GPU MODE Lecture 6: Optimizing Optimizers in PyTorch

Lecture #6 explores PyTorch’s optimization strategies for speeding up optimizers, focusing on techniques like kernel fusion and multi-tensor apply to reduce kernel launch overhead and improve runtime performance.

Christian Mills


September 2, 2024

This post is part of the following series:
  • GPU MODE Lecture Notes: My notes from the GPU MODE reading group lectures run by Andreas Kopf and Mark Saroufim.
Resource Links:


  • Presenter: Jane, a member of the PyTorch core team specializing in optimizers.
  • Focus: Runtime optimization (speed) of optimizers, not memory optimization.
  • Disclaimer: Some optimization techniques discussed may require increased memory usage.

Optimization Analogy: Towing Cars

  • Scenario: Towing 512 cars from point A to point B with a single truck.
  • Options:
    • Small truck: Carries one car at a time, requiring 512 trips (slow).
    • Large truck: Carries eight cars at a time, requiring 64 trips (fast).
  • Constraint: A low-clearance bridge on the route that the large truck cannot pass through.
  • Trade-off: Runtime optimization (large truck) is desirable, but constraints (bridge) may necessitate choosing memory optimization (small truck) instead.
  • Today’s Focus: Speed optimization, assuming no constraints.

Optimizer Basics and Optimization Levels

  • Optimizers: Take a list of parameters (tensors) and gradients, and update parameters based on gradients.
  • Example: SGD: Simple add and multiply operations between parameters, gradients, and a step size.
    •   parameter = parameter - learning_rate * gradient
  • Optimization Levels:
    1. Loop-Based:
      • Implementation: Processes parameters one by one in a for loop.

      • Simplified Example:

        for param in params:
            # Retrieve necessary data for the current parameter
            # Perform operations (add, multiply, lerp, etc.)
            # Update the parameter
      • Visualization: Each parameter update is a sequence of operations (gray circles), represented as a column. M operations per parameter, N parameters total, resulting in M x N operations. Slide 6

    2. ForEach:
      • Implementation: PyTorch’s current default; operates on entire parameter lists at once using vectorized operations.

      • Simplified Example:

        # Add a constant to all parameters in the list
        # Multiply all parameters by a constant
        # ... other operations
      • Visualization: Each operation (blue circles) is performed on all parameters simultaneously. M operations total. Slide 7

    3. Fused:
      • Implementation: Fastest option; uses a single CUDA kernel to perform all operations on all parameters at once.
      • Kernel Source: Inspired by NVIDIA Apex, PyTorch collaborates with NVIDIA to port and utilize fused CUDA kernels.
  • Key Idea: Reducing the number of CUDA kernel launches improves performance because kernel launches are expensive.

Multi-Tensor Apply: The Powerhouse

  • Multi-Tensor Apply: An internal PyTorch function that enables operating on lists of tensors simultaneously.
  • Analogy: Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell; multi-tensor apply is the “power truck” of PyTorch’s speedy optimizers.
  • Example: Torch.add:
    • Standard Add: Takes two tensors (self and other) and returns a result tensor.
    • ForEach Add: Takes two tensor lists (self and other) and returns a result tensor list.
  • CUDA Kernel Signatures:
    • Standard Add (Simplified):

      __device__ void add_kernel(float* self, float* other, float* res, float alpha=1); 
    • ForEach Add (Challenge): How would you design a CUDA kernel signature to handle tensor lists?

Attempt 1: Passing Standard Vector (Failed)

  • Idea: Pass a std::vector of pointers to tensors into the CUDA kernel.
  • Problem: CUDA does not support std::vector as a kernel argument; it won’t even compile.

Attempt 2: Passing Pointers to Pointers (Failed)

  • Idea: Pass a float** (pointer to a pointer) representing an array of tensor pointers.
  • Problem: The outer pointer resides on the CPU, leading to illegal memory access when the kernel tries to dereference it.
  • Explanation:
    • Standard Add: Pointers passed to the kernel are CUDA memory addresses, so dereferencing them within the kernel is valid.
    • Pointers to Pointers: The outer pointer is a CPU memory address. When dereferenced within the kernel, it attempts to access CPU memory, resulting in an illegal memory access error.

Attempt 3: Passing by Chonky Boy (Partially Successful)

  • Idea: Pass tensor data pointers by value using a struct.

  • Implementation:

    • Create a struct containing arrays of float* for self, other, and result tensors.
    • Allocate memory for the struct on the CPU.
    • Copy the data pointers of all tensors into the struct’s arrays.
    • Pass the struct to the CUDA kernel.
  • Outcome: Works initially, but encounters issues with the kernel argument space limit.

