Workshop 1: When and Why to Fine-Tune an LLM

Workshop #1 provides a practical overview of fine-tuning large language models, focusing on when it is and is not beneficial, emphasizing a workflow of simplification, prototyping, and iterative improvement using evaluations.

Christian Mills


May 31, 2024

This post is part of the following series:
  • Mastering LLMs Course Notes: My notes from the course Mastering LLMs: A Conference For Developers & Data Scientists by Hamel Husain and Dan Becker.

Key Takeaways

  • Start simple: Focus on prompt engineering and using pre-trained models like those from OpenAI before jumping into the complexity of fine-tuning.
  • Fine-tune strategically: Consider fine-tuning when you need bespoke behavior, have unique data, or require data privacy.
  • Templating is crucial: Pay close attention to consistency in templating between training and inference to avoid unexpected model behavior.
  • Evaluate rigorously: Use domain-specific evaluations and metrics to measure model performance and guide fine-tuning decisions.
  • Preference optimization shows promise: Techniques like Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) can train models to outperform even human experts by learning from comparative feedback.

Course Overview

  • Focus: Actionable insights and practical guidance from real-world experience in deploying LLMs for various business needs.
  • Philosophy:
    • Prioritize practical value over project ideas that only sound cool.
    • Start with simple, straightforward solutions and progressively refine them.
    • Ship prototypes quickly for rapid iteration and feedback.
  • Workflow:
    • Start with prompt engineering before considering fine-tuning.
      • Prompt engineering provides much faster iteration and experimentation.
      • The results from prompt engineering will help inform whether fine-tuning is necessary.
    • Iterate quickly with simple prototypes.
      • Build and show people concrete things, so they can provide feedback.
      • Simple prototypes almost always work well enough to start making progress.
    • Incorporate evaluations (Evals) to measure and improve model performance.

When to Fine-Tune

  • Don’t fine-tune for generic behavior:
    • Use existing powerful models like OpenAI’s GPT or Anthropic’s models via API for tasks where they excel.
    • Increasingly larger context windows allows us to fit more examples to fit into a prompt.
    • You should have some minimal evaluation system that you hit a wall on with prompting alone, before considering fine-tuning.
  • Do fine-tune for bespoke behavior:
    • When you need specific outputs or behavior not achievable through prompt engineering alone.
    • When you have a narrow, well-defined problem domain and sufficient data for training.
      • Fine-tuning requires examples of desired inputs and outputs for supervised learning.
    • When data privacy and model ownership are critical.
    • When you need improved quality and lower latency compared to large pre-trained models.
    • Requires proper operational setup and significant value use cases.
  • Iteration Speed & Complexity: Fine-tuning involves slower iteration cycles and operational complexities compared to using pre-trained models.

Understanding Fine-Tuning

  • Pre-training: Training LLMs on massive text datasets to learn language fundamentals and next-token prediction.
  • Building on Pre-trained Models:
    • Fine-tuning adapts pre-trained models with vast general language knowledge to excel in specific domains.
    • Fine-tuning harnesses the next-token prediction mechanism used in pre-training to generate desired outputs.
  • Importance of Input-Output Examples
    • Fine-tuning requires clear examples of desired inputs and outputs.
    • Documentation alone isn’t sufficient; practical examples are necessary.
    • Mixed quality of training data (e.g., varied quality of human-written summaries) can lead to mediocre model performance.
  • Templating for Inference Control:
    • Guides the model to produce specific outputs by short-circuiting pre-trained behavior.
    • Inputs and outputs are placed within a consistent template to guide the model during inference.
    • Crucial for aligning training and inference.
    • Defines the structure of input and output text to guide the model.
    • Inconsistencies in templating are a major source of errors.
      • Templates must be identical between training and inference.
      • There are many kinds of templates and it is easy to misinterpret them.
      • Many tools try to abstract away and automate building templates and something often goes wrong.
      • Blog Post: Tokenization Gotchas

Case Study: Logistics Company Regression Problem


  • Task: Logistics company (e.g., UPS, DHL, USPS) needed to predict item value based on an 80-character description.
  • Takeaways: Highlights the importance of understanding and preparing the training data, the limitations of fine-tuning for specific regression tasks, and the practical issues encountered with this approach.

Traditional NLP and ML Approaches

  • Classical Techniques: Initial consideration to use traditional NLP and ML methods.
  • Bag of Words Representation: Highlighted issue where models fail to recognize unseen words or infrequent words due to limited data.

