Conference Talk 10: Systematically Improving RAG Applications

In this talk, Jason Liu covers a a systematic approach to improving Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) applications.

Christian Mills


July 20, 2024

This post is part of the following series:
  • Mastering LLMs Course Notes: My notes from the course Mastering LLMs: A Conference For Developers & Data Scientists by Hamel Husain and Dan Becker.

The RAG Playbook

Importance of Feedback Mechanisms

  • Define clear objectives for your RAG application. What user behavior are you trying to drive?
  • Don’t try to improve everything at once. Focus on specific areas identified through data analysis.

Capturing Feedback: User Satisfaction

  • Implement simple feedback mechanisms like thumbs up/thumbs down buttons.
  • Carefully choose the copy for feedback prompts to ensure you’re measuring the intended metric (e.g., answer correctness vs. overall experience).
  • Example: Changing feedback prompt from “How did we do?” to “Did we answer your question?” led to a 5x increase in feedback volume and improved data quality.

Measuring Relevancy: Cosine and Re-ranker Scores

  • Track objective relevancy metrics alongside user feedback.
  • Use cosine similarity of embedding scores and re-ranker scores as cost-effective measures of relevancy.
  • reranker: A type of model that, given a query and document pair, will output a similarity score.
  • Tool:
    • rerankers: A lightweight unified API for various reranking models.

Unsupervised Learning for Topic Clustering

Prioritizing Improvement Based on Topic Analysis

  • Prioritize topics with:
    • High volume (many questions)
    • Low relevancy scores
    • Low user satisfaction scores
  • Consider deprioritizing or explicitly excluding topics with low volume, low relevancy, and low satisfaction.
  • Different combinations of volume, relevancy, and satisfaction provide insights into different types of issues requiring specific solutions.

Identifying and Addressing Issues

Content vs. Capability Topics

  • Content topics: Issues stem from insufficient or inadequate content in the knowledge base.
    • Example: Users asking about pricing, but not enough pricing documents available.
  • Capability topics: Issues relate to limitations in the system’s functionality.
    • Example: Users asking for the last modified date of a document, but this information is not available to the language model.

Examples of Capability Topics and Solutions

  • Modified dates: Include last modified date metadata in text chunks.
  • Comparing and contrasting: Implement parallel search functionality.
  • Recency and latency: Add date range filtering capabilities.
  • Financial year variations: Account for industry-specific fiscal year definitions.

Addressing Inventory Issues and Building Rules

  • Address content topics by:
    • Identifying and filling inventory gaps.
  • Build rules to:
    • Alert content management teams when questions frequently lack relevant documents.
    • Inform users when insufficient data is available to answer their query.

Real-Time Monitoring and Classifiers

Building Classifiers for Real-Time Question Categorization

  • Develop classifiers to categorize new questions into previously identified topics and capability clusters in real-time.

Monitoring Question Distribution and Prioritization Over Time

  • Use tools like Amplitude or Datadog to monitor the distribution of question types over time.
  • Identify shifts in user needs and adjust prioritization accordingly.
  • Example: Onboarding a new client significantly increases the volume of “comparing and contrasting” questions, highlighting the need to prioritize that capability.

Low-Hanging Fruit and Synthetic Data Generation

Focusing on Specific Improvements

  • Translate ambiguous goals like “improving RAG” into concrete, measurable objectives (e.g., “improving datetime filtering”).
  • Break down large improvements into smaller, manageable experiments.

Synthetic Data Generation for Baseline Evaluation

  • Generate synthetic data for specific topics to:
    • Establish baselines for evaluating the impact of system changes.
    • Test the effectiveness of new datasets or models.

Importance of Full Text Search and Metadata

Benefits of Full Text Search and Re-Rankers

  • Incorporate full text search capabilities for robust retrieval.
  • Utilize re-ranker models to improve the ranking of retrieved results.

Importance of Metadata Filtering

  • Include relevant metadata (e.g., author, date, document type) to enable granular filtering.
  • Example: “Show me the latest pricing document for Fortune 500 companies” requires filtering by date, document type, and client category.

Measuring Impact and Driving Business Outcomes

  • Track relevant metrics (e.g., character length, latency) and correlate them with business outcomes (e.g., user conversion, engagement).


