Fastai to Unity Beginner Tutorial Pt. 1

Train an image classifier using the fastai library and export it to ONNX.

Christian Mills


June 6, 2022


In this tutorial series, we will walk through training an image classifier using the fastai library and implementing it in a Unity game engine project using the Barracuda inference library. Check out this post for more information about Barracuda. We will then build the Unity project to run in a web browser and host it using GitHub Pages.

The tutorial uses this American Sign Language (ASL) dataset from Kaggle but feel free to follow along with a different dataset. The dataset contains sample images for digits 1-9, letters A-Z, and some common words. One could use a model trained on this dataset to map hand gestures to user input or make an ASL education game.

In-Browser Demo: ASL Classifier


Part 1 covers how to finetune a ResNet model for image classification using the fastai library and export it to ONNX format. The training code is available in the Jupyter notebook linked below, and links for running the notebook on Google Colab and Kaggle are below as well.

Jupyter Notebook Colab Kaggle
GitHub Repository Open In Colab Open in Kaggle

Install Dependencies

The training code requires PyTorch for the fastai library, the fastai library itself for training, and the Kaggle API Python package for downloading the dataset. Google Colab uses an older version of Pillow, so update that package when training there.

Uncomment the cell below if running on Google Colab or Kaggle

# %%capture
# !pip3 install -U torch torchvision torchaudio
# !pip3 install -U fastai
# !pip3 install -U kaggle
# !pip3 install -U Pillow

Note for Colab: You must restart the runtime in order to use newly installed version of Pillow.

Import all fastai computer vision functionality

from import *

Configure Kaggle API

The Kaggle API tool requires an API Key for a Kaggle account. Sign in or create a Kaggle account using the link below, then click the Create New API Token button.

Kaggle will generate and download a kaggle.json file containing your username and new API token. Paste the values for each in the code cell below.

Enter Kaggle username and API token

creds = '{"username":"","key":""}'

Save Kaggle credentials if none are present * Source:

cred_path = Path('~/.kaggle/kaggle.json').expanduser()
# Save API key to a json file if it does not already exist
if not cred_path.exists():

Import Kaggle API

from kaggle import api

(Optional) Define method to display default function arguments

The code cell below defines a method to display the default arguments for a specified function. It’s not required, but I find it convenient for creating quick references in notebooks.

import inspect
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('max_colwidth', None)
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)

def inspect_default_args(target, annotations: bool=False):
    # Get the argument names
    args = inspect.getfullargspec(target).args
    # Get the default values
    defaults = inspect.getfullargspec(target).defaults

    index = ["Default Value"]

    # Pad defaults
    defaults = [None]*(len(args)-len(defaults)) + list(defaults)
    if annotations:
        annotations = inspect.getfullargspec(target).annotations.values()
        # Pad annotations
        annotations = [None]*(len(args)-len(annotations)) + list(annotations)
        default_args = {arg:[df, annot] for arg,df,annot in zip(args, defaults, annotations)}
        default_args = {arg:[default] for arg,default in zip(args, defaults)}
    return pd.DataFrame(default_args, index=index).T

Download Dataset

Now that we have our Kaggle credentials set, we need to define the dataset and where to store it.

Define path to dataset

We’ll use the default archive and data folders for the fastai library to store the compressed and uncompressed datasets.

kaggle_dataset = 'belalelwikel/asl-and-some-words'
archive_dir = URLs.path()
dataset_dir = archive_dir/'../data'
dataset_name = 'asl-and-some-words'
archive_path = Path(f'{archive_dir}/{dataset_name}.zip')
dataset_path = Path(f'{dataset_dir}/{dataset_name}')

Define method to extract the dataset from an archive file

def file_extract(fname, dest=None):
    "Extract `fname` to `dest` using `tarfile` or `zipfile`."
    if dest is None: dest = Path(fname).parent
    fname = str(fname)
    if   fname.endswith('gz'):, 'r:gz').extractall(dest)
    elif fname.endswith('zip'): zipfile.ZipFile(fname     ).extractall(dest)
    else: raise Exception(f'Unrecognized archive: {fname}')

Download the dataset if it is not present

The archive file is over 2GB, so we don’t want to download it more than necessary.

if not archive_path.exists():
    api.dataset_download_cli(kaggle_dataset, path=archive_dir)
    file_extract(fname=archive_path, dest=dataset_path)

Inspect Dataset

We can start inspecting the dataset once it finishes downloading.