Fine-Tuning Large Language Models

  • Initial Approach: Attempted to use a large language model (LLM) with and without fine-tuning for regression.
  • Outcome: The model learned patterns in the data that were not ideal for the task.

Key Observations from Fine-Tuning

  • Round Numbers: The model tended to predict round numbers frequently because past entries often used round numbers.
  • Mismatch in Values: Conventional ML models can predict approximate values (e.g., $97 vs. $100), which is often more useful than exact but less frequent round number predictions by the LLM.
  • Training Data Limitations: Training data often contained inaccuracies, such as undervalued entries to avoid insurance costs.

Data Representation and Preprocessing

  • Description Complexity: Corporate descriptions were often abbreviated or used acronyms, making them hard to interpret both for humans and models.
  • Pre-trained Model Limitations: Pre-trained models struggled with unknown abbreviations or context-specific terms not encountered during pre-training.


  • Unsuccessful Case Study: The fine-tuning approach was largely unsuccessful due to predictable data issues.

Insights and Recommendations

  • Data Quality: Emphasized the importance of high-quality, representative training data for desired future behavior.
  • Raw Data Examination: Stressed the need to carefully inspect raw data, a common yet frequently overlooked step in data science.
  • Practicality of ML Solutions: For this case, traditional ML and NLP techniques did not provide satisfactory results, leading to the retention of the manual workflow.

Case Study: Honeycomb Natural Language Query Assistant


  • Task: Building a system for Honeycomb, an observability platform that logs telemetry data about software applications, that translates natural language queries into the platform’s domain-specific query language.

  • Takeaways: Highlights the importance of fine-tuning in addressing domain-specific challenges, improving model performance, and meeting business requirements such as data privacy and operational efficiency.

Honeycomb Platform Overview

  • Honeycomb is an observability platform.
  • Logs telemetry data like page load times, database response times, and application bottlenecks.
  • Users query this data using a domain-specific query language.

Initial Solution: Natural Language Query Assistant

  • Problem: Users must learn a specific query language to use Honeycomb effectively.
  • Solution: Create a natural language query assistant that translates user queries into Honeycomb’s query language using large language models (LLMs).
  • Initial Approach:
    • User provides a query and schema (list of column names from the user’s data).
    • Prompt assembled with user input and schema sent to GPT-3/GPT-3.5.
    • Generated a Honeycomb query based on the prompt.

Prompt Structure

  1. System Message:
    • “Honeycomb AI suggests queries based on user input.”
  2. Columns Section:
    • Schema from the user’s data inserted here.
  3. Query Spec:
    • Simplified programming manual for Honeycomb’s query language.
    • Contains operations and comments on their usage.
  4. Tips Section:
    • Guidelines to handle different failure modes and edge cases.
    • Example: Handling time ranges correctly.
  5. Few-Shot Examples:
    • Examples of natural language queries and corresponding Honeycomb query outputs.

Challenges with Initial Solution

  • Expressing Query Language Nuances:
    • Hard to capture all idioms and best practices of the query language.
    • GPT-3.5 lacks extensive exposure to Honeycomb’s specific query language.
  • Tips Section Complexity:
    • Tips devolved into numerous if-then statements.
    • Difficult for the language model to follow multiple conditionals.
  • Few-Shot Examples Limitations:
    • Hard to cover all edge cases.
    • Dynamic few-shot examples could help but were not implemented.

Business Challenges

  • Data Privacy:
    • Need permission to send customer data to OpenAI.
    • Preference to keep data within a trusted boundary.
  • Quality vs. Latency Tradeoff:
    • GPT-4 offered higher quality but was too slow and expensive.
    • Goal: Train a smaller, faster model with comparable quality.
  • Narrow Domain Problem:
    • Honeycomb queries are a focused, narrow domain ideal for fine-tuning.
  • Impracticality of Extensive Prompt Engineering:
    • Hard to manually encode all nuances of the query language.
    • Fine-tuning with many examples is more practical.

Fine-Tuning Solution

  • Advantages:
    • Faster, more compliant with data privacy needs.
    • Higher quality responses compared to GPT-3.5.
  • Implementation:
    • Fine-tuned a model using synthetic data provided by Honeycomb.
    • The process and challenges encountered during fine-tuning will be simulated in the course.


