Conference Talk 1: Ten Commandments to Deploy Fine-Tuned Models in Production

This talk by Kyle Corbitt from OpenPipe outlines ten key recommendations for successfully deploying fine-tuned language models (LLMs) in production.

Christian Mills


June 10, 2024

This post is part of the following series:
  • Mastering LLMs Course Notes: My notes from the course Mastering LLMs: A Conference For Developers & Data Scientists by Hamel Husain and Dan Becker.

Thou Shalt Not Fine-Tune

  • Start with Prompting: Focus on crafting effective prompts and leverage techniques like few-shot learning before considering fine-tuning.
  • Reasons to Fine-Tune: Only fine-tune if prompting cannot achieve desired outcomes due to:
    • Quality: Prompting alone cannot meet the required performance standards.
    • Latency: Fine-tuning allows the use of smaller, faster models for real-time applications.
    • Cost: Fine-tuning enables the use of smaller, more cost-effective models at scale.

Thou Shalt Write a Freaking Prompt

  • Establish a Baseline: A well-crafted prompt provides a performance baseline for comparison with fine-tuned models.
  • Assess Task Feasibility: Trying to solve the problem with prompting reveals whether the task is achievable with the available data and model capabilities.
  • Check Data Quality:
    • Successful prompting suggests your data has enough signal for effective model learning.
    • Failed prompting often indicates data issues like inconsistencies or insufficient information.

Example: Logistics Company & Item Valuation

  • Goal: Predict item values from descriptions.
  • Assumption: That descriptions contained enough information for a model to infer value.
  • Outcome: Prompting revealed that the descriptions lacked sufficient detail.

Heuristic: Prompting Success Predicts Fine-tuning Success

  • If you can achieve reasonable performance with a well-crafted prompt, there’s a high probability (90%+) that fine-tuning will yield further improvements in latency, quality, or cost.
  • If prompting proves ineffective, successfully fine-tuning the model becomes less certain and significantly more challenging.

Thou Shalt Review Thy Freaking Data

Importance of Data Review

  • Evaluate Model Performance: See how well the prompt guides the model to generate desired outputs in real-world scenarios.
  • Understand User Behavior: Gain insights into how users interact with the prompt and the types of inputs they provide. This is crucial for:
    • Refining Assumptions: Avoid making inaccurate assumptions about user needs and use cases.
    • Improving Prompt Design: Tailor the prompt to better align with actual usage patterns.
    • Developing Targeted Tests: Create more effective tests based on real-world input data.

How to Review Data

  • Utilize Existing UI: If your system has a user interface (e.g., chat interface, classification system), leverage it to observe input-output pairs in context.
  • Employ Specialized Tools: If a dedicated UI is unavailable, utilize tools like OpenPipe to visualize and analyze input and output data in a structured format.

What to Look For

  • Input Distribution: Pay close attention to the variety, complexity, and common patterns within user inputs.
  • Output Quality: Assess the relevance, accuracy, and overall quality of model outputs in response to real-world inputs.

Thou Shalt Use Thy Actual Freaking Data

The Importance of Using Your Actual Data

  • Don’t exclude “bad” data:
    • Removing data points where the base model performs poorly can lead to a model that excels in a limited domain while failing in real-world scenarios.
    • The “bad” data likely represents real-world inputs your model needs to handle.
  • Example: If your model struggles with a specific class of data and you exclude it, the fine-tuned model will likely repeat the mistake in production.

Addressing Poor Performance

  • Diagnose the issue: Instead of removing “bad” data, analyze why the model struggles.
    • Is there a pattern in the input space where it fails?
    • Can you improve the instructions to guide the model better?
  • Solutions:
    • Manually relabel data: Use a relabeling UI to correct outputs.
    • Refine instructions: Experiment with different prompts and instructions to improve performance.