Inspect the dataset path

The training data is in a subfolder named ASL, and there are over 200,000 samples.
    (#1) [Path('/home/innom-dt/.fastai/archive/../data/asl-and-some-words/ASL')]

Get image file paths

files = get_image_files(dataset_path/"ASL")

Inspect files

The dataset indicates the object class in both the folder and file names.

files[0], files[-1]

Inspect class folder names

There are 51 class folders, and the dataset does not predefine a training-validation split.

folder_names = [ for path in Path(dataset_path/'ASL').ls()]
print(f"Num classes: {len(folder_names)}")
    Num classes: 51
0 1
1 3
2 4
3 5
4 7
5 8
6 9
7 A
8 B
9 Baby
10 Brother
11 C
12 D
13 Dont_like
14 E
15 F
16 Friend
17 G
18 H
19 Help
20 House
21 I
22 J
23 K
24 L
25 Like
26 Love
27 M
28 Make
29 More
30 N
31 Name
32 No
33 O_OR_0
34 P
35 Pay
36 Play
37 Q
38 R
39 S
40 Stop
41 T
42 U
43 V_OR_2
44 W_OR_6
45 With
46 X
47 Y
48 Yes
49 Z
50 nothing

Inspect one of the training images

The sample images all have a resolution of 200x200.

import PIL
img =[0])
print(f"Image Dims: {img.shape}")
    Image Dims: (200, 200)

Define Dataloaders

Next, we need to define the Transforms for the DataLoaders object.

Define target input dimensions

The Unity project will take input from a webcam, and most webcams don’t have a square aspect ratio like the training samples. We will need to account for this to get more accurate predictions.

We can train with a square aspect ratio and crop the webcam input in Unity, but that might make users feel cramped when using the application.

Alternatively, we can expand the training images to a more typical aspect ratio like 4:3 or 16:9. This approach will allow us to use the entire webcam input, so we’ll go with this one.

I have a separate tutorial for cropping images on the GPU in Unity for anyone that wants to try the other approach.

Below are some sample input dimensions in different aspect ratios.

# size_1_1 = (224, 224)
# size_3_2 = (224, 336)
# size_4_3 = (216, 288)
size_16_9 = (216, 384)
# size_16_9_l = (288, 512)

Define Transforms

Something else to consider is that the webcam input in Unity mirrors the actual image. Mirrored input would likely not be an issue for something like a pet classifier, but hand orientation matters for ASL. We either need to flip the input image each time in Unity, or we can train the model with pre-flipped images. It is easier to mirror the training images, so we’ll use the FlipItem transform with a probability of 1.0 to flip every training sample.

I have a separate tutorial covering how to flip images on the GPU in Unity for anyone that wants to try that approach.

Since we are resizing to a different aspect ratio, we need to choose a padding method. The default reflection padding might add more fingers, changing an image’s meaning. The zeros padding option might work, but most user backgrounds will not be pure black. Therefore, we’ll go with border padding.

We can add some batch transforms like tweaking the contrast, saturation, hue, zoom, brightness, and warping to help crappify the images. However, we need to disable the do_flip and max_rotate options in aug_transforms.

Default Value
mult 1.0
do_flip True
flip_vert False
max_rotate 10.0
min_zoom 1.0
max_zoom 1.1
max_lighting 0.2
max_warp 0.2
p_affine 0.75
p_lighting 0.75
xtra_tfms None
size None
mode bilinear
pad_mode reflection
align_corners True
batch False
min_scale 1.0

item_tfms = [FlipItem(p=1.0), Resize(size_16_9, method=ResizeMethod.Pad, pad_mode=PadMode.Border)]

batch_tfms = [

Define batch size

bs = 128

Define DataLoaders object

We can use the from_folder method to instantiate the DataLoaders object.

