, controlled by a mask on the grass asset.

Biome Tool Exported Data

  • Entity point clouds.
  • Terrain texture IDs.
  • Terrain height map.
  • Terrain color.
  • Forest mask (used by fog and wall map tools).

Lessons Learned

  • Responsibility:
    • Procedural tools offer immense control over performance, gameplay, and art, requiring careful consideration of their impact.
    • Balancing art direction (e.g., dense forests) with gameplay needs (e.g., AI navigation) is crucial.
  • Elegant Design:
    • Tools should open up possibilities and be adaptable for various scenarios.
    • The biome tool’s flexibility is highlighted as an example.
  • Simplicity:
    • Avoid over-engineering.
    • Strive for simple and elegant designs through iterative development and refinement.
  • User Feedback:
    • Listen to user needs and preferences.
    • Sometimes manual control is preferred over automation (e.g., riverbed carving).
  • Flexibility:
    • Adapt to changing requirements and be prepared to deviate from initial plans.
  • Balance:
    • Find the right balance between control and automation.
    • Excessive automation can lead to issues, while excessive manual control can be time-consuming and difficult to manage.


  • The procedural pipeline significantly enhanced Far Cry 5’s development, providing efficiency, control, and natural-looking environments.
  • Houdini played a crucial role in achieving the project’s goals.
  • Collaboration and iteration were key to the pipeline’s success.
  • The modular and flexible design allows for future adaptation and reuse in other projects.

About Me:
  • I’m Christian Mills, a deep learning consultant specializing in computer vision and practical AI implementations.
  • I help clients leverage cutting-edge AI technologies to solve real-world problems.
  • Learn more about me or reach out via email at [email protected] to discuss your project.