Livestream: Lessons from a Year of Building with LLMs

This live discussion between six AI experts and practitioners centers on the practical lessons learned from a year of building real-world applications with LLMs, emphasizing the critical importance of data literacy, rigorous evaluation, and iterative development processes.

Christian Mills


August 30, 2024

This post is part of the following series:
  • Mastering LLMs Course Notes: My notes from the course Mastering LLMs: A Conference For Developers & Data Scientists by Hamel Husain and Dan Becker.

Introduction and Background

  • Hugo Bowne-Anderson: Host of the Vanishing Gradients podcast and live stream. Has a background in data science, machine learning, and education.
  • Live Stream Focus: Discussion of a report co-authored by six AI professionals (Eugene Yan, Shreya Shankar, Hamel Husain, Brian Bischof, Charles Frye, and Jason Liu), focusing on practical lessons learned from building real-world applications with Large Language Models (LLMs) over the past year.
  • Report Link:
  • Recording Link:
  • Key Themes: The report covers tactical, operational, and strategic aspects of building LLM systems, including:
    • Tactical: Prompt engineering, data management, evaluation strategies.
    • Operational: Building development pipelines, integrating LLMs into existing workflows.
    • Strategic: Understanding business use cases, defining success metrics, and building trust with stakeholders.

Panelist Introductions and Motivations

  • Eugene Yan:
    • Works at Amazon Books, focusing on recommendation systems and search.
    • Interested in using LLMs to enhance recommendations and search by improving customer understanding.
    • Co-authored several key resources on prompt engineering and LLM evaluation.
    • Blog:
  • Shreya Shankar:
    • Researcher and ML engineer pursuing a PhD focused on data management, UX, and HCI for machine learning.
    • Interested in building intelligent software with LLMs, particularly for small teams and early-stage products.
    • Emphasis on developing evaluation methods that are simple and accessible.
    • Conducts research on evaluating LLM output quality and validating evaluation methods.
  • Hamel Husain:
    • 25 years of experience in machine learning, including work on developer tools and ML infrastructure at GitHub.
    • Led research at GitHub that contributed to Copilot.
    • Passionate about using LLMs to accelerate software development and launch applications faster.
    • Strong advocate for prioritizing evaluation (evals) as a core part of the AI development process.
    • Blog post:
  • Brian Bischof:
    • Head of AI at Hex, leads the team developing Magic (an AI-powered data science tool).
    • Extensive experience building data teams at Blue Bottle Coffee, Stitch Fix, and Weights & Biases.
    • Passionate about applying LLMs to answer questions with data, particularly in the context of data science workflows.
    • Strong advocate for using notebooks for exploring and understanding data.
  • Charles Frye:
    • Works at Modal, focused on teaching people to build AI applications.
    • Background in psychopharmacology, neurobiology, and neural networks.
    • Interested in developing intelligent software and using LLMs to democratize cognition.
    • Key contributor to Modal’s infrastructure and developer tools, including the TensorRT-LLM library.

The Genesis of the Report

  • Origin: The report originated from discussions within a group chat among the co-authors.
  • Initial Motivation:
    • Brian Bischof: Was considering writing about a year of LLMs.
    • Eugene Yan: Had already started drafting similar content.
    • Charles Frye: Suggested a collaborative effort.
    • Hamel Husain and Jason Liu: Enthusiastically joined the project.
    • Shreya Shankar: Was invited for her expertise in evaluation and editing.
  • Organization:
    • Brian Bischof: Proposed structuring the report into tactical, operational, and strategic levels.
  • Collaborative Workflow:
    • Authors contributed their ideas and experiences.
    • Content was synthesized and organized collaboratively.
    • Charles Frye played a key role in editing and consolidating the material.

