Workshop 3: Instrumenting & Evaluating LLMs

Workshop #3 focuses on the crucial role of evaluation in fine-tuning and improving LLMs. It covers three main types of evaluations: unit tests, LLM as a judge, and human evaluation.

Christian Mills


June 20, 2024

This post is part of the following series:
  • Mastering LLMs Course Notes: My notes from the course Mastering LLMs: A Conference For Developers & Data Scientists by Hamel Husain and Dan Becker.


  • Importance of Evaluation: Evaluation is crucial for iteratively improving LLMs, whether through prompt engineering, fine-tuning, or other methods.
  • Data Flywheel: A fast iteration cycle requires rapid feedback from evaluations, enabling you to experiment and improve your AI quickly.
  • Applied AI: Evaluation and data analysis are key components of applied AI, allowing you to measure progress and make informed decisions.

Types of Evaluations

  • Unit Tests:
    • Code-based tests that validate specific expectations about LLM responses.
    • Typically fast to run and can catch basic errors.
  • LLM as a Judge:
    • Using another LLM to evaluate the quality of the primary LLM’s response.
    • Can be efficient but requires careful alignment with human judgment.
  • Human Evaluation:
    • Direct human assessment of LLM output.
    • Considered the gold standard, but can be expensive and time-consuming.

Example: Editing Out Stereotypes In Academic Writing

  • Goal: Automate the process of identifying and removing subconscious biases and stereotypes from text.
    • Original Text: “Norway’s mining economy flourished during the period due to Norwegian’s natural hardiness.”
    • Desired Edit: Remove the stereotype of “Norwegian’s natural hardiness.”
  • Approach: Leverages the experience of a team that manually reviews and edits manuscripts for biases, highlighting the importance of considering existing workflows when designing evaluations.

Unit Tests

  • Purpose: First line of defense against basic errors in LLM output.

  • Identifying Failure Modes: Even seemingly complex LLM tasks often have predictable failure modes that can be tested with code.

  • Abstraction and Reusability: Unit tests should be abstracted and reusable, both during development and in production.

  • Logging and Tracking: Log unit test results to a database or other system for tracking progress and identifying trends.

  • from transformers import pipeline, Pipeline
    import pytest
    # Unit Tests
    def llm_pipeline():
        return pipeline("text-generation", model="meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf", device=0)
    def verify_answer_contains(p: Pipeline, query: str, expected: str):
        result = p(query, do_sample=False, truncation=True, return_full_text=False)[0]["generated_text"]
        assert expected in result, f"The result does not contain '{expected}'"
    def test_google_ceo(llm_pipeline):
        verify_answer_contains(llm_pipeline, "Who is the CEO of Google?", "Sundar Pichai")
    def test_2_plus_3(llm_pipeline):
        verify_answer_contains(llm_pipeline, "What is 2+3?", "5")

Generate Data For Each Scenario

  • Feature and Scenario Breakdown: Break down the LLM application into features and scenarios to systematically generate test data.
  • Example: A real estate CRM application with features like finding listings, each with scenarios like finding one listing, multiple listings, or no listings.

Use LLMs to synthetically generate inputs to the system

  • Synthetic Data Generation: Use LLMs to generate synthetic test data for various scenarios, especially when real user data is limited.

  • Example: Generating synthetic real estate agent instructions for testing a CMA (comparative market analysis) feature.

    • Write an instruction that a real estate agent can give to his assistant to create CMA's for him. The results should be a string containing the instruction like so:
        "Create a CMA for 2430 Victory Park"
      If you need a listing you can use any of the following:
      <SELECT address FROM listings_filters;> (From minimal database)

Log Results to Database and Visualize

  • Use existing tools to systematically track unit test results to monitor progress and identify areas for improvement.

    • ----------
      Website - one-listing-found Results
      Success: 0 Fail 26 Total 26 Average Duration: 7
      Technical Tokens Leaked: 26
      Website - multiple-listings-found Results
      Success: 0 Fail 22 Total 22 Average Duration: 4
      Unknown: 1
      Exposed UUIDs: 17
      Failed to format JSON Output: 4
      Website - no-listing-found Results
      Success: 25 Fail 1 Total 26 Average Duration: 3
      Unknown: 1
  • Use bar charts or other visualizations to track error rates across different scenarios and iterations.