  1. Implement Fine-Tuning:
    • Use synthetic data to replicate and improve the model.
    • Focus on capturing edge cases and nuances in the training data.
  2. Optimize for Performance:
    • Balance model size and latency to ensure quick responses without sacrificing quality.
  3. Ensure Data Privacy:
    • Keep data within a trusted boundary to comply with customer privacy requirements.
  4. Regularly Update Few-Shot Examples:
    • Dynamically generate examples to cover new edge cases and improve model accuracy.
  5. Monitor and Iterate:
    • Continuously monitor model performance and iteratively improve based on user feedback and new data.

Q&A Session #1

This Q&A session covers various aspects of fine-tuning machine learning models, particularly focusing on fine-tuning versus retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), function calling, and synthetic data generation. It also touches upon the use of base models versus instruction-tuned models and the appropriate amount of data for fine-tuning.

Fine-Tuning vs. RAG

  • Definitions:
    • Fine-Tuning: Adjusting a pre-trained model with additional data to improve performance in specific tasks.
    • RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation): Combines information retrieval with generation to produce responses based on external documents.
  • Key Point: Fine-tuning and RAG are not mutually exclusive; they can complement each other.
  • Process: Validate the need for fine-tuning by ensuring good prompts and effective RAG.

Fine-Tuning for Function Calls

  • Capability: Models can be fine-tuned to improve at making function calls.
  • Examples: Open models like LLaMA 3 and LLaMA 2 have been fine-tuned for function calling.
  • Challenges: Identify and use good training data with successful function call examples while filtering out failures.

Data Requirements for Fine-Tuning

  • Amount of Data: Success with as few as 100 samples, though this varies by problem scope.
  • Broad Scope Problems: Require more data to cover the problem space adequately.
  • Narrow Scope Problems: Can often be fine-tuned with relatively little data.

Synthetic Data Generation

  • Importance: Helps overcome data scarcity in specific domains.
  • Methods: Use powerful models to generate synthetic data, perturb existing data, and create test cases.
  • Practical Example: Honeycomb example shows generating synthetic data to test and train models.

Base Models vs. Instruction-Tuned Models

  • Base Models: Not fine-tuned for specific instructions, allowing more control over fine-tuning processes.
  • Instruction-Tuned Models: Pre-fine-tuned to respond to instructions, useful in broader chat-based applications.
  • Preference: Often uses base models to avoid template conflicts and ensure specific fine-tuning needs.

Model Size for Fine-Tuning

  • Preferred Size: Starts with smaller models (e.g., 7 billion parameters) and scales up based on complexity and performance needs.
  • Trade-Offs: Larger models require more resources and justification due to higher costs and hosting difficulties.

Multimodal Fine-Tuning

  • Example Project: Fine-tuning models to write alt text for images to assist visually impaired users.
  • Tools: The LLaVA model is recommended for fine-tuning multimodal tasks.


  1. Validate the Need for Fine-Tuning: Before starting, ensure you have good prompts and effective RAG if applicable.
  2. Choose the Right Data: Use high-quality, successful examples for fine-tuning and filter out poor results.
  3. Start Small: Begin with smaller models and incrementally increase size based on performance needs.
  4. Leverage Synthetic Data: Generate and use synthetic data to supplement training data, especially in data-scarce domains.
  5. Understand Model Types: Choose between base models and instruction-tuned models based on the specific use case and desired control over fine-tuning.
  6. Explore Multimodal Capabilities: Consider multimodal fine-tuning for tasks that require handling both text and images, utilizing models like LLaVA.



  • Topic: Delves into the common pitfalls and considerations when working with LLM-powered chatbots.
  • Takaways: Highlights why general-purpose chatbots are often a bad idea, with unrealistic expectations and overly broad scope leading to poor user experiences and significant challenges in development.

Importance of Saying No to General-Purpose Chatbots

  • Prevalence of Chatbot Requests: When working with LLMs, most clients will request a chatbot.
  • Need for Caution: It’s often necessary to push back on these requests due to potential complications.

Case Study: Rechat Real Estate CRM Tool

  • Initial Concept: A CRM tool for real estate that integrated multiple functionalities (appointments, listings, social media marketing).
  • Initial Implementation: Started with a broad chat interface labeled “Ask Lucy anything.”
    • Problems with Broad Scope:
      • Unmanageable surface area.
      • User expectations mismatched with capabilities.
      • Difficult to make progress on scoped tasks.

Lessons from Rechat Case Study

  • Scoped Interfaces: Guide users towards specific tasks.
  • Fine-Tuning Challenges: Difficult to fine-tune against a large and varied set of functions.

Managing User Expectations

  • High User Expectations: Users often assume chatbots can handle any request, leading to disappointment.
  • Setting Realistic Boundaries: Important to guide users on what the chatbot can realistically do.