When Imperfect Data Can Be Useful

  • Generalization and regularization:
    • Large LLMs are surprisingly good at generalizing from imperfect data.
    • The training process itself acts as a form of regularization, allowing the model to learn from both correct and incorrect examples.
  • Training on model outputs:
    • Fine-tuning on the outputs of a larger model (e.g., GPT-4) can lead to a smaller model that outperforms the original due to this regularization effect.
      • The smaller model learns from the larger model’s successes and avoids repeating its occasional errors.
  • Caveat: This applies mainly to larger LLMs (4B+ parameters) where errors are relatively random. If there’s a consistent pattern of errors, address it directly.

Thou Shalt Reserve a Test Set

  • Importance of a Test Set: A dedicated test set, separate from the training data, is essential to evaluate the true performance of a fine-tuned language model.

  • Common Pitfalls:

    • Non-representative Test Sets: Test sets with hand-picked examples, often based on perceived poor performance or customer complaints, are often not representative of the overall input data and can lead to misleading results.
    • Exclusively Using Non-Random Test Sets: Relying solely on a set a specific corner cases can give a false sense of performance as the model might not generalize well to unseen data.
  • Recommendations:

    • Create a Randomly Sampled Test Set: Reserve 5-10% of your data randomly as a test set. This ensures that the model’s performance is evaluated on data representative of the overall distribution.
    • Maintain Separate Test Sets: Use both a randomly sampled test set for general performance evaluation and a separate set for targeted testing of specific corner cases or challenging examples.

Thou Shalt Choose an Appropriate Model

Choosing a Model

  • Experimentation is Key: The cost of fine-tuning runs is relatively low, allowing for trying different models with your data.

  • Dataset Size Matters:

    • Small Datasets (Dozens): Larger models like Llama2 70B can often match GPT-4’s performance.
    • Medium Datasets (Thousands): Llama2 7B-8B or Mistral 7B offer a good balance.
    • Task Dependency: Some tasks may never reach GPT-4’s level regardless of training data.
  • Sweet Spot: 7B-8B parameter models are recommended for most production use cases due to:

Thou Shalt Write Fast Evals

Fast Evaluations:

  • Can be integrated into the training loop or prompt engineering workflow.
  • Quick and inexpensive to run.
  • Provide immediate feedback on model performance.

LLM as Judge

  • Default Recommendation: Use an LLM (e.g., GPT-4) to evaluate the quality of outputs.
  • Method: Present the LLM judge with the input task and outputs from different models. Ask the judge to compare and rate the quality.
  • Considerations:
    • Randomization: Randomize the order of presented outputs to avoid bias towards the first option.
    • Self-Preference: Be aware that LLMs tend to prefer their own outputs if evaluated on themselves.
  • Tools and Libraries: Utilize existing libraries (some suggested on OpenPipe) that streamline this process.

Benefits of Fast Evaluations

  • Rapid Iteration: Quickly test changes to prompts, fine-tuning, etc., and get immediate feedback.
  • Direction Confirmation: Ensure that development efforts are moving in the right direction.
  • Faster Feedback Cycle: Avoid the long delays associated with slower, production-level evaluations.

Also, Thou Shalt Write Slow Evals

The Need for Slow Evaluations

  • Fast vs. Slow Evaluations: Fast evaluations are quick checks of model performance in isolation, while slow evaluations assess the model’s impact in a real-world setting.
  • Importance of Real-World Impact: Even if a model performs well in isolation, other system interactions or deployment factors (like quantization) can lead to unexpected results. Slow evaluations capture this.
  • Outcome-Driven Evaluation: Design evaluations based on the desired business or product outcome. For example, if building a customer support chatbot, measure customer satisfaction with problem resolution.

Examples from OpenAI’s ChatGPT

  • User Engagement Metrics: OpenAI tracks metrics like how often users regenerate responses or give “thumbs down” as indicators of model performance.
  • Side-by-Side Comparisons: While less frequent, OpenAI sometimes presents users with two responses side-by-side, allowing them to choose the better one. This provides direct comparative feedback.