Default Value
cls None
path None
train train
valid valid
valid_pct None
seed None
vocab None
item_tfms None
batch_tfms None
bs 64
val_bs None
shuffle True
device None

dls = ImageDataLoaders.from_folder(

Verify DataLoaders object

Let’s verify the DataLoaders object works as expected before training a model.


We can see that the DataLoaders object applies the transforms to the training split, including mirroring the image. However, it does not appear to mirror images from the validation split.


We can get around this by using a solution provided on the fastai forums to apply the training split transforms to the validation split. It is not strictly necessary to mirror the validation split, but the accuracy metrics would be confusing during training without it.

Apply training split transforms to validation split

with dls.valid.dataset.set_split_idx(0): dls[1].show_batch()

Define Learner

Now we need to define the Learner object for training the model.

Inspect Learner parameters

Default Value
dls None
arch None
normalize True
n_out None
pretrained True
loss_func None
opt_func <function Adam at 0x7fa5e274a560>
lr 0.001
splitter None
cbs None
metrics None
path None
model_dir models
wd None
wd_bn_bias False
train_bn True
moms (0.95, 0.85, 0.95)
cut None
n_in 3
init <function kaiming_normal_ at 0x7fa60b397be0>
custom_head None
concat_pool True
lin_ftrs None
ps 0.5
pool True
first_bn True
bn_final False
lin_first False
y_range None

Define model

I recommend sticking with a ResNet18 or ResNet34 model, as the larger models can significantly lower frame rates.

model = resnet18

Define metrics

metrics = [error_rate, accuracy]

Define Learner object

learn = vision_learner(dls, model, metrics=metrics).to_fp16()

Find learning rate

Default Value
self None
start_lr 0.0
end_lr 10
num_it 100
stop_div True
show_plot True
suggest_funcs <function valley at 0x7fa5e24996c0>

Define suggestion methods

suggest_funcs = [valley, minimum, steep]
with dls.valid.dataset.set_split_idx(0): learn.lr_find(suggest_funcs=suggest_funcs)

Define learning rate

lr = 2e-3

Define number of epochs

epochs = 3

Fine tune model

After picking a learning rate, we can train the model for a few epochs. Training can take a while on Google Colab and Kaggle.

Default Value
self None
epochs None
base_lr 0.002
freeze_epochs 1
lr_mult 100
pct_start 0.3
div 5.0
lr_max None
div_final 100000.0
wd None
moms None
cbs None
reset_opt False

with dls.valid.dataset.set_split_idx(0): learn.fine_tune(epochs, base_lr=lr)
epoch train_loss valid_loss error_rate accuracy time
0 0.365705 0.175888 0.056305 0.943695 04:52
epoch train_loss valid_loss error_rate accuracy time
0 0.038334 0.021014 0.008103 0.991897 04:56
1 0.012614 0.011383 0.004236 0.995764 04:59
2 0.006508 0.006591 0.003325 0.996675 04:55

Inspect Trained Model

Once the model finishes training, we can test it on a sample image and see where it struggles.

Select a test image

import PIL
test_file = files[0]
test_img =

Make a prediction on a single image using a

Remember that we need to flip the test image before feeding it to the model.

     TensorBase([9.6170e-14, 7.7060e-13, 2.5787e-13, 1.1222e-13, 1.5709e-10, 3.6805e-11,
             1.7642e-11, 2.3571e-13, 3.5861e-15, 9.8273e-13, 4.1524e-14, 1.3218e-12,
             7.3592e-14, 3.8404e-14, 4.9230e-12, 8.4399e-12, 2.0167e-11, 3.2757e-13,
             4.0114e-10, 2.3624e-11, 8.3717e-14, 1.9143e-07, 1.0000e+00, 9.7685e-14,
             9.4480e-15, 3.3952e-15, 9.4246e-12, 2.3079e-12, 1.6612e-15, 6.6745e-14,
             3.9778e-14, 2.2675e-11, 1.7859e-14, 1.7659e-11, 5.1701e-11, 8.4209e-14,
             4.6891e-11, 1.3487e-11, 1.0827e-11, 1.0881e-10, 2.6260e-09, 4.2682e-13,
             3.1842e-13, 7.4326e-13, 4.8983e-13, 2.0801e-13, 9.1052e-14, 1.0467e-08,
             2.3752e-14, 1.0124e-09, 6.7431e-11]))