Unit Test Considerations

  • Strict vs. Leaderboard Approach:
    • Strict: All unit tests must pass; otherwise, the pipeline is halted.
    • Leaderboard: Track the number of passing tests over iterations to measure progress.
  • Use Case Specificity:
    • Public-facing products: Prioritize tests that prevent data leaks and ensure user privacy.
    • Internal tools: Focus on identifying major issues, as minor errors might be less critical.

LLM as a Judge

  • Alignment with Human Standard: LLM as a judge must be aligned with a trusted human standard to ensure reliable evaluation.
  • Iterative Alignment: Continuously measure and improve the agreement between LLM as a judge and human evaluation.
  • Tips: Use a powerful LLM, treat the judge as a mini-evaluation system, and periodically re-align with human judgment.

LLM-As-A-Judge Example: De-biasing Text Project

  • Challenge: Lack of transitivity in LLM as a judge’s evaluation, leading to unreliable results.
  • Solution: Relying on human evaluation due to the limitations of LLM as a judge in this specific use case.

Human Evaluation

  • Importance: Human evaluation is always necessary, even when using other evaluation methods, to ensure alignment and prevent over-fitting.
  • Regular Data Analysis: Continuously analyze human evaluations to identify patterns, biases, and areas for improvement.
  • Balancing Cost and Accuracy: Determine the appropriate level of human evaluation based on project constraints and desired accuracy.

What Worked

Writing Queries Debiasing Text
Unit Tests Good Too Rigid
LLM as a judge Pretty Good Not transitive
Human Evaluation Some labor required, aided by LLM as a judge Labor intensive, which was ok for this task

Evaluation Workflow

  • Iterative Feedback Loop: Evaluation enables a fast feedback loop for prompt engineering, fine-tuning, and other improvements.
  • Hidden Complexity: Building effective evaluation systems is not trivial and requires careful consideration of various factors.

Human Eval Going Wrong in Alt Text Project

  • Challenge: Human evaluators’ standards can drift over time, leading to misleading results, even with a fixed rubric.
  • Example: Alt text generation project where human evaluators’ standards increased as they saw better models, making later models appear worse than they actually were.

A/B Testing

  • Solution: A/B testing can control for changes in human judgment over time by randomly assigning evaluators to different models.
  • Limitations: A/B testing requires sufficient data and human labelers, making it impractical for early-stage projects.

Looking At Your Data

  • Crucial Importance: Looking at your data is essential for understanding LLM behavior, identifying failure modes, and improving evaluation methods.
  • Common Pitfall: Many practitioners do not look at their data enough, even when they think they do.

What is a Trace?

  • Definition: A trace is a sequence of events in an LLM pipeline, such as multi-turn conversations, RAG processes, or function calls.
  • Importance: Traces are valuable for debugging, fine-tuning, and understanding LLM behavior.
  • Representation: Traces are often represented as JSON-L files, but other formats are possible.

Remove All Friction from Looking at Your Data

  • Ease of Access: Make it easy to access, filter, and navigate your data to encourage regular inspection.
  • Custom Tools: Consider building custom tools using Shiny, Gradio, Streamlit, or other frameworks to streamline data exploration.
    • langefree: Tools for extraction, transformation, and curation of ChatOpenAI runs from LangSmith.
  • Key Considerations: Ensure that your tools remove enough friction and provide the necessary information for effective analysis.

Rendering & Logging Traces

  • Tools: Use tools like LangSmith, IdenticLogFire, Braintrust, Weights&Biases Weave, OpenLLMetry, and Instruct to log and render traces.
  • LangSmith: A platform for logging, testing, and visualizing LLM pipelines, with features like trace rendering, filtering, and feedback integration.

It’s Best to Use a Tool

  • Off-the-Shelf Solutions: Leverage existing tools for logging traces and other evaluation tasks to focus on data analysis and model improvement.
  • Tool Exploration: Explore the various tools available through workshops, office hours, and other resources to find the best fit for your needs.