Thou Shalt Not Fire and Forget

Continuous Evaluation is Crucial

  • After deploying a fine-tuned model, it is essential to continuously evaluate its performance using objective metrics and real-world data. This helps detect any degradation in accuracy.

Data Drift

  • The world is constantly changing, and so is the data that models encounter.
  • Data drift occurs when the input data starts to differ from the data the model was originally trained on, leading to decreased performance.

Real-World Example

  • Problem: A customer using a fine-tuned model for extracting data from call logs experienced a decline in accuracy.
    • The training data only contained examples from 2023, leading the model to always use the year 2023 when extracting dates even for calls made in 2024.
  • Solution: The problem was solved by retraining the model with a small set of examples from 2024, demonstrating the importance of keeping the training data up-to-date.

Thou Shalt Not Take the Commandments Too Seriously

  • The above recommendations are only guidelines, not hard requirements.
  • Tailor your approach based on the specific requirements of your project and data.

Q&A Highlights

  • Data Quality vs. Effort: While higher-quality data generally leads to better results, strive for a balance between data refinement and the overall time investment.
  • When to Fine-Tune: Fine-tuning is more beneficial when the task is highly specific and diverges from the capabilities of a general-purpose chatbot.
  • Low-Resource Languages:
    • Fine-tuning for low-resource languages can be effective with sufficient data.
    • Consider pre-trained multilingual models as a starting point.
  • Evaluation During Training:
    • Fine-tune on an initial dataset.
    • If evaluation results are unsatisfactory, increase the dataset size and re-evaluate.
  • Deployment and Inference Optimization:
    • Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA):
      • Fine-tunes a smaller set of parameters, resulting in faster training and reduced inference costs.
      • Allows for loading multiple LoRA models simultaneously in VLM or TRT LLM, maximizing GPU utilization.
    • Serverless Endpoints: Services like OpenPipe, Fireworks, and OctoAI provide cost-effective deployment options by handling infrastructure and utilizing timesharing among users.
  • Reasoning Chains:
    • Challenges: Complex reasoning tasks may pose difficulties for fine-tuned models, even if they can be solved by larger models like GPT-4.
    • Factors Influencing Success:
      • Reproducibility of reasoning patterns.
      • Availability of sufficient training data covering diverse scenarios within the reasoning chain.
    • Recommendations:
      • Log the entire reasoning chain during data collection.
      • Ensure data freshness by updating traces if function definitions or other components change.
      • Consider generating synthetic data to augment the dataset and cover a wider range of scenarios, especially for complex chains.
  • JSON Extraction and Evaluation:
    • Tracing: Tracing all LLM calls for JSON extraction is recommended, as storage is relatively inexpensive and should not significantly impact latency in a well-designed system.
    • Evaluation with Larger Models: Using a larger model like GPT-4 for evaluating extractions is acceptable. Random sampling can be used to manage costs if necessary.
  • Fine-Tuning for Classification with Decoder Models: While encoder models are theoretically advantageous for classification, there’s a lack of readily available, high-quality, open-source encoder models, especially for long context scenarios.
  • Relabeling UI Recommendations: Explore tools like Argilla or consider building custom solutions tailored to your specific needs.
  • Fine-Tuning Techniques Comparison (LoRa, QLoRa, DoRa): Start with LoRa for its efficiency and regularization benefits. Consider full fine-tuning or DoRa if LoRa’s performance is insufficient.
  • Multimodal Scenarios: While production use cases for vision-language models are still emerging, advancements in open-source models are expected to drive adoption.
  • Models on the Efficient Frontier: Current techniques may have reached a saturation point for model efficiency in smaller model sizes.

About Me:
  • I’m Christian Mills, a deep learning consultant specializing in computer vision and practical AI implementations.
  • I help clients leverage cutting-edge AI technologies to solve real-world problems.
  • Learn more about me or reach out via email at [email protected] to discuss your project.