Real-World Example: DPD Chatbot Incident

  • Background: A chatbot released for a package delivery company, DPD, faced issues on launch.
  • Incident: The chatbot swore in response to a user’s prompt, leading to negative publicity.
    • Media Coverage: The incident was widely reported, causing significant concern within the company.
  • Lesson Learned:
    • Expectations vs. Reality: Even harmless errors can become major issues if they attract public attention.
    • Guardrails: Conventional software has clear input validation; free-form text input in chatbots is harder to manage.

Guardrails and Prompt Injections

  • Challenges with Guardrails: Tools to check for prompt injections are imperfect.
  • Importance of Reviewing Prompts: Critical to understand and review the prompts used by guardrails to ensure safety.


  1. Scoped Interfaces Over General Chatbots: Focus on integrating chatbot functionalities into specific parts of the application rather than creating a general-purpose chatbot.
  2. User Expectation Management: Clearly communicate what the chatbot can and cannot do to manage user expectations effectively.
  3. Modular Functionality: Break down the chatbot’s functionalities into specific modules that can be fine-tuned individually.
  4. Review Guardrails: Regularly review and understand the prompts and guardrails to ensure they are functioning correctly.
  5. Careful Rollout: Test chatbots extensively before public release to avoid unexpected behaviors that could lead to negative publicity.

Preference Optimization

Discusses the effectiveness of Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) in fine-tuning LLMs to produce superior outputs. By leveraging human preferences in comparing two responses to the same prompt, DPO can significantly improve the quality of model outputs.

Preference Optimization Algorithms

  • Challenge: Human-generated data is often imperfect, and training models solely on this data can lead to suboptimal results.
  • Human Preference Evaluation: Humans excel at choosing between two options based on preference.
  • Preference Optimization Algorithms: These techniques leverage human preferences to fine-tune models.

Direct Preference Optimization (DPO)

  • Definition: DPO involves using human preference data to guide model fine-tuning.
  • Comparison to Supervised Fine-Tuning:
    • Supervised Fine-Tuning: Model learns to imitate responses based on a prompt-response pair.
    • DPO: Model learns from human preference data by comparing two responses to the same prompt and determining which is better.

Process of Direct Preference Optimization

  • Data Collection:
    • Prompt: Initial input or question.
    • Responses: Two different responses to the prompt.
    • Human Evaluation: Determining which response is better.
  • Model Update: Model adjusts weights to favor better responses, potentially exceeding the quality of the best human-generated responses.

Case Study: Customer Service Email Project

  • Project Overview:
    • Data: 200 customer service emails.
    • Responses: Two responses per email from different agents.
    • Manager Evaluation: Manager chose the preferred response from each pair.
  • Model Used: Fine-tuned on Zephyr (base model).

Performance Comparison

  • Methods Compared:
    1. GPT-4 Response Generation: Direct use of GPT-4 for generating responses.
    2. Supervised Fine-Tuning: Model fine-tuned on pairs of input-output data.
    3. Human Agents: Responses generated by human customer service agents.
    4. DPO Model: Model fine-tuned using direct preference optimization.
  • Results:
    • GPT-4: Produced the lowest quality responses.
    • Supervised Fine-Tuning: Better than GPT-4 but worse than human agents.
    • Human Agents: Better than the supervised fine-tuned model.
    • DPO Model: Outperformed human agents, producing responses preferred 2 to 1 over human responses in blind comparisons.

Advantages of Direct Preference Optimization

  • Superhuman Performance: DPO models can generate responses superior to those of human experts.
  • Flexibility with Data Quality: Effective even with imperfect or messy data.


  1. Adopt DPO for Fine-Tuning: Implement DPO in model fine-tuning processes to achieve superior performance.
  2. Leverage Human Preferences: Collect and utilize human preference data to guide model improvements.
  3. Evaluate Model Performance: Regularly compare DPO model outputs with human-generated outputs to ensure quality.
  4. Explore Variations of DPO: Investigate slight tweaks and alternative algorithms related to DPO to further enhance model performance.

Evaluating Use Cases for Fine-Tuning

This discussion focuses on evaluating different use cases for fine-tuning large language models (LLMs). The primary aim is to determine when fine-tuning is beneficial for the target use case compared to using a general model like ChatGPT.