Make predictions for a group of images

with dls.valid.dataset.set_split_idx(0): learn.show_results()

Define an Interpretation object

with dls.valid.dataset.set_split_idx(0): interp = Interpretation.from_learner(learn)

Plot top losses

with dls.valid.dataset.set_split_idx(0): interp.plot_top_losses(k=9, figsize=(15,10))

Implement Processing Steps

When we are satisfied with the model, we can start preparing for implementing it in Unity. We will need to apply the same preprocessing and post-processing in Unity that fastai applies automatically. We will verify we understand the processing steps by implementing them in Python first.

Inspect the after_item pipeline

We don’t need to worry about flipping or padding the image in Unity with the current training approach.

    Pipeline: FlipItem -- {'p': 1.0} -> Resize -- {'size': (384, 216), 'method': 'pad', 'pad_mode': 'border', 'resamples': (<Resampling.BILINEAR: 2>, 0), 'p': 1.0} -> ToTensor

Inspect the after_batch pipeline

The after_batch pipeline first scales the image color channel values from \([0,255]\) to \([0,1]\). Unity already uses the range \([0,1]\), so we don’t need to implement this step. We also don’t need to implement any of the image augmentations. However, we do need to normalize the image using the ImageNet stats.

    Pipeline: IntToFloatTensor -- {'div': 255.0, 'div_mask': 1} -> Warp -- {'magnitude': 0.2, 'p': 1.0, 'draw_x': None, 'draw_y': None, 'size': (216, 384), 'mode': 'bilinear', 'pad_mode': 'border', 'batch': False, 'align_corners': True, 'mode_mask': 'nearest'} -> Contrast -- {'max_lighting': 0.25, 'p': 1.0, 'draw': None, 'batch': False} -> Saturation -- {'max_lighting': 0.25, 'p': 1.0, 'draw': None, 'batch': False} -> Hue -- {'p': 1.0} -> Brightness -- {'max_lighting': 0.5, 'p': 1.0, 'draw': None, 'batch': False} -> Normalize -- {'mean': tensor([[[[0.4850]],
             [[0.4060]]]], device='cuda:0'), 'std': tensor([[[[0.2290]],
             [[0.2250]]]], device='cuda:0'), 'axes': (0, 2, 3)}

Reset test image

test_img =

test_img = test_img.transpose(Image.Transpose.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)

    (200, 200)


min_dim = test_img.size.index(min(test_img.size))
max_dim = 1 - min_dim
target_dim = 224

Set input dims

inp_dims = [0,0]
inp_dims[min_dim] = target_dim
inp_dims[max_dim] = int(test_img.size[max_dim] / (test_img.size[min_dim]/target_dim))
    [224, 224]

resized_img = test_img.resize(inp_dims)

Convert image to tensor

img_tensor = tensor(resized_img).permute(2, 0, 1)
img_tensor.shape, img_tensor
    (torch.Size([3, 224, 224]),
     tensor([[[  0,   0,   0,  ...,   1,   0,   0],
              [  0,   4,   2,  ...,   9,   2,   0],
              [  5,  82,  99,  ...,  74,   8,   0],
              [  3, 127, 154,  ..., 141,   0,   3],
              [  3, 102, 125,  ..., 120,   0,   0],
              [  0,   0,   4,  ...,   0,   1,   0]],
             [[  4,   1,   2,  ...,   0,   2,   5],
              [  2,   1,   0,  ...,   0,   0,   5],
              [  0,  75,  91,  ...,  63,   1,   1],
              [  3, 126, 150,  ..., 151,   0,   0],
              [  7, 105, 122,  ..., 127,   1,   0],
              [  8,   5,   3,  ...,   4,   6,   2]],
             [[253, 254, 255,  ..., 253, 255, 254],
              [244, 220, 199,  ..., 209, 237, 255],
              [212, 222, 180,  ..., 188, 211, 251],
              [196, 225, 171,  ..., 238, 204, 255],
              [207, 247, 222,  ..., 242, 218, 255],
              [223, 203, 193,  ..., 219, 247, 254]]], dtype=torch.uint8))