  • Kernel Argument Space Limit: The kernel argument space has a maximum size of 4 kilobytes.

  • Problem: If the struct containing tensor pointers exceeds 4 kilobytes, only a portion of the struct gets passed to the kernel, leading to illegal memory access when accessing pointers beyond the limit.

  • Repro Example:

    params = [torch.rand(2,3, device="cuda") for _ in range(N)]
    torch._foreach_norm(params, ord=1)
    • Create a tensor list with a variable number of small tensors on CUDA.
    • Call foreach_norm (similar to foreach_add) on the tensor list.
    • Synchronize CUDA to ensure errors are immediately visible.
  • Observation: Illegal memory access occurs when the number of tensors exceeds 423.

  • Conclusion: The struct approach works as long as the number of tensor pointers does not exceed the 4 kilobyte limit.

Solution 1: Batching (Current Implementation)

  • Idea: Divide the tensor list into smaller batches that fit within the 4 kilobyte limit.
  • Implementation:
    • Create multiple structs, each containing a subset of the tensor pointers.
    • Launch the kernel multiple times, once for each struct.
  • Outcome: Works reliably but requires multiple kernel launches, which can be inefficient.
  • Visualization: Instead of a single fused kernel, multiple smaller kernels are launched. Slide 41

Solution 2: Revisiting Pointers to Pointers with Memcpy

  • Idea: Combine the struct approach with a memcpy operation to move the pointers to CUDA memory beforehand.
  • Implementation:
    • Pack the standard vectors of tensor addresses into a single tensor on the CPU.
    • Copy the tensor to CUDA memory.
    • Pass a pointer to the tensor data (now on CUDA) to the kernel.
    • Within the kernel, access the tensor data as an array of pointers and dereference them to access the actual tensors.
  • Outcome: Avoids the kernel argument space limit and enables launching a single kernel for the entire tensor list.
  • Advantages:
    • Reduces the number of kernel launches, improving performance, especially for large tensor lists.
    • Memcpy overhead can be negligible compared to the cost of multiple kernel launches.
  • Considerations:
    • Requires careful memory management to avoid dangling pointers and memory leaks.
    • Assumes that pointer values are consistent between CPU and GPU memory.

Solution 3: Unified Memory (Future Exploration)

  • Unified Memory: Allows CUDA threads to access data allocated in CPU memory.
  • Potential Benefits: Simplifies memory management and potentially reduces memcpy overhead.
  • Challenges:
    • Not currently usable directly from PyTorch (requires CUDA).
    • Performance can be unpredictable depending on access patterns.
  • Example: Paged Optimizer (Tim Dettmers): Uses unified memory to implement a paged optimizer, achieving efficient memory management.
  • Future Work: Explore the feasibility and benefits of integrating unified memory support into PyTorch optimizers.

Fused Optimizers and Multi-Tensor Apply

  • Fused Optimizers: Implementations like fusedAdamW rely on multi-tensor apply to achieve vertical fusion of operations within a single kernel.
  • Example: FusedAdamW:
    • aten/src/ATen/native/cuda/fused_adam_utils.cuh: FusedAdamMathFunctor
    • Multi-Tensor Apply Callable: Uses a custom functor (FusedAdamMathFunctor) to perform all AdamW operations within the kernel.
    • Functor Implementation: Handles pointer management, memory alignment, vectorization, and finally calls a math function to perform the actual AdamW calculations.
  • Observation: Writing fused kernels manually is complex and requires detailed CUDA knowledge.

Torch Compile and the Future of Fused Optimizers

  • Torch Compile (Inductor): PyTorch’s compiler that excels at vertical fusion of operations.

  • Potential: Automate the vertical fusion of optimizer operations, eliminating the need for handwritten CUDA kernels.

  • Benefits:

    • Simplifies the implementation of fused optimizers.
    • Enables fusion of optimizer operations with surrounding operations (e.g., backward pass, zero grad).
  • Current Status:

    • Works with all PyTorch optimizers that use forEach (except L-BFGS and SparseAdam).
    • Requires CUDA 7.0+ and Triton.
    • Can be used by wrapping the optimizer’s step function with torch.compile.
  • Example:

    optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW(model.parameters())
    def compiled_step():
    # ... training loop
  • Limitations:

    • Horizontal fusion (across parameters) is not yet supported by Torch Compile.
    • Triton itself has limitations (e.g., thread indexing).
    • Compile times can be significant, especially for large models.
  • Future Directions:

    • Improve Torch Compile’s horizontal fusion capabilities.
    • Enhance Triton’s features and performance.
    • Reduce compile times through caching and optimization.

