Office Hours 6: Johno Whitaker

This Q&A session covers a wide range of topics related to LLMs, including practical tips for training and optimization, insights into the current research landscape, and thoughts on future trends.

Christian Mills


July 11, 2024

This post is part of the following series:
  • Mastering LLMs Course Notes: My notes from the course Mastering LLMs: A Conference For Developers & Data Scientists by Hamel Husain and Dan Becker.

Key takeaways

  • Striking a balance between GPU utilization and cache: While maximizing GPU utilization seems ideal, leaving some headroom for caching can actually improve performance.
  • The economics of cloud GPU pricing: Faster, more expensive GPUs often end up being cost-effective due to reduced training time.
  • Prioritizing alternative customization methods before fine-tuning: Consider techniques like prompt engineering and context injection before resorting to fine-tuning.
  • The importance of quick iteration cycles in research: Start with smaller models and datasets to test ideas rapidly before scaling up.
  • The value of understanding the tools and digging deeper: While off-the-shelf libraries are convenient, having a deeper understanding of the underlying code can be crucial for research and debugging.
  • The potential of alternative hardware and algorithms: While GPUs and deep learning dominate the current landscape, there is hope for innovation with new programming paradigms and architectures.
  • Focusing on practical skills and real-world applications: Building projects and gaining hands-on experience are invaluable, even if specific technologies become obsolete.
  • The evolving role of LLMs in research: LLMs are becoming increasingly useful for tasks like paper retrieval and summarization, with the potential for even greater impact in the future.
  • The importance of exploring diverse research directions: While chasing the latest trends can be tempting, exploring less crowded research areas can lead to novel and impactful contributions.

GPU Utilization and Batch Size

  • Increasing batch size generally improves performance, especially when memory bandwidth is a bottleneck.
  • However, pushing GPU memory utilization too close to 100% can hinder performance by limiting space for caching.
  • It’s crucial to leave some headroom for pre-caching layers and avoiding out-of-memory errors during evaluation or unexpected events.
  • Find the largest comfortable batch size with reasonable memory utilization.

Balancing Compute and IO Costs

  • While using more GPUs increases cost per hour, it also significantly reduces training time.
  • Cloud GPU pricing often reflects this trade-off, making faster GPUs cost-effective overall.
  • Consider the time cost of experimentation when choosing between more or fewer GPUs.
  • For multi-node setups, prioritize data parallelism across nodes and leverage memory-saving techniques within each node to minimize communication overhead.

Hyperparameter Tuning

  • Fine-tuning is not always necessary, as many models perform well with default settings or prompt engineering.
  • Focus on finding a model and basic configuration that learns effectively before extensively optimizing hyperparameters.
  • Consider the specific requirements of the application; stylistic formatting may benefit from fine-tuning, while direct knowledge integration might be better served by context injection.

Fine-tuning vs. Alternative Customization Methods

  • Fine-tuning can be useful for customizing model behavior, but it’s not the only or always the best approach.
  • Explore alternative methods like prompt engineering, context injection, and retrieval-augmented generation.
  • Consider the trade-offs between fine-tuning efficiency, context length limitations, and the ability to incorporate external knowledge.

TPUs and Other Accelerators

  • TPUs offer high-speed memory access and interconnects, making them suitable for large-scale training.
  • The principles of memory management and optimization still apply, but the specific considerations might differ.
  • As dedicated hardware evolves, the lines between GPUs and other accelerators are blurring, with a focus on faster interconnects and larger memory pools.

Optimizing Memory Usage for LLaMa Models

  • Quantization (e.g., QLoRA) can significantly reduce memory footprint without major performance degradation.
  • Consider using 4-bit quantization for base weights to free up memory.
  • Adjust batch size and gradient accumulation steps to accommodate longer sequences.
  • Be mindful of the memory overhead associated with larger vocabularies and embedding layers.

Understanding Sequence Length and Memory Usage

  • Sequence length during training often represents a maximum value, and actual memory usage depends on the length of individual samples in a batch.
  • Padding to the maximum sequence length can waste compute resources.
  • Consider techniques like packing short sequences together or prioritizing longer sequences to optimize memory utilization.
  • Be aware of how truncating sequences during training might impact the model’s ability to learn effectively.

Tips for Quick Iteration Cycles

  • Start with smaller models and datasets to test code and ideas quickly.
  • Gradually increase model size and data complexity as needed.
  • Prioritize being able to evaluate results quickly, ideally within seconds or minutes.
  • Develop a workflow that allows for rapid testing and debugging without long waiting times.

Choosing the Right Tools for the Job

  • Off-the-shelf libraries like Axolotl and HuggingFace Trainer are convenient for standard training tasks.
  • For research and deeper understanding, consider using simpler training loops and libraries that provide more transparency and control.
  • Strive for a balance between ease of use and the ability to inspect and debug the underlying code.

CPU Offloading and GPU Memory Management

  • While CPU offloading exists, it’s often slow due to the speed difference between CPU and GPU RAM.
  • Explicitly manage CPU offloading rather than relying on automatic mechanisms.
  • Consider CPU offloading when dealing with very long sequences that exceed GPU memory capacity, even with quantization.