Scale tensor values

scaled_tensor = img_tensor.float().div_(255)

Prepare imagenet mean values

mean_tensor = tensor(imagenet_stats[0]).view(1,1,-1).permute(2, 0, 1)
mean_tensor.shape, mean_tensor
    (torch.Size([3, 1, 1]),

Prepare imagenet std values

std_tensor = tensor(imagenet_stats[1]).view(1,1,-1).permute(2, 0, 1)
std_tensor.shape, std_tensor
    (torch.Size([3, 1, 1]),

Normalize and batch image tensor

normalized_tensor = (scaled_tensor - mean_tensor) / std_tensor
batched_tensor = normalized_tensor.unsqueeze(dim=0)
batched_tensor.shape, batched_tensor
    (torch.Size([1, 3, 224, 224]),
     tensor([[[[-2.1179, -2.1179, -2.1179,  ..., -2.1008, -2.1179, -2.1179],
               [-2.1179, -2.0494, -2.0837,  ..., -1.9638, -2.0837, -2.1179],
               [-2.0323, -0.7137, -0.4226,  ..., -0.8507, -1.9809, -2.1179],
               [-2.0665,  0.0569,  0.5193,  ...,  0.2967, -2.1179, -2.0665],
               [-2.0665, -0.3712,  0.0227,  ..., -0.0629, -2.1179, -2.1179],
               [-2.1179, -2.1179, -2.0494,  ..., -2.1179, -2.1008, -2.1179]],
              [[-1.9657, -2.0182, -2.0007,  ..., -2.0357, -2.0007, -1.9482],
               [-2.0007, -2.0182, -2.0357,  ..., -2.0357, -2.0357, -1.9482],
               [-2.0357, -0.7227, -0.4426,  ..., -0.9328, -2.0182, -2.0182],
               [-1.9832,  0.1702,  0.5903,  ...,  0.6078, -2.0357, -2.0357],
               [-1.9132, -0.1975,  0.1001,  ...,  0.1877, -2.0182, -2.0357],
               [-1.8957, -1.9482, -1.9832,  ..., -1.9657, -1.9307, -2.0007]],
              [[ 2.6051,  2.6226,  2.6400,  ...,  2.6051,  2.6400,  2.6226],
               [ 2.4483,  2.0300,  1.6640,  ...,  1.8383,  2.3263,  2.6400],
               [ 1.8905,  2.0648,  1.3328,  ...,  1.4722,  1.8731,  2.5703],
               [ 1.6117,  2.1171,  1.1759,  ...,  2.3437,  1.7511,  2.6400],
               [ 1.8034,  2.5006,  2.0648,  ...,  2.4134,  1.9951,  2.6400],
               [ 2.0823,  1.7337,  1.5594,  ...,  2.0125,  2.5006,  2.6226]]]]))

Pass tensor to model

with torch.no_grad():
    preds = learn.model(batched_tensor.cuda())
    TensorBase([[-4.9931e+00, -1.9711e+00, -3.3677e+00, -3.0452e+00,  3.9567e+00,
              3.9293e+00,  3.1657e+00, -5.3549e+00, -7.9026e+00, -1.5491e+00,
             -2.4086e+00, -2.6251e+00, -4.0321e+00, -7.3666e+00, -1.0557e+00,
             -3.2344e-01,  4.7887e+00, -4.8819e+00,  6.5188e+00,  1.1152e+00,
             -5.9519e-01,  1.1730e+01,  3.0779e+01, -4.4505e+00, -1.0000e+01,
             -9.1124e+00, -3.7176e-01, -4.2437e+00, -8.6924e+00, -1.5119e+00,
             -8.4118e+00,  9.1559e-01, -7.6669e+00,  1.7187e+00,  2.0639e+00,
             -4.0788e+00,  9.0079e+00, -2.8547e-02,  1.1223e+00, -3.2541e-02,
              8.9209e+00, -4.2307e+00, -3.6343e+00, -9.8461e-01, -4.2557e+00,
             -2.2238e+00, -5.9167e+00,  7.0386e+00, -7.7322e+00,  4.3321e+00,
             -3.1247e-01]], device='cuda:0')

