Conference Talk 6: Train Almost Any LLM Model Using 🤗 autotrain

In this talk, Abhishek Thakur, who leads AutoTrain at 🤗, shows how to use 🤗 AutoTrain to train/fine-tune LLMs without having to write any code.

Christian Mills


July 12, 2024

This post is part of the following series:
  • Mastering LLMs Course Notes: My notes from the course Mastering LLMs: A Conference For Developers & Data Scientists by Hamel Husain and Dan Becker.

Introduction to AutoTrain

  • Homepage:
  • Documentation:
  • GitHub Repository: autotrain-advanced
  • Simplifies model training and fine-tuning for users with varying levels of expertise, from beginners to experienced data scientists.
  • Supported Tasks:
    • NLP: Token classification, text classification, LLM tasks (e.g., SFT, R4, DPO, reward tuning), sentence transformer fine-tuning, etc.
    • Computer Vision: Image classification, Object Detection
    • Tabular Data: Classification, Regression
  • Leverages the Hugging Face ecosystem, including transformers, datasets, diffusers, and Accelerate, ensuring compatibility with the latest models and tools.

Getting Started with AutoTrain

  • Create a new project:
    • Link: Create new project
    • Optionally specify an organization and attach hardware (local or Hugging Face spaces).
    • Choose the desired task (e.g., LLM SFT).
  • User-Friendly Interface:
    • Select a task.
    • Upload your data or use a dataset from the Hugging Face Hub.
    • Configure parameters or use default settings.
    • Monitor training progress and logs.
  • Documentation: Creating a New AutoTrain Space

Fine-tuning LLMs with AutoTrain

Supervised Fine-tuning (SFT) and Generic Fine-tuning

  • Documentation: Supervised Fine-tuning Trainer
  • Both trainers are similar, but SFT uses the TRL library’s SFT trainer.
  • Requires a “text” column in your dataset (can be mapped from a different column name).
  • Supports chat template formatting (chatML, Sapphire, tokenizer’s template).
  • Example datasets:
    • Salesforce/wikitext: plain text format
    • Chat format with “content” and “role” fields (requires chat template).

Reward Modeling

  • Documentation: Reward Modeling
  • Trains a custom reward model for sequence classification.
  • Dataset requires “chosen” and “rejected” text columns.


  • DPO - Direct Preference Optimization
  • ORPO - Odds Ratio Preference Optimization
  • ORPO is recommended over DPO as it requires less memory and compute.
  • Dataset requires “prompt,” “chosen,” and “rejected” columns (all conversations).
  • Supports chat templates.

Training Your Model

Data Format

  • Use CSV or JSON Lines (JSONL) format
    • JSONL preferred for readability and ease of use.
  • Format examples:
    • Alpaca dataset: Single “text” field with formatted text (no chat template needed).
    • Chat format: Requires chat template or offline conversion to plain text.

Training Locally

  • Documentation: Quickstart

  • Set Hugging Face token:

    •   export HF_TOKEN=<your_token>
  • Run the AutoTrain app: autotrain app

    •   autotrain app --port 8080 --host
  • Alternatively, use config files or CLI commands.

    •   autotrain --config <path_to_config_file>

Local Installation

pip install autotrain-advanced
conda create -n autotrain python=3.10
conda activate autotrain
pip install autotrain-advanced
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=12.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia
conda install -c "nvidia/label/cuda-12.1.0" cuda-nvcc

Training on Other Platforms

  • Jarvis Labs: Provides AutoTrain templates for easy setup and training.
  • DGX Cloud: Rent high-performance GPUs for training large models.
  • Google Colab: Run AutoTrain directly in Colab using provided notebooks and UI.

Config Files and Advanced Options

  • Documentation: AutoTrain Configs
  • Config files offer more flexibility and control over training parameters.
  • Define task, base model, data paths, column mapping, hyperparameters, logging, and more.
  • Access example config files in the AutoTrain GitHub repository.

Additional Features and Considerations

  • AutoTrain automatically handles multi-GPU training using DeepSpeed or distributed data parallel.
  • QLORA is supported on DeepSpeed for efficient training.
  • Sentence Transformer fine-tuning is available for tasks like improving RAG models.

Q&A Session

  • Logging: Supports Weights & Biases (W&B) logging when using config files.
  • Mixed Precision: Supports BF16 and FP16, but not FP8.
  • Parameter Compatibility: AutoTrain ensures parameter compatibility based on the chosen base model.
  • Hyperparameter Optimization: Not currently supported for LLMs due to long training times.
  • CPU Training: Possible, but may come with performance limitations.
  • Custom Chat Templates: Can be added by modifying the tokenizer_config.json file of a cloned model.
  • Synthetic Data Generation: Not currently supported, but users can generate their own.

About Me:
  • I’m Christian Mills, a deep learning consultant specializing in computer vision and practical AI implementations.
  • I help clients leverage cutting-edge AI technologies to solve real-world problems.
  • Learn more about me or reach out via email at [email protected] to discuss your project.