The Importance of Evaluation

  • Traditional Evals vs. LLM Evals:
    • Shreya Shankar:
      • Traditional evaluation methods often fail to uncover issues arising from real-world data idiosyncrasies (e.g., typos, inconsistent casing).
      • Canonical benchmarks and datasets often rely on clean, pre-processed data, which does not reflect real-world data challenges.
      • Example: Mistral struggles to retrieve names from documents if the name is in lowercase.
      • Traditional evals often lack methods for validating the evaluation methods themselves.
      • LLM-based evals can make evaluation more accessible to smaller teams who lack resources for traditional methods.
      • EvalGen Paper: Discusses a flow-based approach to validating evaluation methods and constructing appropriate evals for deployment.
  • Overcoming Barriers to Evaluation:
    • Developers often struggle with the concept of evals and how to get started.
    • Shreya Shankar’s research tools provide a visual, intuitive approach to building and understanding evals, similar to Scratch for programming.
    • This “Scratch for evals” approach makes evals more accessible and understandable.
  • Evaluation as an Integral Part of AI Development:
    • Evaluation is not optional, it’s an essential part of the AI development process.
    • Evals are not separate from building AI, they are how you build AI.
    • Measuring progress and having a systematic approach to improvement are critical.
    • Focus on making evals frictionless and integrated into the workflow to enable continuous improvement.
  • Shifting the Focus from Tools to Process:
    • Developers often focus on tools (e.g., vector databases, embeddings) rather than understanding the underlying process of building and improving AI applications.
    • It’s essential to shift the focus from tools to the process of evaluation and data understanding.
  • Evaluation as a Proxy for Loss Functions:
    • Traditional machine learning relies on explicit loss functions for optimization.
    • In generative AI, the loss functions are less defined, and evals act as a proxy for measuring progress and alignment with desired outcomes.

Underappreciated Aspects of LLM Development

  • Equipping Engineers with LLM Skills:
    • Organizations need to focus on training existing software engineers to understand and effectively use LLMs.
    • Key areas for training:
      • Basic evaluation methods (e.g., using synthetic data, Kaggle datasets).
      • Understanding the autoregressive nature of LLM generation and its impact on latency.
      • Understanding context as conditioning.
  • Moving from Prototype to Production:
    • The industry has focused heavily on demos and prototypes, and the bar for “production” has been lowered with generative AI.
    • Prototype++: Products are being launched without rigorous evaluation or clear methods for quantifying improvements.
    • The definition of “production” should include systematic improvement processes and clear evidence of progress for stakeholders.
    • Challenge: Moving from prototype++ to true production-ready LLM applications with robust evals and improvement processes.
  • The Importance of Data Literacy:
    • Data literacy is essential for working with LLMs, even if you are not training models from scratch.
    • Data literacy enables developers to:
      • Analyze and debug systems: By examining data, developers can identify issues and understand system behavior.
      • Develop domain-specific evals: Understanding the data is crucial for creating meaningful and effective evaluation methods.
    • Challenge: Overcoming the misconception that AI automates everything and realizing the ongoing need to look at and understand data.
  • Specific Data Literacy Skills:
    • Assessing Output Quality:
      • Develop methods for determining whether an output is good or bad.
      • Use a combination of binary indicators (e.g., conciseness, tone, presence of specific phrases) to simplify evaluation.
    • Pairwise Comparisons: Compare two models or pipelines directly instead of relying on individual ratings.
    • Understanding Implicit Constraints: Define criteria for “good” that align with user expectations.
    • Simplifying Evaluation: Break down complex evaluation tasks into smaller, more manageable binary assessments.
  • The Role of Human-in-the-Loop Evaluation:
    • Importance of manual data labeling and review, especially in the early stages of development.
    • “Homework” approach at Hex: Team members use interactive Hex applications to provide feedback on model outputs and assist with data labeling.
    • This process helps to bootstrap data sets and align LLM evaluations with human judgment.