Harrison Chase: Langsmith for Logging & Tests

LangSmith Features

  • Data Visualization and Analysis: Log, visualize, and analyze interactions with your LLM applications, enabling deep dives into individual runs and identification of potential issues.
  • Dataset Management and Testing: Create, manage, and test your LLM applications against diverse datasets, facilitating targeted improvements and robust evaluation.
  • Experiment Tracking and Comparison: Track experiment results over time, compare different model versions, and gain insights into performance changes.
  • Leveraging LLM as a Judge: Utilize LLMs for automated evaluation, streamline feedback loops, and align LLM judgments with human preferences.
  • Human-in-the-Loop Feedback: Integrate human feedback seamlessly through annotation queues, enabling continuous improvement and refinement of your LLM applications.

Observability: Looking at Your Data

  • Integration: Langsmith integrates with Langchain via environment variables and offers various entry points for non-Langchain users, including decorators, direct span logging, and project-based organization.
  • Data Visualization: Provides an interface to visualize logged data, including system messages, human and AI interactions, outputs, and relevant documents, all presented in an easily digestible format.
  • Transition to Playground: Allows direct navigation from a specific trace to a playground environment, facilitating rapid iteration and prompt modification.

Filtering and Dissecting Data

  • Filtering Capabilities: Offers robust filtering options based on errors, latency, status, tags (e.g., LLM provider), and user feedback, enabling focused analysis of specific data subsets.
  • Aggregate Statistics: Provides aggregated statistics over time, allowing for the identification of trends and patterns in application performance.
  • A/B Testing and Metadata Grouping: Enables A/B testing by grouping statistics based on metadata, such as LLM provider, to compare performance across different models or configurations.

Datasets and Testing

  • Dataset Creation: Supports manual example uploads, imports from existing traces (e.g., failed interactions), and the organization of data into distinct splits for targeted testing.
  • Split Testing: Allows for the evaluation of LLM applications on specific data splits, enabling focused analysis and improvement of performance in identified problem areas.

Tracking Experiments Over Time

  • Experiment Tracking: Automatically logs and displays experiment results, including metrics and performance over time, allowing for monitoring and identification of regressions.
  • Experiment Comparison: Provides an interface to compare two or more experiments side-by-side, highlighting performance differences and facilitating detailed analysis of specific cases.

LLM as a Judge

  • Automated Evaluation: Supports the use of LLMs as judges for automated evaluation, streamlining the feedback process and reducing reliance on manual review.
  • Off-the-Shelf and Custom Evaluators: Offers both pre-built evaluation prompts and the flexibility to define custom evaluation functions, catering to diverse use cases.
  • Aligning Human Preferences: Facilitates the alignment of LLM judgments with human preferences through few-shot learning and an upcoming correction flow feature, enabling continuous improvement of evaluation accuracy.

Human-in-the-Loop Feedback

  • Annotation Queues: Provides annotation queues for efficient human feedback collection, allowing for the review, labeling, and categorization of data points to improve model performance.
  • Collaborative Features: Includes features for adding notes, marking completion status, and collaborating on data annotation tasks, fostering teamwork and efficient feedback integration.

Bryan Bischof: Spellgrounds for Prodigious Prestidigitation

  • Spellgrounds: An internal library for developing and running evaluations, combining systematic and use-case-specific approaches.
  • Opinionated View on Evals: Evals should help determine product readiness, ensure system reliability, and aid in debugging.
  • Google Slides


  • Three Purposes of Evals:
    • Determine product readiness.
    • Ensure system reliability.
    • Aid in debugging.
  • Evals as Data Science: LLM evaluations are not entirely new and should leverage existing data science principles and techniques.

Miscats and Fizzled Spells: Things to avoid

Thinking LLM Evaluations Are Entirely New

  • Leverage Existing Expertise: Data scientists have extensive experience in evaluating unpredictable outputs and mapping user problems to objective functions.
  • Examples:
    • Code generation: Execution evaluation.
    • Agents: Planning as binary classification.
    • Summarization: Retrieval accuracy.

Failing to Include Use-Case Experts

  • Expert Input: Users and domain experts provide valuable insights into what constitutes good output for specific use cases.
  • Example: Collaborating with data scientists to define ideal chart outputs for an LLM-powered data visualization tool.

Waiting Too Long to Make Evaluations

  • Early Integration: Evals should be part of the development cycle from the beginning, including RFC creation and design discussions.