1. Customer Service Automation for a Fast Food Chain

  • Use Case: Automating responses to most customer service emails, with unusual requests routed to a human.
  • Evaluation:
    • Fit for Fine-Tuning: Strong fit.
    • Reasoning: The company likely has a substantial dataset from past customer interactions. Fine-tuning can capture the specific nuances of the company’s customer service style and common issues.
    • Example: Handling specific inquiries about menu items, store locations, or promotions that are frequently encountered.

2. Classification of Research Articles for a Medical Publisher

  • Use Case: Classifying new research articles into a complex ontology, facilitating trend analysis for various organizations.
  • Evaluation:
    • Fit for Fine-Tuning: Excellent fit.
    • Reasoning: The ontology is complex with many subtle distinctions that are hard to convey in a prompt. The publisher likely has extensive historical data for training.
    • Example: Classifying articles into one of 10,000 categories, focusing on the most common 500 categories initially for efficiency.
    • Implementation Detail: Used a JSON array output for multi-class classification.

3. Short Fiction Generation for a Startup

  • Use Case: Creating the world’s best short fiction writer.
  • Evaluation:
    • Fit for Fine-Tuning: Potentially good fit.
    • Reasoning:
      • General models like ChatGPT can write good short stories.
      • Fine-tuning can help the model learn specific preferences in storytelling that go beyond what a general LLM can offer. The startup can gather user preferences on generated stories to continually improve the model.
    • Example: Generating two different story versions on a given topic and having users rate them to inform future fine-tuning.
    • Considerations: The feedback loop involving user ratings can help refine and optimize the storytelling quality.

4. Automated News Summarization for Employees

  • Use Case: Providing employees with summaries of new articles on specific topics daily.
  • Evaluation:
    • Fit for Fine-Tuning: Potentially unnecessary.
    • Reasoning: General LLMs like ChatGPT can already provide high-quality summaries. The benefit of fine-tuning depends on the availability of unique internal data to improve the summarization process.
    • Example: Summarizing a wide range of news articles without a significant internal dataset may not justify the effort of fine-tuning.
    • Alternative: Using preference-based optimization (DPO) to gather feedback on summary quality and improve the model if news summarization is a critical business function.

Important Considerations

  • Data Availability: Fine-tuning is more effective when there is a large, high-quality dataset available from past interactions or classifications.
  • Complexity and Specificity: Use cases with complex, nuanced requirements are better candidates for fine-tuning compared to general tasks.
  • Resource Commitment: The decision to fine-tune should consider the resources required for collecting and annotating additional data, as well as the importance of the task within the organization.


  1. Assess Data Quality and Quantity: Ensure sufficient and relevant data is available for fine-tuning.
  2. Evaluate Task Complexity: Use fine-tuning for tasks that require specific knowledge or subtle distinctions that a general model might not capture.
  3. Consider Cost-Benefit: Weigh the benefits of improved performance against the costs of data collection and model training.
  4. Iterate and Improve: Continuously gather feedback to refine and improve the fine-tuned model, especially for user-preference-driven tasks.

Q&A Session #2

This Q&A session addressed various questions related to model quantization, handling hallucinations in language models, and the importance of data annotation.


  • Definition: Quantization is a technique used to reduce the precision of models.
  • Performance Impact: Over-quantization can lead to performance degradation.
  • Testing: It is crucial to test the quantized models to ensure performance is not adversely affected.

Hallucination in Language Models

  • Issue: When classifying academic or scientific articles, ensuring that the language model (LM) only outputs valid classes is critical.
  • Solution: Providing enough examples with specific sets of classes to train the model effectively.
  • Metrics: Continuous monitoring and treating misclassifications as part of the expected process.

Fine-Tuning Large Language Models

  • Use Case Evaluation: The skill of evaluating use cases for fine-tuning is essential for data scientists.
  • Example: Fine-tuning can outperform even human experts in specific, well-defined tasks, such as customer service for companies like McDonald’s.

Optimizing Prompts

  • Efficiency: Static elements in prompts that don’t change should be removed in favor of more dynamic elements.
  • Few-Shot Examples: These should be minimized or eliminated with extensive fine-tuning.
  • Prompt Engineering: A critical technique in making language models more efficient and effective.

Data Annotation and Evaluation

  • Human in the Loop: Essential for evaluating LLMs and curating data for training and fine-tuning.
  • Tool Building: Custom tools are often more effective than generic ones for specific domains.

About Me:
  • I’m Christian Mills, a deep learning consultant specializing in computer vision and practical AI implementations.
  • I help clients leverage cutting-edge AI technologies to solve real-world problems.
  • Learn more about me or reach out via email at [email protected] to discuss your project.