Misconceptions and Knowledge Gaps in Organizations

  • The “AI Engineer” Narrative and Its Limitations:
    • Popular Characterization:
      • AI engineers are portrayed as primarily focused on tools, infrastructure, chains, and agents, with limited involvement in training, evals, inference, and data.
    • Skills Gaps:
      • Neglecting data literacy and evaluation skills creates significant challenges beyond the MVP stage.
      • AI engineers may find themselves unable to systematically improve their applications due to a lack of understanding of data and evaluation.
    • Title Issues:
      • The “AI engineer” title sets unrealistic expectations and places undue pressure on individuals when projects face challenges.
  • Addressing the Talent Gap:
    • The most significant impact on AI product development is the talent and skills of the team.
    • Organizations need to hire for data literacy and evaluation expertise, not just tooling and infrastructure skills.
    • Consulting Work: A significant portion of Hamel’s consulting work arises from addressing this talent gap and helping organizations build effective AI teams.
  • Real-World Example of Successful “AI Engineer” Hiring:
    • Successfully hired “AI engineers” by focusing on core data science skills.
    • Take-home exam focused on data cleaning, demonstrating the importance of data literacy in his definition of the role.
  • The Importance of Data Literacy in AI Engineering:
    • Data literacy is essential for AI engineers to analyze outputs, understand failure modes, and develop effective evaluation strategies.
    • It’s crucial for AI engineers to be able to examine data and draw conclusions about system performance without relying solely on AI tools.

Promising Opportunities and Future Challenges

  • Focusing on Unsexy, Expensive, and Slow Tasks:
    • LLMs offer the potential to automate tasks that are currently time-consuming and costly for humans.
    • Examples:
      • Classification.
      • Information Extraction.
      • Quiz Generation from Textbooks.
    • Focus: Identify tasks that are currently unsexy but can be effectively delegated to LLMs, leading to cost savings and increased efficiency.
  • Developing More Thoughtful UX:
    • LLMs should not be seen as one-shot wonders with perfect UX.
    • Graceful failure modes and user-friendly interfaces are essential.
    • Co-pilot Mentality: Design systems that allow users to edit and interact with LLM outputs, turning failures into learning opportunities.
  • Empowering End Users as Programmers:
    • AI will not be able to read minds, so empowering users to interact and refine LLM outputs is crucial.
    • ChatGPT Example: Users act as programmers by refining their prompts and editing previous messages to achieve their desired outcomes.
    • Notebook Interfaces: Offer a flexible workspace for both technical and non-technical users to interact with and programmatically control LLMs.

Key Insights from Collaboration

  • Value of Community and Alignment:
    • The most valuable aspect of the collaboration was the opportunity to connect with other experts, discuss ideas, and learn from each other’s experiences.
    • Having a network of trusted peers to consult with and debate challenging questions is essential.
  • Surprising Alignment Despite Diverse Perspectives:
    • The authors, despite working in different parts of the LLM stack (research, infrastructure, product development, etc.), found a remarkable degree of alignment in their key insights.
    • They had “grabbed different parts of the elephant” but had all come to similar conclusions about the core principles of building with LLMs.
  • The Collaborative Process as a “Raid Boss”:
    • The collaborative effort was akin to battling a raid boss in an MMORPG, requiring a skilled and coordinated team effort.
    • Charles Frye played a critical role in editing and consolidating the vast amount of material.
    • Hamel Husain demonstrated high agency by quickly setting up a website for the report.
    • The collaborative process was enjoyable, inspiring, and ultimately led to a highly impactful resource for the community.
  • Impact Beyond Industry:
    • The report’s impact has extended beyond industry, reaching academics and researchers who traditionally do not engage with industry blogs.
    • The report’s timing was critical, capturing the widespread interest in LLMs and their potential to transform computing.

The Importance of Data-Centric AI Development

  • Data Literacy as a Core Skill:
    • The ability to understand and work with data is essential for success with LLMs.
    • Traditional software engineering often focuses on the syntactic correctness of code, while data science emphasizes the semantic meaning of data.
    • Challenge: Bridging this gap in perspective and helping software engineers develop data literacy skills.
  • Developing Intuition for Data Distributions:
    • Experience with data analysis and visualization leads to an intuitive understanding of data distributions.
    • This intuition allows for quickly identifying issues in data or model outputs, even without specific theoretical knowledge.