Not Recognizing Product Metrics vs. Evaluation Metrics

  • Distinct but Related:
    • Product metrics track overall system performance, while evaluation metrics assess specific LLM components or functionalities.
    • Product metrics provide valuable insights for designing evals, but they are not sufficient for comprehensive evaluation.
  • Custom Environments: Create custom datasets and environments that reflect real-world use cases, even when access to production data is limited.

Buying an Evaluation Framework Doesn’t Make It Easy

  • Focus on Fundamentals: The hard part of evals is understanding user stories and input diversity, not the framework itself.
  • Jupyter Notebooks: Jupyter Notebooks are powerful tools for interactive data exploration and evaluation.
  • Invest Wisely: Prioritize understanding user needs and building effective evals before investing in complex frameworks.

Reacing Too Early for LLM-Assisted Evaluation

  • LLM Judging as a Tool: LLM judging can be valuable for scaling evaluations and identifying potential issues, but it is not a replacement for human judgment.
  • Systematic Approach:
    • Establish a solid foundation of traditional evaluations before incorporating LLM-assisted methods.
    • Use multiple judges and periodically check for alignment with human evaluation.

Moderating Magic: How to build your eval system


  • Definition: An AI copilot for data science that generates code, reacts to edits, and creates visualizations.
  • Product Page

RAG Evals

  • Treat RAG as Retrieval: Evaluate RAG systems like traditional retrieval systems, focusing on hit rate and relevance.
  • Baselines and Calibration: Establish clear baselines and avoid treating retrieval scores as absolute confidence estimates.

Planning Evals

  • State Machine as Classifier: Evaluate agent planning as a binary classification task, checking the correctness of each step.
  • Prompt Quality: Evaluate the quality of downstream prompts generated by the planning stage, as they can be suboptimal.

Agent-Specific Evals

  • Structured Output: Encourage and evaluate the use of structured output from agents to facilitate integration and consistency.
  • API Interfaces: Design tightly coupled API interfaces between agent components and evaluate their consistency.

Final Stage Evals

  • Topic: Evaluating the final output or summary generated by an agent chain.
  • Recommendation: Ensure the summary accurately reflects the agent’s actions and avoid providing excessive context that can introduce noise.

Experiments are Repeated-Measure Designs

  • Treat Updates as Experiments: Evaluate the impact of updates and bug fixes as experiments, measuring significance and comparing to historical data.
  • Production Event Reruns: Rerun historical production events through updated models and use automated evals to assess improvements.

Production Endpoints Minimize Drift

  • Direct Connection: Connect your evals framework directly to your production environment to minimize drift and ensure consistency.
  • Endpoint Exposure: Expose each step of the production workflow as an endpoint to facilitate testing and debugging.


  • Leverage Jupyter Notebooks for reproducible evaluation orchestration and detailed log analysis.
  • Focus on evaluating the most critical and informative aspects of the LLM system, prioritizing evaluations that exhibit variability and potential for improvement.
  • Use bootstrap sampling to efficiently assess performance and identify areas for improvement.
  • Strive for an evaluation suite with a passing rate of 60-70% to ensure sufficient sensitivity to changes and improvements.

Eugene Yan: Evaluating LLM-Generated Summaries with Out-of-Domain Fine-tuning


  • Problem: Evaluating the factual accuracy of LLM-generated summaries and detecting hallucinations.

  • Solution: Develop an evaluator model that predicts the probability of a summary being factually inconsistent with the source document.

  • Approach: Frame the problem as a Natural Language Inference (NLI) task, treating “contradiction” as factual inconsistency.

  • GitHub Repository: eugeneyan/visualizing-finetunes

  • Blog Post: Out-of-Domain Finetuning to Bootstrap Hallucination Detection


  1. Data Preparation:

    • Exclude low-quality data (e.g., CNN Daily Mail from FIB).
    • Split data into train, validation, and test sets, ensuring no data leakage.
    • Balance classes within each set.
  2. Model Fine-tuning:

    • Use a pre-trained NLI model (DistilBART fine-tuned on MNLI).
    • Fine-tune on FIB data alone and evaluate performance.
    • Fine-tune on USB data, then FIB data, and evaluate performance on both datasets.
  3. Evaluation Metrics:

    • Standard metrics:

      • ROC AUC: Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve.