Exploring CPU Offloading for Long Sequences

  • CPU offloading might become more attractive as longer context lengths become increasingly important.
  • By storing weights on the CPU and transferring them to the GPU as needed, larger batches and longer sequences can be processed.
  • This approach trades off increased transfer time for the ability to handle more data within the GPU memory constraints.

Curating Information and Staying Up-to-Date

  • Develop a system for filtering and prioritizing information from various sources, such as colleagues, Twitter, and research papers.
  • Focus on areas of personal interest and relevance to current projects.
  • Actively seek out information that can be applied to real-world problems and experiments.

The Importance and Joy of Teaching

  • Teaching is a rewarding way to learn, solidify understanding, and contribute to the community.
  • Sharing knowledge through blog posts, tutorials, and presentations can benefit both the teacher and the audience.
  • Engaging with questions and feedback from learners can spark new ideas and research directions.

The Hardware Lottery and Future of AI

  • The dominance of GPUs and deep learning might be partly due to historical coincidence rather than inherent superiority.
  • The significant investment in GPU-optimized hardware and software creates inertia.
  • Breaking free from this paradigm requires making alternative approaches more accessible and efficient.
  • Innovations in GPU programming, new hardware architectures, and a willingness to explore unconventional ideas offer hope for a more diverse AI landscape.

Balancing Research and Practical Skills

  • Pursuing purely novel research and building practical applications are distinct but valuable pursuits.
  • For practical impact, focus on solving current problems, learning industry-standard tools, and gaining experience with real-world data.
  • For research breakthroughs, explore less crowded areas, challenge assumptions, and develop a deep understanding of the fundamentals.

Choosing Projects for Skill Development

  • Engaging in projects, even if they become less relevant with time, provides valuable learning experiences and demonstrates technical skills.
  • Focus on projects that allow you to learn transferable skills like data processing, model evaluation, and problem-solving.
  • Stay adaptable and continuously update your skillset as the field evolves.

LLMs Impacting Research

  • LLMs are already proving useful for tasks like paper retrieval, summarization, and knowledge extraction.
  • Tools like showcase the potential of LLMs for improving research workflows.
    • During each search, examines results in stages, and uses language models to make key decisions, such as recognizing crucial information and adapting the search strategy.
  • Future research directions include exploring more sophisticated applications of LLMs for tasks like knowledge synthesis, hypothesis generation, and experimental design.

Rapid-Fire Q&A Highlights

Research Interests and Coding Style

  • Current Focus: While still interested in GANs and diffusion models, Johno’s primary focus has shifted to LLMs.
  • Coding Style:
    • Uses tools like Copilot for boilerplate code.
    • Emphasizes clear, tutorial-like code for better Copilot integration and beginner comprehension.
    • Values explicitness over extreme code compression, especially when teaching.
    • Adopts a mix of notebooks (VS Code, Cursor, Jupyter Classic) and scripts depending on the project.
    • Leverages keyboard shortcuts and learns from colleagues like Jeremy Howard for efficiency.

Quantization and Long Context

  • Quantization Overhead: While quantization methods like QLoRA reduce memory footprint, they introduce computational overhead due to decompression, sometimes impacting performance.
  • Long Context Challenges: Initially, QLoRA faced memory efficiency issues with long context lengths compared to LoRA, potentially due to gradient checkpointing implementations.
    • This has been addressed to some extent.
  • Unexpected Behavior: Practical implementations often reveal unexpected behavior compared to theoretical calculations.
    • Bugs, precision errors, and data duplication can arise.

1.58-bit LLMs and Hybrid Approaches

  • 1-bit and 1.58-bit LLMs: Microsoft’s research explored extreme weight compression using 1-bit (-1, 0, 1) representation, achieving workable but diminished performance.
  • Hybrid Approach Potential: Whitaker believes combining extreme quantization with techniques like LoRA adapters could offer a sweet spot between memory efficiency, speed, and accuracy.
    • Base weights in 1-bit or 2-bit.
    • LoRA adapters for fine-tuning and accuracy recovery.
    • Hardware-efficient kernels for low-bit operations.
  • Mobius Labs: Highlighted for their work on efficient kernels and proof-of-concept implementations of hybrid approaches.

Alternative Architectures

  • Exploring Alternatives: While transformers dominate, alternative architectures like KAN, state-space models (SSMs), and recurrent models offer benefits in specific areas.
  • SSMs and Long Sequences: SSMs show promise for tasks involving long sequences, such as text-to-speech and DNA analysis.
  • Practical Implications: The emergence of viable alternatives provides practitioners with more tools. The core focus remains on performance and benchmark results.

About Me:
  • I’m Christian Mills, a deep learning consultant specializing in computer vision and practical AI implementations.
  • I help clients leverage cutting-edge AI technologies to solve real-world problems.
  • Learn more about me or reach out via email at [email protected] to discuss your project.