Building Trust with Stakeholders and Users

  • Collaborative Design:
    • Involve designers, UX professionals, and domain experts early in the process to understand user needs and build trust.
    • Co-designing with stakeholders helps identify potential pitfalls and ensure the application aligns with user expectations.
  • Slow Rollout and Iterative Feedback:
    • Slowly roll out LLM applications to small groups of users to gather feedback and identify issues before wider deployment.
    • Repeated interactions with small groups provide more valuable insights than initial interactions with larger groups.
  • User Feedback as the Antidote to Demoitis:
    • Gathering user feedback through beta programs and interactions at meetups is crucial for moving beyond the hype of demos.
    • Directly observing user reactions provides valuable insights into usability and helps identify areas for improvement.

Systems Thinking vs. Model Focus

  • The Importance of Systems-Level Design:
    • Building successful LLM applications requires a systems-level perspective, not just a focus on the model itself.
    • Example: At Hex, the team started by designing the overall system architecture, including prompt templating, evaluation frameworks, and context construction (RAG).
    • These architectural decisions have proven durable and have guided the project’s development.
  • Key System Design Considerations:
    • Evals: Prioritize building robust evaluation frameworks from the outset.
    • Composability: Design systems with composability in mind, especially for context construction and prompt generation.
    • Meta-Programming: Think of prompt construction as a form of meta-programming, allowing for flexible and adaptable system behavior.
  • Leveraging Prior Experience from ML:
    • Much of the knowledge and best practices from traditional machine learning apply to building LLM systems.
    • Example: The principles outlined in the book Machine Learning Design Patterns are directly relevant to LLM application development.

Final Advice and Future Directions

  • Prioritize Evaluation:
    • Start by creating sample inputs and ideal outputs, then build evaluation methods to measure progress and identify issues.
    • Focus on creating a gold standard dataset, even if it’s small, to guide evaluation and refinement.
  • Read, Build, and Share:
    • Read: Engage with high-quality resources and articles that distill key concepts and best practices.
    • Build: Get hands-on experience by building demos and experimenting with LLMs to understand their capabilities and limitations.
    • Share: Contribute to the community by sharing your experiences, insights, and code to accelerate learning and adoption.
  • Focus on Iterative Improvement:
    • Embrace a process of validated iterative improvement, similar to gradient descent in optimization.
    • LLMs introduce complexity and uncertainty, but the fundamental principles of building complex systems remain the same: make small, validated steps toward improvement.
    • Key Elements: Data, experimentation, operationalization, and rapid deployment to production.
    • Focus on iterative experimentation and building evaluation frameworks to guide development toward user-centric solutions.
      • Zero-to-One Mentality: Break down the problem into smaller, manageable chunks and iteratively improve each component.
  • The Future of Knowledge Access:
    • LLMs have the potential to make knowledge more accessible, personalized, and useful.
    • Example: Memory extenders and personal Memex systems.
    • LLMs will transform how we interact with information, socialize, and carry out our daily lives.


  • The report and this discussion highlight the essential lessons learned from a year of building with LLMs.
  • Key Takeaways:
    • Data Literacy: Prioritize understanding and working with data as a foundational skill.
    • Evaluation: Make evaluation a core part of the development process, focusing on human-in-the-loop methods and iterative refinement.
    • Systems Thinking: Build end-to-end systems that go beyond model focus, considering aspects like prompt design, context construction, and evaluation frameworks.
    • Process over Tools: Focus on developing robust processes and methodologies rather than relying solely on tools.
    • User-Centricity: Design applications with user needs in mind, prioritizing trust, feedback, and iterative improvement.
  • The future of LLMs is bright, with the potential to transform how we interact with information and build intelligent software.

About Me:
  • I’m Christian Mills, a deep learning consultant specializing in computer vision and practical AI implementations.
  • I help clients leverage cutting-edge AI technologies to solve real-world problems.
  • Learn more about me or reach out via email at [email protected] to discuss your project.