        • Measures the ability of a binary classification model to distinguish between the positive and negative classes across all possible thresholds.
        • Higher values indicate better performance, with 1 being perfect and 0.5 indicating no better performance than random guessing.

        PR AUC: Area Under the Precision-Recall Curve.

        • Evaluates the trade-off between precision (the accuracy of positive predictions) and recall (the ability to find all positive instances) across different thresholds.
        • Useful when dealing with imbalanced datasets.
        • A higher PR AUC indicates better performance in identifying the positive class.
    • Custom metrics:

      • Recall: Measures the proportion of actual positive cases that are correctly identified by the model
      • Precision: Measures the proportion of positive predictions that are actually correct.
    • Visualizations: Distribution overlap of predicted probabilities for consistent and inconsistent summaries.

Overview Notebook

  • Evaluator Model: A model trained to detect factual inconsistencies in summaries, framed as a natural language inference (NLI) task.
  • NLI for Factual Inconsistency: Using the “contradiction” label in NLI to identify factual inconsistencies in summaries.
  • Objective: Fine-tune an evaluator model to catch hallucinations and evaluate its performance through each epoch.
  • Data Blending: Demonstrating how blending data from different benchmarks can improve the evaluator model’s performance.

Prepare Data Notebook

  • Factual Inconsistency Benchmark (FIB): A dataset containing one-sentence summaries from news articles, with labels indicating factual consistency.
  • Unified Summarization Benchmark (USB): A dataset containing summaries of Wikipedia articles, with labels indicating factual consistency.
  • Data Splitting and Balancing: Splitting the data into train, validation, and test sets, ensuring no data leakage and balancing positive and negative examples.

Finetune FIB Notebook

  • Model: Distilled BART, a pre-trained encoder-decoder model fine-tuned on MNLI.
  • Fine-Tuning: Fine-tuning the model on the FIB dataset, tracking custom metrics like ROC AUC, recall, and precision.
  • Results: Fine-tuning on FIB alone shows limited improvement in ROC AUC and recall, indicating the need for more data.

Finetune USB then FIB Notebook

  • Data Blending: Fine-tuning the model on the larger USB dataset first, followed by fine-tuning on the FIB dataset.
  • Results: Fine-tuning on USB significantly improves performance on both USB and FIB, demonstrating the benefits of data blending.
  • Evaluator Model as a Tool: The fine-tuned evaluator model can be used to evaluate generative models, acting as a fast and scalable hallucination detector.

Advantages of the Evaluator Model

  • Fast and Scalable: Evaluates summaries in milliseconds, making it suitable for real-time applications.
  • Controllable: Allows setting thresholds to prioritize precision or recall based on specific needs.
  • Versatile: Can be adapted to evaluate other aspects of summaries, such as relevance and information density.

Evaluating Agents

  • Break down complex tasks into smaller, evaluable steps.
  • Use a combination of classification, extraction, and potentially reward model-based metrics.
  • Example: Evaluating a meeting transcript summarization agent:
    • Step 1: Evaluate the extraction of decisions, actions, and owners (classification).
    • Step 2: Evaluate the factual consistency of extracted information against the transcript (classification using the hallucination detection model).
    • Step 3: Evaluate the quality of the final summary in terms of information density and writing style (potentially using a reward model).

Shreya Shankar: Scaling Up Vibe Checks for LLMs

LLM Pipelines

LLMs Make Unpredictable Mistakes

  • Instruction Following: LLMs may not always follow instructions perfectly, leading to unexpected errors and inconsistencies.
  • Need for Guardrails: Evaluation and assertions are crucial for detecting and correcting LLM errors, ensuring reliable output.

Vibe Checks: Custom Evaluation for LLMs

  • Vibe Checks: Task-specific constraints, guidelines, or assertions that define “good” output based on human judgment.
  • Challenges:
    • Subjectivity: Different users may have different expectations for the same task.
    • Complexity: Metrics like “tone” are difficult to quantify and evaluate.
    • Scalability: Manual vibe checks by humans are effective but don’t scale well.
  • Spectrum of Vibe Checks:
    • Generic: Common ML performance metrics provided by model developers.
    • Architecture-Specific: Metrics relevant to specific LLM architectures (e.g., faithfulness in RAG pipelines).
    • Task-Specific: Fine-grained constraints tailored to the exact requirements of a task.
  • Goal: Develop scalable, codified vibe checks (validators, assertions, guardrails) that capture task-specific requirements.