Q&A Session

Obtaining Triton Kernel Code

  • Question: How to obtain the low-level Triton kernel code from PyTorch code?
  • Answer:
    • Use torch.compile with the inductor backend.
      • TORCH_LOGS=inductor
    • When running the compiled code, Inductor will print the path to the generated Triton kernel file.
    • Alternatively, use the output_code option with torch.compile to print the kernel code directly.
    • Jane recommends using the inductor approach as it’s more reliable and the output location is consistent.

Visualizing Kernel Graphs

  • Question: Is it possible to generate a visual graph of the kernel?
  • Answer:
    • Jane hasn’t personally tried it, but it might be an advanced feature worth exploring.
    • Triton kernels are generated from a dependency graph (fxGraph) created by PT2 (PyTorch 2.0).
    • Accessing and visualizing the fxGraph might be more useful than a Triton kernel graph.

Compile Time Dependency on Number of Tensors

  • Question: Does the compile time of Torch Compile depend on the number of tensors being processed?
  • Answer:
    • Yes, there is overhead related to the number of tensors.
    • Functionalization: Compilers prefer functional code for optimization, but optimizers inherently update parameters in-place (non-functional).
    • Initial Challenges: Early versions of PT2 struggled with optimizer compilation due to functionalization requirements, leading to long compile times (minutes for 1000 parameters).
    • Improvements: Significant improvements have been made, but overhead still exists for tracing and processing large numbers of parameters.
    • Ongoing Work: Torch Compile is actively addressing this general problem to reduce compile times further.

Caching Compiled Results

  • Question: Is it possible to cache compiled optimizer results to avoid recompilation on subsequent runs?
  • Answer:
    • Yes, caching is possible and has been explored (e.g., work by Mark).
    • Benefits: Primarily improves warm compilation times (when the cached result is available).
    • Limitations: Doesn’t significantly address cold start compilation times (first-time compilation).
    • Focus on Cold Starts: Efforts are underway to improve cold start performance by profiling and optimizing the compilation process itself.

Memory Management with Structs Containing Pointers

  • Question: How to manage deep copying and memory when dealing with structs containing pointers, especially regarding garbage collection and dangling pointers?
  • Answer:
    • CUDA Limitations: CUDA doesn’t automatically handle garbage collection for pointers in structs passed to kernels.
    • Developer Responsibility: The developer is responsible for managing the memory associated with these pointers explicitly.
    • Smart Pointers (C++): Using smart pointers (e.g., shared pointers) in C++ can help with automatic memory management.
    • Deep Copying Considerations: Deep copying pointers requires careful handling to avoid freeing memory prematurely or creating dangling pointers.
    • Security Risks: Dangling pointers can lead to security vulnerabilities. Developers should be vigilant and report any potential issues.
  • Additional Clarification:
    • When copying structs containing pointers, dangling pointers can arise on both CPU and GPU sides.
    • Explicit tracking and management of pointer lifecycles are crucial to prevent issues.

Memcpy Size Limit

  • Question: Is there a size limit for memcpy operations?
  • Answer:
    • There is likely a limit, but it’s typically very large.
    • Since memcpy is used to copy pointers (not entire tensors), the amount of data copied is relatively small.
    • In most cases, a single memcpy operation is sufficient for transferring the necessary pointers.

Memcpy Direction Argument

  • Question: Why does memcpy require an argument to specify the direction of the copy operation (e.g., host-to-device)? Can’t it be inferred from the pointers?
  • Answer:
    • Possibly due to historical reasons.
    • CUDA supports various types of memcpy operations (device-to-device, host-to-device, etc.).
    • Explicitly specifying the direction might be necessary to handle these different scenarios efficiently.
    • Vikram suggests checking with CUDA API developers for a definitive answer.

Device-to-Device Copy

  • Question: What are the requirements for direct device-to-device memory copy?
  • Answer:
    • Clarification: Device-to-device copy refers to copying within the same device (e.g., between different memory regions on the GPU), while peer-to-peer copy refers to copying between different devices (e.g., GPU 0 to GPU 1).
    • Device-to-device copy can be performed through CPU API calls or directly within GPU threads using warp-level primitives.
    • Specific requirements for direct peer-to-peer copy are not readily available but involve factors like GPU topology and interconnect capabilities.
    • Device-to-device copy is less common than other types of memory transfers.

About Me:
  • I’m Christian Mills, a deep learning consultant specializing in computer vision and practical AI implementations.
  • I help clients leverage cutting-edge AI technologies to solve real-world problems.
  • Learn more about me or reach out via email at [email protected] to discuss your project.