Process model output

torch.nn.functional.softmax(preds, dim=1)
    TensorBase([[2.9133e-16, 5.9815e-15, 1.4800e-15, 2.0433e-15, 2.2450e-12, 2.1844e-12,
             1.0179e-12, 2.0287e-16, 1.5878e-17, 9.1219e-15, 3.8617e-15, 3.1101e-15,
             7.6160e-16, 2.7138e-17, 1.4940e-14, 3.1072e-14, 5.1585e-12, 3.2557e-16,
             2.9103e-11, 1.3097e-13, 2.3678e-14, 5.3343e-09, 1.0000e+00, 5.0120e-16,
             1.9486e-18, 4.7354e-18, 2.9607e-14, 6.1632e-16, 7.2077e-18, 9.4674e-15,
             9.5424e-18, 1.0727e-13, 2.0099e-17, 2.3949e-13, 3.3822e-13, 7.2685e-16,
             3.5069e-10, 4.1729e-14, 1.3190e-13, 4.1563e-14, 3.2148e-10, 6.2438e-16,
             1.1337e-15, 1.6041e-14, 6.0902e-16, 4.6457e-15, 1.1568e-16, 4.8942e-11,
             1.8828e-17, 3.2679e-12, 3.1415e-14]], device='cuda:0')
    TensorBase(22, device='cuda:0')
torch.nn.functional.softmax(preds, dim=1)[0][preds.argmax()]
    TensorBase(1., device='cuda:0')

Get the class labels

    ['1', '3', '4', '5', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'Baby', 'Brother', 'C', 'D', 'Dont_like', 'E', 'F', 'Friend', 'G', 'H', 'Help', 'House', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'Like', 'Love', 'M', 'Make', 'More', 'N', 'Name', 'No', 'O_OR_0', 'P', 'Pay', 'Play', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'Stop', 'T', 'U', 'V_OR_2', 'W_OR_6', 'With', 'X', 'Y', 'Yes', 'Z', 'nothing']

Get the predicted class label

learn.dls.vocab[torch.nn.functional.softmax(preds, dim=1).argmax()]

Export the Model

The last step is to export the trained model to ONNX format.

Define ONNX file name

onnx_file_name = f"{}-{learn.arch.__name__}.onnx"

Export trained model to ONNX

We’ll use an older opset_version to ensure the model is compatible with the Barracuda library. We will also unlock the input dimensions for the model to give ourselves more flexibility in Unity. Although, we’ll want to stick close to the training resolution for the best accuracy.

                  input_names = ['input'],
                  output_names = ['output'],
                  dynamic_axes={'input': {2 : 'height', 3 : 'width'}}

Export class labels

We can export the list of class labels to a JSON file and import it into the Unity project. That way, we don’t have to hardcode them, and we can easily swap in models trained on different datasets.

import json

class_labels = {"classes": list(learn.dls.vocab)}
class_labels_file_name = f"{}-classes.json"

with open(class_labels_file_name, "w") as write_file:
    json.dump(class_labels, write_file)


In this post, we walked through how to finetune a ResNet model for image classification using the fastai library and export it to ONNX format. Part 2 will cover implementing the trained model in a Unity project using the Barracuda library.

Previous: Getting Started With Deep Learning in Unity

Next: Fastai to Unity Tutorial Pt. 2

Project Resources: GitHub Repository

About Me:
  • I’m Christian Mills, a deep learning consultant specializing in computer vision and practical AI implementations.
  • I help clients leverage cutting-edge AI technologies to solve real-world problems.
  • Learn more about me or reach out via email at [email protected] to discuss your project.