Evaluation Assistants: Using LLMs to Build Vibe Checks

  • Evaluation Assistants: Tools that help humans define and implement task-specific evaluations and assertions.
  • Key Idea: Leverage LLMs to scale, not replace, human judgment.
  • Workflow Components:
    • Auto-generate criteria and implementations: Use LLMs to suggest potential evaluation criteria and ways to implement them.
    • Mixed Initiative Interface: Allow humans to interact with and refine LLM-generated criteria and provide feedback.

Auto-Generated Assertions: Learning from Prompt History

  • Challenge: Identifying relevant assertion criteria and ensuring coverage of potential failures.
  • SPADE System: A two-step workflow for generating assertions.
    1. Generate candidate assertions: Use LLMs to propose potential assertions.
    2. Filter based on human preferences: Allow humans to select and refine the most relevant assertions.
  • Insight: Prompt version history reveals information about developer priorities and common LLM errors.
    • Example: Repeated edits to instructions related to sensitive information indicate a need for a corresponding assertion.
  • Categorizing Prompt Deltas: Analyzing how humans modify prompts helps identify common categories of edits, which can inform assertion generation.
  • From Taxonomy to Assertions: LLMs can use the categorized prompt deltas and the current prompt to suggest relevant assertion criteria.
  • Lessons from Deployment:
    • Inclusion and exclusion assertions are most common.
    • LLM-generated assertions may be redundant, incorrect, or require further refinement.

EvalGen: A Mixed Initiative Interface for Evaluation

  • Paper: Who Validates the Validators? Aligning LLM-Assisted Evaluation of LLM Outputs with Human Preferences
  • Motivation: Streamline the process of creating and refining assertions, making it more efficient and user-friendly.
  • Key Features:
    • Minimize wait time: Provide rapid feedback and iteration cycles.
    • Human-in-the-loop: Allow users to edit, refine, and grade LLM outputs and criteria.
    • Interactive grading: Enable users to provide thumbs-up/thumbs-down feedback on LLM outputs.
    • Report card: Summarize evaluation results and highlight areas for improvement.
  • Qualitative Study Findings:
    • Starting point: EvalGen provides a useful starting point for assertion development, even if initial suggestions require refinement.
    • Iterative process: Evaluation is an iterative process that benefits from ongoing human feedback.
    • Criteria drift: User definitions of “good” and “bad” output evolve over time and with exposure to more examples.
    • Code-based vs. LLM-based evals:
      • Users have different expectations and use cases for these two types of evaluations.
      • Preferred for fuzzy criteria, dirty data, and situations where humans struggle to articulate clear rules.
  • EvalGen v2: Incorporates lessons learned from the study, including:
    • Dynamic criteria list for easier iteration.
    • Natural language feedback for refining criteria.
    • Support for per-criteria feedback.

Overall Takeaways

  • Mistakes are inevitable: LLMs will make mistakes, especially at scale.
  • LLMs can assist in evaluation: By leveraging prompt history and human feedback, LLMs can help create effective evaluation metrics.
  • Evaluation is iterative: Continuous monitoring, feedback, and refinement are crucial for maintaining LLM accuracy and alignment with user expectations.
  • Evaluation assistants are valuable: Tools like EvalGen can significantly streamline the process of developing and refining LLM evaluations.

Q&A Session

Using Prompt History for Generating Assertions

  • Benefit: Focusing LLM’s attention when generating evaluation criteria. Instead of designing a unit test for every sentence in a long prompt, providing prompt history helps focus on key criteria.
  • Focus on Iteration: Start with 2-3 criteria, refine them, and then add more, rather than starting with an overwhelming number.
  • Challenges in Writing Assertions: The difficulty lies in aligning assertions with what constitutes “good” or “bad” output. This definition evolves over time and requires analyzing model output and user feedback.
  • Value of Evaluation Assistants: Assist in drawing conclusions from data and defining “good” output, aiding in the continuous improvement process.