  • The key to improving RAG applications is to adopt a systematic, data-driven approach.
  • By analyzing user feedback, clustering queries, and monitoring question distribution, developers can identify and prioritize areas for improvement.
  • Focusing on specific, measurable goals and utilizing synthetic data generation enables efficient testing and iteration.

Q&A Session

How much data is needed for these techniques to be worthwhile?

  • Even with small datasets (e.g., 100 queries), clustering techniques can reveal patterns and differences in query types (e.g., time-sensitive queries).
  • Clustering enables focusing on specific query groups and tailoring optimization efforts.
  • Early clustering allows for proactive identification of potential issues and areas for improvement.

How to build a data ingestion pipeline for complex data?

  • Understand user questions: Determine how users interact with different data types (e.g., extracting specific information from images or answering questions about charts).
  • Generate text summaries: Create text representations of images, charts, and tables to enable text-based search and retrieval.
  • Use specialized libraries: Leverage libraries for extracting structured data like tables from PDFs, addressing potential challenges like nested headers.

How to handle tables in RAG applications?

  • Understand query intent: Determine whether users seek aggregate statistics or specific rows within tables.
  • Choose appropriate processing: Utilize Text-to-SQL engines for aggregate queries or chunk tables strategically for row-based searches.
  • Consider table size and complexity: Large tables may necessitate alternative approaches like using SQLite or optimized search techniques.

How to capture feedback when RAG is hidden from the user?

  • Analyze user interactions: Track edits to report fields to identify areas requiring frequent corrections.
  • Monitor internal RAG metrics: Analyze cosine distances and re-ranker scores across different fields to pinpoint areas for improvement.
  • Design for feedback: Ensure reports allow for user feedback and facilitate mapping feedback to specific report elements.

How to capture feedback and iterate quickly?

  • Write assertions for extractable facts: Create tests to verify the accuracy of extracted information against ground truth, enabling rapid iteration without deploying the system.
  • Use automated testing: Automate the evaluation process to speed up development and identify regressions.

Why use cosine distance as a metric when it’s relative?

  • Provides a quantifiable measure: Cosine distance offers a numerical representation of relevance, even if relative, allowing for comparisons and tracking progress.
  • Available for every request: Unlike user feedback, which can be sparse, cosine distance can be calculated for every query, providing more data points for analysis.
  • Useful for relative comparisons: Focus on the relative differences in cosine distances between queries and text chunks to identify areas for improvement.

How to incorporate metadata filtering in RAG?

  • Use language models for structured outputs: Utilize models like Instructor to generate structured representations of queries, including metadata filters like date ranges and allowed domains.
  • Customize metadata extraction: Define custom metadata fields based on the specific data and user needs.
  • Leverage metadata in search: Integrate metadata filters into the search process to narrow down relevant documents and improve accuracy.

How to use language models for metadata creation?

  • Extract specific information: Use language models to extract relevant metadata from documents, such as converting financial reporting periods based on industry-specific rules.
  • Generate synthetic queries from complex content: Extract complex diagrams and tables, then use language models to generate related questions, embedding those questions as metadata for improved retrieval.

Favorite platforms for building RAG systems?

  • LanceDB: Favored for its ability to combine full-text search, SQL, and vector search in a single database, simplifying the development process.
    • LanceDB: The Database for Multimodal AI
  • Custom solutions: Building custom query engines and processors provides greater control and flexibility, especially for handling specific data structures and complex search requirements.

How to develop intuition for user questions at the start of a project?

  • Generate synthetic queries: Utilize language models to generate synthetic queries from the data, revealing potential search challenges and guiding UI design.
  • Start with a hypothesis: Base initial development on assumptions about user questions, then refine based on real-world data and feedback.
  • Iterate based on feedback: Continuously analyze user queries, identify gaps in the system’s understanding, and adapt the system accordingly.

How to design a good UX for report editing in RAG applications?

  • Utilize structured outputs: Structure report data using keys and values to enable granular editing and facilitate attributing edits to specific report elements.
  • Avoid monolithic markdown outputs: Markdown, while seemingly structured, poses challenges in tracking edits and associating them with underlying data.

How to implement citations in RAG systems?

  • Cite entire text chunks: Include text chunk IDs as citations within the generated response.
  • Leverage markdown formatting: Format citations as markdown URLs for improved readability and potential integration with UI elements for displaying cited text.