Generalizability of Assertion Criteria

  • Generalization Across Models: Prompt edits and the way people interact with LLMs are similar across different models, regardless of the specific model used (Mistral, LLAMA2, ChatGPT, Claude).

Unit Tests for Specific LLM Tasks

  • Applicability of Unit Tests: While straightforward for tasks with clear data structures (e.g., query validity), unit tests are less effective for general-purpose language models or tasks like text rewriting or summarization.

Temperature Parameter in Open-Source LLMs

  • Open-Source LLMs and Temperature: Similar to OpenAI’s models, open-source LLMs have a temperature parameter. Setting it to zero ensures deterministic output, which is often desirable in production settings.

Importance of Evaluation Methods

  • Iterative Approach to Evaluation: Start building the product without extensive upfront evaluation. Implement evaluations as you learn more about the task, identify edge cases, and seek improvements.
  • Don’t Let Evals Hinder Progress: Avoid evaluation paralysis. Focus on creating a minimal product and then iteratively refine it based on evaluations and user feedback.

Fine-tuning LLM as a Judge

  • Using Off-The-Shelf Models: It is generally recommended to use publicly available, off-the-shelf LLMs as judges instead of fine-tuning separate judge models.
  • Complexity and Alignment: Fine-tuning judge models can lead to complexity and make it challenging to align them with human judgment.

Starting the Data Flywheel

  • Start with a Prompt: Begin with a simple prompt and an off-the-shelf LLM to build a basic product and gather user data.
  • Leverage Synthetic Data: Utilize the LLM’s capabilities to generate synthetic data, enabling faster iteration and unblocking progress.

“Do Sample” Parameter in Production

  • Deterministic vs. Varied Output: Setting do_sample to false (or using zero temperature) ensures deterministic, consistent output, often preferred for production systems requiring predictable behavior.
  • Use Case Dependency: For creative applications like character AI, where variety is desired, do_sample can be set to true or a non-zero temperature can be used.

Preparing Data for A/B Testing with LLMs

  • Human Evaluation vs. LLM as Judge: While LLMs can potentially be used to choose between options, human evaluation is often more reliable.
  • Context-Specific Data Preparation: Data preparation depends heavily on the specific task and why an LLM is used for A/B testing.

Evaluating Retriever Performance in RAG

  • Key Metrics:
    • Recall@10: Measures how many relevant documents are retrieved within the top 10 results.
    • Ranking (NDCG): Evaluates if the most relevant documents are ranked higher.
    • Ability to Return Zero Results: Important for identifying queries with no relevant information in the index, preventing the LLM from generating incorrect responses based on irrelevant data.
  • Importance of Handling Irrelevant Data: Ensuring the retriever can effectively identify and handle queries with no relevant information is crucial for avoiding inaccurate or nonsensical responses from the LLM.

Filtering Documents for Factuality and Bias in RAG

  • Challenges: Identifying factually incorrect or biased content within the document corpus is a complex challenge.
  • Content Moderation and Exclusion: Employ content moderation techniques to identify and exclude toxic, biased, or offensive content from the retrieval index.
  • Open Problem: Detecting subtle misinformation or bias remains an open research problem.

Running Unit Tests during CI/CD

  • Local vs. CI/CD Execution: Running tests locally provides faster feedback during development, while integrating with CI/CD ensures consistent testing and prevents accidental deployments without proper testing.
  • Use Case Dependency: The choice depends on the purpose of the tests (quality assurance vs. safety checks) and the sensitivity of the application.

Checking for Contamination of Base Models

  • Contextual Reasoning: Analyze the likelihood of overlap between the evaluation data and the base model’s training data based on the nature and recency of the data.
  • Performance Monitoring: Be wary of unexpectedly high performance, which could indicate data leakage.
  • No Foolproof Solution: Data contamination is a difficult problem with no universal solution. Careful consideration and context-specific analysis are essential.

About Me:
  • I’m Christian Mills, a deep learning consultant specializing in computer vision and practical AI implementations.
  • I help clients leverage cutting-edge AI technologies to solve real-world problems.
  • Learn more about me or reach out via email at [email protected] to discuss your project.