High-dimension embedding models vs. cross-encoder models for re-ranking?

  • Use both: Employ a multi-stage re-ranking approach using both vector databases and cross-encoders to balance speed and accuracy.
  • Prioritize speed with vector databases: Utilize vector databases for fast initial retrieval, narrowing down the candidate pool for the more computationally expensive cross-encoder.
  • Leverage cross-encoders for nuanced relevance: Employ cross-encoders to capture subtle semantic similarities and differences that vector databases might miss.

Thoughts on hierarchical retrievers and fine-tuning embeddings?

  • Hierarchical retrievers: Potentially less crucial with increasing context lengths in language models, but still valuable for ensuring retrieval of related information across chunks.
  • Fine-tuning embeddings: Crucial for improving relevance in domain-specific applications, outperforming generic embedding models, especially with sufficient training data.

Tips for improving data extraction from tables and PDFs?

  • Utilize specialized tools: Leverage tools like LlamaParse, which combine language models and traditional text extraction techniques for improved accuracy.
  • Experiment with output formats: Consider requesting markdown table outputs from language models instead of CSVs, as markdown often handles complex table structures better.
  • Leverage advanced language models: Utilize models like GPT-4.0 or Opus to process images of tables and generate structured outputs like markdown tables.

Guidelines for metrics and telemetry in RAG systems?

  • Treat RAG like recommendation systems: Instrument RAG systems similarly to recommendation systems, tracking user interactions, retrieval metrics, and feedback.
  • Log relevant data: Capture data on user queries, retrieved text chunks, citations, and user feedback for analysis and model improvement.
  • Utilize micro-interactions for feedback: Treat interactions like citations as implicit feedback, leveraging it to fine-tune embedding models and improve retrieval relevance.

Recommendations for picking embedding models?

  • Evaluate with synthetic data: Create synthetic datasets with question-answer pairs and evaluate different embedding models to determine which performs best for the specific task.
  • Fine-tune with real data: Once sufficient real-world data is available, fine-tune embedding models to further enhance relevance and outperform generic models.

Balancing upfront data inspection with adaptation over time?

  • Iterative approach: Combine upfront data analysis with ongoing monitoring and adaptation.
  • Clustering and labeling: Cluster initial datasets to understand query patterns and create labels for different query types.
  • Monitor for drift: Regularly monitor the percentage of uncategorized queries (“other”) to identify shifts in user behavior and adapt the system accordingly.

How to teach clients to analyze data for RAG applications?

  • Focus on the scientific method: Guide clients through a process of hypothesis generation, data collection, experimentation, and iteration.
  • Provide clear visualizations and reports: Present data analysis results in an easily understandable format to facilitate decision-making and identify areas for improvement.

Choosing between vector databases and cross-encoders?

  • Consider both evaluation results and latency constraints: Balance the trade-off between accuracy (often favoring cross-encoders) and speed (favoring vector databases).
  • Prioritize business outcomes: Ultimately, the choice should align with achieving desired business outcomes, considering factors like user experience and cost.

How to handle frequently occurring statements in RAG?

  • Create dedicated text chunks: If a specific statement appears frequently and holds significance for users, create dedicated text chunks containing variations of that statement to ensure retrieval.
  • Augment the dataset: Use language models to extract relevant clauses and statements from documents, creating augmented text chunks to improve retrieval of specific information.

Recommendations for vector stores and metadata?

  • Think beyond vector stores: View the problem as building a search engine, considering various components like BM25, SQL, and vector search, not just vector stores in isolation.
  • Choose tools based on specific needs: Select technologies and approaches that best suit the project’s requirements, data characteristics, and available resources.

Finding early customers for RAG consulting?

  • Leverage experience from recommendation systems: Position RAG expertise by drawing parallels to recommendation systems, highlighting transferable skills in data analysis, model development, and system optimization.
  • Target businesses with similar workflows: Focus on businesses where users interact with information similarly to recommendation systems, such as those requiring information retrieval and synthesis based on user requests.

About Me:
  • I’m Christian Mills, a deep learning consultant specializing in computer vision and practical AI implementations.
  • I help clients leverage cutting-edge AI technologies to solve real-world problems.
  • Learn more about me or reach out via email at [email protected] to discuss your project.